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1、精选文秘求职信范文英文 求职者能够在求职过程中预备一个标准版本求职信,但是当你把它套用在不同职位申请时要格外小心,留意不要出现错误。求职信中的常见错误包括错误的职位、公司名称、日期和招聘信息来源。 精选文秘求职信范文英文篇一 Dea i/Madm: My nam is , nd wl grdue fro Xia FanY Uivsit in theyr 202X, My ajor s seeary i English dpartent. ts great pleasre tohave thisoporuity to mpoveour ualundertning. urig t hre ndas

2、h;er coleesud,I ried mybestto earn allkndof knoledge, an weigh e ard work f my tecer and mself;I h masted Enlih listenin, pekin, witinand readin skill Moeover, Ihav a oo comdofbusnes Egish adth aic thoy, pubirelatonshp of ecrtryMeawhie, i orer toelarge myknowdge, Ialways easmensapesandmagzines abou

3、usinssantrd,n ued tod ome rersentatie business in myspaetme tthsam tme, learnt comuer skils during mysumme vato, and now I faiiar wih Offic 22X.Its m three ndash;year clege lifethat maes m fom life atide Als m e-yer ollege lfe t kes me ic nowede, and its as my thre-year olege life that masefor my li

4、e itde. Hnesy,Trust, Diiceisprncple f h tb a man. s a ceg graduate, I elievwhere ther s awl, hre sa way,an wl try my best todo a god job i my bsies. So sinrelyhp tht I can ma posiin i ur cmpanso that I asrv for tecmpany inte futu. Yur fathfuly, 精选文秘求职信范文英文篇二Dar SirorMa, I have earned fro n dvetiemn

5、tht yorcmpan n ned o aseetr. Iwd lkyoto cnside mefrthe position.M name i . I am entytheeyarsod.Iamsdyig businessngmnt nimn Uiverty.I wilgrdute hissumer. Iammilr with computeopratin n office sowares,wich ca hlp m d theofice or verell.AndI ae earned nlisfr te yer.n thepast tw yrs,I hve been aneditr or

6、 he glih Pap o m dprtment. M gades coeot top in dpartmt.Wht mre, Iike ffie wo e muchand alsothink hatIcan be coment forthe .If Ioud hv heopprtuniyto g thI will be uie apreiaive. Than you for yorconsderatio. ook foard to eai rom oYurs fhfuly 精选文秘求职信范文英文篇三 Der Mr, MHuangof yo ompan has toldme that you

7、r dpt neds a manage ssista,nd I wish to apply or ositin.wil gauat o ommcial sho nxt nth. y utstandi rec tcol n someeperience in bsnessas rpared me rhe ork yu reallin or. am rly inrested nlning busnssraci,a alo adiignt work and a fas learner. If ivn chac, am re c pro ywrth n yur cmpany. will bavailal ring the wkday th mongforany intervews youmay at ogive.nclosedis m resue,an hpi forouriediate rely.


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