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1、French Grammar: Tenses1) In any language, when we refer to something happening, we always use a tense to indicate whether it is going to, is, or has already, happened. e.g. Im going to eat an apple. I am eating an apple. I ate an apple.2) French verbs are formed by: a stem + an ending (-ER, -RE, -IR

2、)3) To use the verbs in different tenses, we need to know some rules. These rules are simple and are applied to nearly all verbs. 4) Unfortunately, some verbs do not follow theses rules and it is therefore important to know these IRREGULAR VERBS such as “aller” (to go), “faire” (to do), “avoir” (to

3、have) or “tre” (to be). 5) Tenses:Le prsent (pg 2-4)Le pass compos (pg 5-8)Limparfait (pg 9)Le futur simple (pg 10-11)Le conditionnel (pg 12-13)Le PrsentWhen to use it:To talk about what is happening at the momentTo talk about what happens usually/normallyTime phrases:Tous les jours (everyday), chaq

4、ue jour (everyday), chaque matin (every morning), parfois (sometimes), etc.Regular Verbs1) ER verbs: take off the ER and add the endings:-e-es-e-e-ons-ez-ent-ent2) IR verbs: take off the IR and add the endings: -is-is-it-it-issons-issez-issent-issent3) RE verbs: take off the RE and add the endings:-

5、s-s-ons-ez-ent-entExamples:ParlerFinirVendreJe parleJe finisJe vendsTu parlesTu finisTu vendsIl/Elle parleIl/Elle finitIl/Elle vendNous parlonsNous finissonsNous vendonsVous parlezVous finissezVous vendezIl/Elles parlentIls/Elles finissentIls/Elles vendentIrregular VerbsAs in every French tense ther

6、e are always irregular verbs. These verbs do not follow the rules. You just have to learn them off!Examples:treAvoirAllerFaireJe suisJaiJe vaisJe faisTu esTu asTu vasTu faisIl/Elle est Il/Elle aIl/Elle vaIl/Elle faitNous sommesNous avonsNous allonsNous faisonsVous tesVous avezVous allezVous faisezIl

7、s/Elles sontIls/Elles ontIls/Elles vontIls/Elles fontCommon irregular verbs:venir: to comepouvoir: to be ablevouloir: to want/wishpartir: to leaveprendre: to takesortir: to go outvoir: to seelire: to readboire: to drinkcrire: to writeLe Pass ComposWhen to use it:To talk about something that has happ

8、ened in the past and is now finished.Time phrases: La semaine dernire (last week), hier (yesterday), etc.Le pass compos is made up of 2 parts:1) The auxilary verb (the present tense of AVOIR or TRE)+2) The past participle (donn, parl, sorti, fait, etc)Regular AVOIR VerbsThe present tense of avoir +

9、the past participle1) -ER verbs: take off the ER and add DonnerJai donnTu as donnIl/Elle a donnNous avons donnVous avez donnIls/Elles ont donn2) IR verbs: take off the IR and add iFinirJai finiTu as finiIl/Elle a finiNous avons finiVous avez finiIls/Elles ont fini3) RE verbs: take off the RE and add

10、 uVendreJai venduTu as venduIl/Elle a vendu Nous avons venduVous avez venduIls/Elles ont venduIrregular AVOIR verbsThere is a group of irregular verbs that take AVOIR in le pass compos. These verbs are formed with: 1) present tense of avoir + 2) the irregular past partcipleIrregular past participles

11、:avoir:to have: eutre:to be: tboire: to drink: buconnatre: to know: connucourir: to run: courucroire: to believe: crudevoir: to have to: ddire: to say/tell: ditcrire: to write: critfaire: to make/do: faitlire: to read:lumettre: to put: misouvrir: to open: ouvertpouvoir: to be able: puprendre: to tak

12、e: prisrecevoir: to receive: reusavoir: to know: suvoir: to see: vuvouloir: to want: vouluExamples:PrendreAvoirtreJai prisJai euJai tTu as prisTu as euTu as tIl/Elle a prisIl/Elle a euIl/Elle a tNous avons prisNous avons euNous avons tVous avez prisVous avez euVous avez tIls/Elles ont prisIls/Elles

13、ont euIls/Elles ont tTRE VerbsA small group of verbs take the present tense of “tre” as their auxilary verb.1) present tense of tre + 2) past participleAn easy way to remember this group of verbs is with the name:MRS VAN DE TRAMPMourir:to die:mortRetourner:to return:retournSortir:to go out: sortiVenir:to come:venuArriver:to arrive:arrivNatre:to be born: nDescendre:to go down:descenduEntrer:to e



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