模块7 Unit 3 Reading 语言点讲解3304

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1、模块 7 Unit 3 Reading 语言点讲解(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设 计)Period 3-5 Intensive Reading1. (P34, L2) pro-前缀,常与名词和形容词连用亲,支持,赞成e.g.: pro-Internet side 支持因特网的一方a pro-environment governor 一位支持环保的州长pro-American 亲美 pro-democracy 赞成民主,推崇民主 pro-European 支持欧洲的 pro-slavery 赞成奴隶制的2. (P34,L5)value n.价值be of little /no / grea

2、t/ much value = be (not) valuable 没有 /很有价值的e.g.: Your help has been of great value. be good value for money 货真价实put great value on sth 认为某事十分有益v.给估价;重视;珍视value.as.重视/ 珍视.为.value.for.因为 而重视/ 珍惜value sth at. 估价为.e.g.: He valued the house for me at $80000. 那所房子他给我估价 80000 美元。My parents always value hon

3、esty as the most important. 我父母总是认为诚信是最重要的。I have always valued your friendship. 拓展: valuable adj. 有价值的 valueless adj. 没有价值的 priceless adj. 无价的 worthless adj. 不值的 value sth. at. (money) v. 估价为辨析: value, price, costvalue 指内在价值 the value of American dollar 美元的内在价值 price 指商品的价值 at a high price 以高价cost

4、指制作的成本 at all costs 不惜一切代价3. (P34,L7)in need of 需要,缺少sth. be in great need 某物急需e.g.: He is in need of help.Experienced workers are in great need. 急需熟练工人。A friend in need is a friend indeed.in need 贫困的,在贫困中e.g.: Well contribute to students in need .我们向贫困学生扌捐款。 .There is no need for sb. to do sth.have

5、 no need of sth 不需要某物need 作为实义动词时,通常用法是:人+ need +to do We need to tell him the truth.物+ need +doing The flowers need watering.物+ need +to be done The flowers need to be watered.in want of, in honor of, in favor of, in memory of, in the hope of, in place of, in praise of, in exchange for4. (P34, L9)t

6、urn to 向某人(某事物)寻求帮助、指教e.g.: They always turn to me when they are in trouble. (向 某人寻求帮助)It would have taken hours to work the sum out, so I turned to my electronic calculator. (查阅某书,求助于)5. (P34, L12)sort n. 种类,类别 all sorts of 各种各样的e.g.: What sort of shampoo do you use? this/ that kind/ sort of + n. 这

7、种的,那种的 n. + of this/ that kind/ sort 这种的,那种的 sort of=kind of 有点;几分e.g.: I sort of like him, but I dont know why.Were you disappointed?Well, yes, sort of. But it didnt really matter. v.将分类,整理sort.into.把.分类成.sort out 分类,整理e.g.: Sort these cards according to their colors. 把这些卡片按颜色分类。sort out from 把. 从.

8、 挑出来 out of sorts 身体不适6. (P34, L14)skeptical/ skeptical 怀疑的be skeptical of/ about sth 对. 不肯相信的,怀疑的 e.g.: Im rather skeptical about their views. 我对他们的观点持怀疑态度。He remained skeptical of my decision. 他对我的决定仍然怀疑。 doubt n.&v. 怀疑have doubts about sth.对.怀疑 be doubtful about 对. 怀疑的 There is no doubt that. 毫无疑

9、问.7. (P34, Ll4)useless adj .无用的,无益的be useless to sb. 对某人没用It is useless for sb. to do sth.(人)做.是没用的Its no use doing sth.e.g.: All these books are useless to me.Its useless to talk with him.7. (P34, L18) common adj. 共同的, 普通的, 通常的 e.g.: Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. 兔子与狐狸在英国十分常见。Britain and

10、 America share a common language. 英国和美国使用共同的语言。common sense 常识 have sth. in common 有共通之处 in common with 和 . 一 样Have you any common sense? 你有常识么?I have nothing in common with my father. 我和我爸爸一点共通之处都没有。In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop. 和许多人一样,他喜爱古典音乐多过流行音乐。上匕较:common, usua

11、l, regular 与 ordinarycommon 普通的;常见的;共同的;共有的usual 通常的;习惯的;经常发生的事,如自然发生的事、根据社会或个人习惯 所做的事情regular 通常的;常例的;强调遵循事物既定的或自然规律 ordinary 普通的;平凡的;强调普通;寻常以及缺乏优越的性质8. (P34, Line 19)advance o1 vt. & vi.推进,进展,提出e.g.: China is advancing rapidly in industry.中国在工业上发展很快。We are advancing along the socialist road. 我们正沿着

12、社会主义道路前进。This will further advance the friendly relations between the two countries. 这将进一步发展 (促进) 两国的友好关系。The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Wednesday. 会议日期已从星期五提前到星期三。advance a new plan 提出新计划 o2 n. “前进【U】; 进展、“进步【C】make great advances (progress) 取得进步e.g.: They have made great

13、advances.Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers. 什么也不能阻止士兵们的前进。o3in advance (事先,提前)禾口 in advance of (在前面)e.g.: If you want to get the book, you must pay for it in advance. 如果你要买这本书,你得先付款He walked in advance of his wife. 他走在他妻子的前面.o4 其过去分词 advanced 可用作形容词,意为“高级的”、“高级的”、“程度高 的”、“年老的”等。主要用作定语(偶

14、尔用作表语) :advanced ideas (experience, deeds, workers, elements) 先进思想 (经验,事迹,工人,分子)Some of our products have reached advanced world levels. 我 们有的产品已达到了世界先进水平。9. (P34, Line23)build social ties 建立社会联系tie n. 绳子;领带; 联系,纽带; 束缚人的东西; 平局, 不分胜负 (均为 可数)We have established trade ties with these regions.我们和这些 地区建立

15、了贸易关系。He was wearing a black tie. (领带)There are many ties of friendship between the two countries.Mothers often find their small children a tie.The result of the competition was a tie.tie vt o1 绑,系tie to 把栓在 tie sth with sth 用捆.He tied his horse to the tree. 他把马栓在树上.The package had been tied with strong green string. 那包东西是 用结实的绿色绳子捆起来的。tie sbs shoelaces/ tie a knot/bow 系鞋带/打蝴蝶结o2 把.联系在一起 vt be tied to 联系在一起,依附于10. (P34, L24)rather than 的用法:可接各种语法结构,但一定要注意 rather than 前后的 结 构要一致1) 接名词He is a writer rather than a teacherJohn, r



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