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1、百个英语小品词百个英语小品词Rome was not built in one day. 1. answer vt. 1.回答回复 The president answered the reporters questions. 2.答辩 How would you answer the criticism that your government has increased the leve of taxation? 3.满足 The new government just didnt answer our hopes. vi. answer sb. back a. 顶嘴 b.为自己辩解,辩白

2、 answer to 对.有反应 answer for 为.而负责 1. a.Dont answer your grandmother back; its not polite. b.The press is attacking the Queeen when she cannot answer back. 2. The dog answers to his name. 3. I will answer to you for his safety.我将对他的安全向你负责. 1. 要求,请求 eg: If you need any help,just ask. 2. ask after sb .

3、 问候某人的健康,问安 eg: A:Do you ask after your parents in your letters? B: Never. 3. ask sth. for sth. 要价,讨价 eg: A:What are they asking for this house? B:theyre asking $15,000 for that flat. 4.ask sb to sth.邀请;请某人 eg:1)A:Shall we ask the neighbours to our house? B:No problem. 2)Ive asked some friends to te

4、a. 3) Ive asked some friends for dinner. 5. ask sb about sth.询问,打听 eg: A:Ask him about the ring you lost. B:Right,he may have found it. 以上的ask都为不及物动词 back vt. 1.后退 She backed the car through the gate. 她开倒车驶出大门。 2.支持,鼓励 The bank refused to back the scheme. 银行拒绝资助这个计划。 vi. 1.back up 支持 1)The policeman

5、 wouldnt have believed me if you hadnt backed me up. 如果你当时不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。 2)A:Can you help me lift this? B:Sure,Im always there to back you up. 2.back out 食言,未能履行 1)I hope i can depend on you not to back out at the last moment. 我希望能依赖你不致于最后关头撒手不干。 2)A:Are you coming to the party? B:No,I will have to

6、 back out. 3.back away 逐渐后退 1)A:Are you going to keep your promise? B:Yes,I would never back away from a commitment. (一定,我决不会失信的) 2)The dog backed away as the man raised his stick. 当那个人举起了棍子,狗便退缩了。 4.back onto 背对着,与相连 1)A:Where is your house? B:It backs onto the river over there. 5.back down放弃,打退堂鼓

7、1)A:Why didnt you back down from that fight? B:I was drunk at the time. 2)I saw that she was right,so I had to back down the original opinion. 我发现她是正确的,所以我只好放弃原来的主张。 be 1.be at 在 1)A:Why are you unhappy? B:I dont want to be here. I want to be at my girlfriends house. 2)My mother is always at me abou

8、t my behavior at meals. 我妈妈总是责骂我吃相不好。 2.be about to 即将,正要,正准备,正打算 1)A:Where are you going? B:I am about to go outside and rank some leaves. (我将要出去扫落叶) 2)I was just about to leave when you telephoned. 3.be used to doing sth./sth. 习惯于,适应 1)A:Are you used to living in Beijing ? B:Yes,It took a while,bu

9、t I am now used to living here. 2)I am used to studying in the library .So it is difficult for me to study at home now. 4.be over 完了,完成,结束 1)A:Is it over with her? B:Yes,I dumped her yesterday.(是的,我昨天甩了她) 2)After the dance was over, we all went to a restaurant. 5.be with 支持,同意;被雇佣,在工作 1)A:I want to

10、be with her. B:Shell be back tomorrow. 2)Although others thought that I shouldnt go along with Jerry, I told Jerry that I was with him on his proposal for reorganizing the staff. 尽管有人认为我不应该和Jerry保持练习,但是我告诉Jerry我支持他重新组织职工的意见。 6.be up to 胜任,达到,由负责 1)A:What have you been up to lately?(你后来负了什么责任) B:Not

11、all that much.(并没有那样多) 2)I dont care whether we go to the reception or not. Its up to you. 7.be in 流行 be out过时 1)These days, jeans are in and long skirts are out. Blow 暴风雨已经停了 The storm has blew over. 暴风雨已经停了 The plane blow up in mid-air. 那架飞机在半空中爆炸了 I blow the candle out. 我吹灭了蜡烛 吹气.吹倒 The wind blow

12、 my hat off. 见晚风很大 The born blew loudly. 风把我的帽子刮走了 He blow a beautiful glass animal. 他吹出一个漂亮的玻璃动物 Blow out The weather forecast says that the storm will blow out tor morning. 天气预报说风暴明天早上就停了 I hope so. 但愿吧 Blow over This controversy isnt going away. 这个争论还没有结束 It will blow over eventually .Don;t worry

13、. 不用担心 最终会平息的 Blow up大发脾气 Why dont you just leave me alone ? 你为什么不让我单独待一会 Im sorry. But you didnt need to blow up at me. 抱歉,但你没必要冲我大发脾气 break She broke with her former friends. 她与老朋友们断绝了来往。 The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him. 囚犯从两个警察手中挣脱逃掉了。 I broke out in a cold swe

14、at when I realized there was a burglar downstairs. 当我知道楼下有人正在行窃时,当时我出了一身冷汗。 The police broke the door down. 警察把门撞开了。 Their marriage broke up. 他们的婚姻破裂了。 The two countries have broken off diplornatic relations with each other. 这两个国家突然中断了外交关系。 The horse broke into a gallop. 马突然开始一阵飞跑。 Yes,were breaking

15、 with traclition. 是的,我们结束了以往的传统。 break away 突然离开 Dont you work for that company anymore? 你不在那家单位工作了? Thats right .Ive broken away and started my own company. 是的,我脱离了出去,并且开始经营我自己的公司。 break out 爆发,突然发生 When did the world war II break out? 第二次世界大战时是何时爆发的? In 1939 在1939年 break off 突然中断或停止 what is the problem? 出了什么事? Im going to break off my marriage. 我要离婚了。 break into 侵占 what is y



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