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1、初高中英语总分值作文(10篇优秀范文) 1假定你是李华,你班的交换生Aie上周结业回国前叮嘱你帮她处理后续事务。请你按照以下要点提示给她写一封信。1. 向Alic征询候,并转达大家对她的思念;. 她之前借阅的图书已经帮她还上;. 已随信附上她的成绩单及与大家的合影。留意:1. 词数1左右;2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。【优秀总分值范文】Dea Ali,owar yu It hs ben aek sc yu ef hinaan e miss y emch. Now I am writngto tell yu ht I haefinished hayouaske m todo irs, t

2、 oks you borrowed have ee rernet t lbray. So dot wory abotthem.Bides, in s eter ave inludedyr report r ndthe hots w tok togeth ast week. ou can chek themas so syou gt s etter. If teris any qustn, pleae write to me.Lookin fow to hearing fm you n Yrs,Li ua02假定你是李华,是校学生会主席。你校将举办首届英语节活动,请你用英语写一封建议信,号召大家

3、积极参加。内容包括:1. 举办活动的目的;.拟开展的活动;3.报名方式和截止时间。留意:1. 词数100左右;.能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。【优秀总分值范文】Dearfewstents,re isme ood n o o. o enrcucho ie and aruse our teres n Ensh rning, ur schoo haseedo hoste fis glish estivl fomMchst to 15thVar activitis beelned fthis festival.English Speh Contes, EnghClligrphy Competitio

4、n, Shrt-layActing Eglis DbbingCntest a wti r us paricpe. I will e a gret chnce to p or taent itgod use. Wea sue t have a lot of unwhile speakingElih.Ifou ar teresed, pease go tohe ofice of thSudns in ogn up efre nex Friday. nyone i welcome to joi!Yours, Li Hu3假定你是陈辉,你校要成立民谣社团,由你担任团长。来自英国的交换生Eric对中国的

5、民谣特别感兴趣,请你按照以下要点提示给他发送一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。 参加民谣社团的好处; 2. 欢迎Eic参加民谣社团;3.期盼Erc早日回复。留意: 词数100左右;2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。参考词汇:民谣社团folk ongcommuni【优秀总分值范文】Dear ri,mgd totel ou that m schoo will set up a ong community. Im writing tinvit you o jin itAsIkow, yu likeChines tr ad trditinsvry mucadare depy interestein fol

6、musc.Joining the munity, yu will avemr chanestopraic fol sons and you skllswllbe iprvedgreatly. In aiti, wmapt on varios performances. Mre importany,youcan ke more fresth he polewho he hesame interest. woldbe very happyf ouculd joinus okig fowro you eary e. Sinerel yurs, en i04假定你是李华,下周有一个来自英国的代表团要访

7、征询你校。作为中方联络员,请你按照以下要点提示给英方负责人Jla写一封信,介绍主要行程安排。 周一代表团成员到达后,晚上校长设宴欢迎代表团;2.周二带着代表团成员参观校园;3. 周三带着代表团成员上课,体验中国文化;4. 周四双方学生进展足球竞赛;5. 周五代表团成员回国。留意:1.词数00左右;2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。参考词汇:代表团delegatin【优秀总分值范文】Dea uli,ow am rng to tellyo aout he arrangemes of yor visi to orscol.Firfll, you re upposedto arrive nxt M

8、onday aplnned and our headaser i hldaeception dnethteeig. ecndly,all heembes of th delegation regoing o beshn ardte schoolxtTued. Yo atend ourlesons toexperiee Ces clture next Wednesa. inaly, thr ll bea fotbl math twenhe tudents f both cuntrienex Tuday and you wil eveC nxt Fry.sh u good trip!Yours,L

9、iH05假定你是李华,是某外语学校的学生会主席。你们学校的啦啦操社团正在招募新成员。请你按照以下要点提示给交换生sa写一封电子邮件,邀请她参加。内容包括:1. 拟开展的活动;2. 报名方式和截止日期。留意:. 词数100左右;2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。参考词汇:啦啦操社团Cheeleading Cub;招募 ecruit【优秀总分值范文】DearLis,Have you hear that he heerleadig Club of ourschol is reruitg new mrs I knyouae intred in it.I am wrn tinvit ou to jo

10、in tTe cluboffersa variy activite Not only do thememes recee prfssionl rainigi te y ry Friday,he llao toerfoancesat the schoports metng Besids, theil compte n he Sudet lnt Sonour city n November. I am sre t wle great I you wat to oin, ease sign up in the chool ofic or ndyor aplcationtoheleadigscet13

11、beore nextSnda.Yous,i Hu06假定你是李华,你收到英国朋友Tom发来的电子邮件,他正在中国旅行,希望这周末能和你在北京见个面,但你由于要参加考试,无法与他见面。请给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 致歉并说明无法见面的缘故;2. 商定下次见面的时间。留意:1 词数00左右;. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接。【优秀总分值范文】Dar o,I a ve gl to knowthat you artravelng ina now an thii really a goo hace for o meet eachothe. Unrtunatly,I ct oo Beijig t meet you tis weendecase I a te nimpotnt examo Im writin o apoloizeto y.D be pset, Tom. I will have long suer holida his erad I wilal tnglandwthmprnts Augut. I hope I can eeyu thenishy a pasant ti



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