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1、字母 A 1、他在朋友最需要的时刻背信弃义地抛弃了他们。(abandon) He faithlessly abandoned his friends in their moment of need. 2、我正要离校,天开始下大雨。(about) I was about to leave my school when it began to rain heavily / pour. 3、经理不在的时候由我负责。(absence) In the absence of the manager, I shall be in charge. 4、昨天,他因为生病而缺席了会议。(absent) He wa

2、s absent from the meeting because of illness yesterday. 5、温度越高,空气能吸收的水蒸气就越多。(absorb) The higher the temperature (is), the more vapour the air can absorb. 6、女儿全神贯注地看卡通,压根儿没听见我对她说的话。(absorb) My daughter was absorbed in her cartoon so that she didnt hear what I was saying to her at all. / My daughter w

3、as so absorbed in that 7、我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接受,因为事实胜于雄辩。(accept) We firmly believe that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day because facts speak louder than words. 8、每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。(access) Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education. 9、游客只有坐小船才能去那个岛屿。(accessible

4、) The island is accessible to tourists only by boat. 10、我今天很荣幸能陪你参观名胜。(accompany) Its my pleasure to accompany you on a tour of the scenic spot/ place of interest. 11、虚度年华的人终将一事无成。 ( accomplish ) Whoever has wasted his life will eventually accomplish nothing. 12、他的人生经历可以说明他为什么如此乐于助人。 ( account ) His

5、 experiences in his life can account for the reason why he is ready to help others. 13、非法下载仍然占全世界音乐下载的95%。(account v) Illegal downloads still account for 95 percent of music downloads worldwide. 14、在挑选教师的时候,校长常考虑他的教育背景,经验,能力等等。( take into account ) When choosing a teacher, the principal often takes

6、into account his educational background, experience, ability, etc. 15、他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益。(accuse) They accused the company of failing to safeguard / protect the interests of the public. / not protecting / safeguarding 16、进入高中以来,许多同学已经习惯于天天学习到深夜。(accustom) Many students have been accustomed to studying

7、 until far into the night since they entered senior high school. 17、我们希望在年底前实现我们的目标。(achieve) We hope to achieve our aims by the end of the year. 18、没有远大目标的人终将一事无成。(achieve) He who doesnt have a great goal will not achieve anything. 19、这个药会对病人产生作用吗?(act) Will the medicine act on / upon the patient?

8、20、她按照我们的建议做了。(act) She acted on / upon our suggestion. 21、我们必须立即采取行动来制止这场战争。(action) We must take action at once / immediately to stop the war. 22、我认为新来的南方人应该适应北方的气候。(adapt) I think new southerners should adapt themselves to the climate of the north. 23、各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add) Colourful umbrellas a

9、dd to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets. 24、他收集的邮票加起来总共有5000张。(add) The stamps that he has collected add up to 5000. 25、除了书面考试以外,你还得进行英语口试。(addition) In addition to a written exam, you will be tested on your spoken English. 26、我从心底里佩服他的技术和他对他人的关爱。(admire) I admire him from the bottom of my h

10、eart for his skills and his care for others. 27、那个男孩承认是他打碎了玻璃窗。(admit) The boy admitted that it was he who/ that had broken the window. 28、只有政府官员和新闻记者准许进入开幕式。(admit) Only government officials and news reporters were admitted to the opening ceremony. 29、经过一场激烈的讨论,他那深思熟虑的计划终于被采纳了。(adopt) After a heate

11、d discussion, his considered plan was finally adopted. 30、到1964年底,科学技术有了极大发展,终于使电子计算机在生活中成为现实。(advance v. ) By the end of 1946, technology had advanced so greatly as to make the electronic computer a reality of life. 31、如果你乘飞机出国,必须提前两个小时到达机场。 ( advance ) If you go abroad by plane, you should arrive

12、at the airport at least two hours in advance. 32、那些赌徒利用了孩子们的年幼无知。(advantage) Those gamblers took advantage of the childrens youth and ignorance. 33、因为他精通英语,所以在求职面试时他比他人有优势。(advantage) He has an advantage over others in the job interview because he has a good command of English. 34、老师将被要求给我们的计划提些建议。(

13、advice) The teacher will be asked to give us some advice on our plan. 35、汽油价格的持续上扬影响了世界经济发展的速度。(affect) The continuous rise of oil prices / The rising oil prices has / have affected the developing speed / the speed of the development of the world economy. 36、世界上没有哪一个国家,无论其多么富有,能承担起浪费人才的后果。 ( afford

14、) No country in the world, however rich it may be, can afford the waste of human resources. 37、由于数码相机的价格不断下降,许多家庭能够买得起了。(afford) As the price of a digital camera is going down, many families can afford one. / afford to buy one. 38、她不敢告诉她爸爸测试成绩,因为怕被他骂。(afraid) She dared not/ didnt dare to tell her fa

15、ther her test score, for she was afraid of being scolded. 39、警方在追捕这个罪犯。(after) The police are after the criminal. 40、我照你的命令做,但这是违背我的意志的。(against) I will do what you order me to, but it is against my (own) will. 41、你的文章首尾不呼应。结尾要么重写,要么删掉。(agree) The beginning of your essay doesnt agree with the end; either rewrite the end or delete it. 42、人们对这件事的意见不一致,这是很正常的。(agree) People dont agree on / about it, which is quite normal. 43、他们原以为很快就能对去哪里旅


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