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1、山西农业大学工程技术学院毕业设计说明书柠条联合收割机压扁及切碎装置的设计全套图纸,加153893706目 录1 绪论11.1课题的提出和意义11.2国内外研究现状11.3本文的研究内容及方法22 技术任务书(JR)33 设计计算说明书(SS)33.1传动方案的确定33.2传动皮带轮的设计计算53.2.1减速箱主动轴传出的皮带轮组53.2.2滚筒到减速轴的皮带轮组63.2.3减速轴到压扁输送辊的皮带轮组73.2.4减速器从动轴到拨禾链齿轮箱的带轮组73.3切割器的选择83.4拨禾装置的设计93.5夹持输送装置的设计93.6立辊式柠条压扁输送装置的设计103.6.1压扁输送辊的整体设计103.6.

2、2压扁输送辊的长度设计103.6.3压扁输送辊材料的选择133.7 立式茎秆切碎装置的设计133.7.1滚筒式切碎刀的设计143.7.2平板动刀刃口线的形成143.7.3刀片安装前倾角的确定153.7.4扭转角的确定173.7.5平板刀尺寸设计173.7.6茎秆切碎长度的计算183.8 收集料斗的设计184 使用说明书(SM)195 标准化审核报告(BS)195.1 产品图样的审查195.2 产品技术文件的审查205.3 标准件的使用情况205.4 审查结论20结论21参考文献22致谢23 毕业设计说明书中文摘要柠条联合收割机压扁及切碎装置的设计摘要:柠条是豆科锦鸡儿属的一个种,多年生长灌木植

3、物,柠条抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄、耐风沙、具有极强的生命力和抗逆性。鉴于柠条独特的生物特性,多年来它一直是内蒙古西部及山西西北部和陕西、甘肃等防风固沙、防止水土流失的重要选用植物。全国柠条种植面积已达到666.66万hm2 ,仅山西大同市柠条种植面积达到2万hm2 。柠条含有丰富的蛋白质,开花期鲜柠条干物质含粗蛋白14%,粗脂肪3.5%,粗纤维39.3%,无氮浸出物31.3%,粗灰分5.4%。由此可见,柠条还是优良的经济饲料。然而由于种植柠条的地区都是生态状况较差的地区,这类地区实行了严格的禁牧舍饲圈养后,使柠条的经济价值很难体现。为了使柠条的饲用价值得到体现,可以对符合标准的柠条进行平茬作业,再进


5、对柠条进行切碎,切碎的柠条最终掉入滚筒下的集料箱实现茎秆的收集,实现了柠条的联合收割。整个机构中,压扁输送辊和滚筒切碎装置本次设计的重点,两部分均采用立式安装,使整体机构变的紧凑,节省了空间,与前面的往复式切割系统能够很好的配合。此柠条联合收割机的设计为柠条的联合收割提出了新的方式,为后续的设计和研究提供了一个较好的方向。其主要特点:1.联合化程度高。 2.对收割后的柠条进行了粗加工,方便后续的加工处理。关键词:柠条 联合收割机 压扁辊 滚筒切碎刀Combine harvester of Korshinsk PeashrubAbstractKorshinsk Peashrub is one o

6、f the species of Leguminosae Caragana Fabr which is a king of perennial shrub, drought-resistant, cold-resistant, widely and dusty-resistant, strong vitality and Inverse-resistance. In view of the particular biological nature of Korshinsk Peashrub, it straightly grown in the west inner Mongolia, the

7、 northwest of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu and it played an significant role of defending the breeze sand and keep water and soil, the total planting areas in the whole country is up to 66,666,600,000 hm2, , the planting area of Datong is already up to 200 thousand hm2,. Korshinsk Peashrub is rich in p

8、rotain, in the time of anthesis, the fresh Korshinsk Peashrub contains 14% simple protein, 3.5% simple fat, 33.9% coarse fibre,31.3%nitrogen free eotrant,5.4% ash. Thus from this point, Korshinsk Peashrub is also a fine economic feed. Owning to the grown latitude of the Korshinsk Peashrub is at the

9、area with bad ecosystem. After being carried out the Captive feeding ban, it is difficult to achieve the economic value. By way of incarnate the feeding value of Korshinsk Peashrub,we ping stubbles to the measured up and with the followed-up processing ,append into the feeding stuff finally, that Ko

10、rshinsk Peashrub is difficult to reap has become a consensus in the manufacture of agriculture machinery zone. The existing mechanical cutting effect of ping stubble is poor and the cutting shrub falls under the earth directly. Those machines have bad adaptability and need to reap by manpower becaus

11、e of the Korshinsk Peashrub had high level of lignifications and much hard stem thorns, it is difficult to reap and collect by manpower .As a result the inefficient of harvesting and very poor effect.In order to solve this problem that make a better economic value of Korshinsk Peashrub, content the

12、requirement of Korshinsk Peashrub planting areas, this paper project a machine of Korshinsk Peashrub Combined Harvester use 65-horsepower diesel engine and first use the chain collection conveyer device to push the Korshinsk Peashrub into the harvest; use the reciprocating cutter to cue the Korshins

13、k Peashrub; then through the chain conveyer into the vertical flatting and conveyer machine; send into the reciprocating tumbling-box cutting part to cut up the Korshinsk Peashrub; the cut Korshinsk Peashrub falls into the container box under the tumbling-box, eventually achieve the collection of th

14、e stem and combined-harvest. The flattened-sending roll and the cylinder cutter are installed in three-dimensional way which not only can make the whole contract well-knit but also can save the space; furthermore, it can be fully coordinated with the reciprocating cutting system. The designing of th

15、is Korshinsk Peashrub Combined Harvester not only promote a new way of combined-harvesting but also start a direction on the follow up study and research on the designing.Features: 1. The high degree of combination.2. This machine has done the rough cut of the reaped Korshinsk Peashrub which is convenient for the follow up processing. Keywords: Korshinsk Peashrub Combin flattened roll cylinder cutter1 绪论1.1课题的提出和意义柠条是豆科锦鸡儿属的一个种,多年生长灌木植物,柠条抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄、耐风沙、具有极强的生命力和抗逆性。由于对沙地干旱自然环境条件的适应结果,叶退化为刺。株高13m,冠幅1m以上。轴根系,根长45m。自然生长状态下,寿命10年左右,如果平茬,寿命20年以上。柠条茎秆灰白色,直径多1020mm,木



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