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1、七年级英语科导学案主备人复核人 日期 班别 小组 姓名 学习流程:1、 第一关:(10分钟)2、 第二关:(10分钟)3、 第三关:(13分钟)4、 第四关:(10分钟)5、 自我简评:(2分钟)课题Unit8 Is there a post office near here? Section A课型New 情景交际提示:请同学们根据2d部分的内容,完成下列对话。T: Hi, . (打扰了)L: Yes.?(我要怎样帮助你呢?)T: Well, Im new .(在镇上) (有)a bank ?(附近)L: Yes there is. Its on Center Street. Its (在对

2、面) the park.T: Oh (在哪) Center Street?L: Its not too (离远) here. I can walk (和)you.T: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much. L: .(没问题)根据对话判断正误。对的写T,错的写F。( )1.There is a bank on the Centre Street.( ) 2.The bank is next to the park.( ) 3. The bank is far from here.Grammar Focus 小组朗读、讨论,有问题向老师提出。P333a,3b小组讨论得出

3、答案,并展示在黑板上。比一比,哪组快。Section A 语法知识点:1.(1)“There be(is/are)+sb./sth.+地点/时间状语”表示“某地/某时有某人或某物”如:There is a botel on Green Street. 在格林街上有一个酒店。(2)There be结构的否定式是在be后加上“not”,表示“某地/某时没有某人或某物”如:There is not a botel on Green Street. 在格林街上没有一个酒店。(3)There be结构的一般疑问形式要把be动词移到句首,再在句尾加上问号,若句中有some,则需将其改为any.如:Ther

4、e are some hotel on Green Street.Are there any hotel on Green Street.在格林街上有一些酒店吗?注意:There be结构中be动词的形式要和其后的主语在数上保持一致。如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,要遵循“就近原则”,即be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致。如:There is a book and some pencils on the desk.桌子上有一本书和几支铅笔。There are some pencils and a book on the desk.桌子上有几支铅笔和一本书。2.How can I h

5、elp you?需要我帮忙吗?Can/ Could/ May I help you? = Is there anything I can help? =What can I do for you?3. 常用的问路句型有:Where is (the nearest)? (最近的)在哪里?Can you tell me the way to ? 你能告诉我去的路吗?How can I get to? 我怎样到达呢?Whice is the way to?哪条是去的路?Is therenear here / in the neighborhood? 附近有吗?知识目标:1.重点单词post, off

6、ice, police, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, near, across, front, behind 2.重点短语post office, police station, pay phone, across from, in ftont of 3.重点句型:Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.Where is the hospital? Its next to the police station.能力目标:学习一些公共地点的名称并

7、学会用英语问路和指路;学习there be 句型并掌握描述地点的介词和介词短语的用法。情感目标: 学会在实际生活中正确有礼貌地问路和指路,培养礼貌且乐于助人的品质。重难点: 掌握并使用介词短语。第一关 试读Setion A单词。与老师对音。第二关 1. 请根据图片写出相关的地点名词。 2. 请根据图片写出介词短语。第三关(你问我答)提示:请同学们结合刚才所学过的句子,根据1c造相似对话,并展示,看看哪一组同学表现最棒。 -Is there a near thee? -Yes, there is. Its 第四关听力提示:请同学们根据听力完成课本内容。1. P43 1b Listen and c

8、ircle the places you hear in 1a. 2.P44 2a Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.此行请勿删除,并保持原位此行请勿删除,并保持原位正面版此行请勿删除,并保持原位此行请勿删除,并保持原位U nit8 Is there a posst office near here? Section B【知识目标】1.重点单词along, turn, right, left, crossing 2.重点短语 go along, rurn right, rurn left, at the first

9、crossing , on the right, on your left3.重点句型:Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see tlhe library. Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left.【能力目标】能识别简单的指距标识,进一步学习询问某一场所的位置和为他人指出到达某一场所的路线。【情感目标】培养在现实生活中识别方向的能力以及乐于助人的品质。【重点、难点】为他人指出到达某一场所的路线。【导学指导】1. P46 1a. Ma

10、tch the words in the box with the signs.2. 听力练习 1b Listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture. 1c Listen again. Fill in the blanks.4. P472a Check the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are.5. 根据P472b的课文内容将下列内容补充完整。AnnaThere is a zoo .(在我家附近) I (喜欢花/度过时间) there

11、 on weekends. I (喜欢看着猴子爬)around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They (看起来像)my friends and me !(我们打架的时候)To get there, I usually (外出) and (向右转) on Bridge Road. Then I (沿着走) Bridge Road. The zoo is .(在右边)John I live (在附近) a supermarket. My parents usually (购物) there. There is a big park (在对面) the superma

12、rket. I often exercise at the park because I love the .(清新的空气和灿烂的阳光) !(生活中最美好的东西是免费的)To get to the park, you just have to (横过马路)Center Street.Lisa I live in a (吵闹的) neighborhood. There is a post office my house (在和之间)a clothes store. But (我最喜爱的)place is the library. It is very quiet and I (喜欢看书)there. When I read books, !(时间过得很快)You can get to the library .(容易的,简单的)Just (沿着走)North Road and . (向左转)It is (在对面)the park. 阅读短文判断正误。对的写T,错的写F。( ) 1. Anna loves to watch the monkeys climbing around.( ) 2. The zoo is on the



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