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1、2023年度对话中英文翻译,菁选3篇对话中英文翻译1我能照顾自己ICanTakeCareofMyselfLastnight,myparentstoldmethattheyneededtogooutforworkatnight,下面是我为大家整理的2023年度对话中英文翻译,菁选3篇,供大家参考。对话中英文翻译1我能照顾自己 I Can Take Care of MyselfLast night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldnt cook for me, they a

2、sked me to live with my grandparents. Thinking about staying at home alone, I felt excited, I told them I could take care of myself. When the darkness came, I felt hungry, I cooked the simple dinner, whats more, I washed the dishes. I can take care of myself.昨晚,我的父母告诉我他们晚上需要外出工作,因此他们无法给我煮晚餐,叫我去和外公外婆

3、一起住。一想到能够独自在家呆着,我就很兴奋,我告诉他们我能自己照顾自己。夜晚来临了,我很饿,煮了一顿简单的晚饭,而且,我也洗了碗碟。我也能照顾自己。我想要糖果 I Want CandyI love to eat candy so much, I like the sweet flavor and its colorful appearance. I always ask my mother to buy me all kinds of candy, but she refuses all the time, she says eating too much candy is not good

4、for my health. What she says is true, my teeth ache when I eat too much candy, so I learn the lesson and wont eat candy all the time.我和喜欢吃糖果,我喜欢甜甜的味道和它的五颜六色的外形。我总是叫我妈妈给我买各种各样的糖果,但是她总是拒绝,她说吃太多的糖果对健康不好。她说的确实是对的,在我吃过多糖果的时候,我的牙齿就会疼,因此我学到了教训,再也不会多吃糖果了。我能行 I CanI am not a confident girl, when I meet diffi

5、cult, the first reaction is to find my parents, they will do all the things for me. Now I have grown up, I know I must learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulty myself. I should be confident, I believe I can make it. I should trust myself, that is the first step, then all the things can

6、be solved.我是一个不自信的女生,当遇到困难的时候,第一反应就是找父母,他们会为我做所有的事情。如今我也长大了,我知道要学着去变得独立,因此我需要独自面对困难。我应该自信,相信自己能行。我要相信自己,这是踏出的第一步,其后所有的事情都可以解决。成长的代价 The Price of Growing UpSometimes I want to grow up quickly, so I can be an adult and enjoy their moment, but my parents tell me that being mature needs to pay some pric

7、e. I sometimes will make my parents angry, because I make the mistake. They tell me that it is the price of growing up. Being mature means I have to learn from the mistake.有时候我会想要快速长大,这样我就能成为一名大人,享受他们的时刻,但是我的父母告诉我成熟是需要代价的。有时候我会让我的父母生气,因为我犯了错误。他们告诉我这就是成长的代价。变得成熟意味着我不得不从这些错误中学习。Skype的用途 The Function o

8、f SkypeI started to learn English three years ago, I want to make friends with foreign people, but I dont know how. One day, my friend asks me to use the communication tool, it named Skype. So I start to learn to use it, I can communicate to foreign friends, my English improves quickly. Now I can sp

9、eak English well, I know the newest words.三年前,我开始学英语,我想要和外国人交朋友,但是我不知道怎么去交朋友。一天,我的朋友叫我去使用交流工具,那就是Skype。因此我开始学着去使用,我可以喝外国朋友交流,我的英语快速提高。现在我能把英语讲得很好,我了解最新的单词。从容Take your TimeNowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to w

10、ork all day. When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy life, now it is the time to take your time and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you.如今,人们忙于他们的工作,很少有时间来休息。大部分人早上起得很早,然后工作一整天。当他们工作回家后,他们觉得很累,很快就睡觉了。人们让他们自己

11、整天忙碌,没有时间来享受生活,现在是时候放慢脚步,享受你身边美丽的风景。对话中英文翻译2咱们的车出了点“小问题”Honey, Weve got a little car trouble咱们的车出了点“小问题”A wrfe said to her husband, Weve got trouble with the car;it has water in the carburstor . The husband exclaimed, Water in the carburetor ? Thats ridiculous!The wife repeated, I tell you, the car

12、has water in the carburetor. The husband said, But you dont even know what a carburetor is Wheres the car? And the wife replied, ln the swimming pooll有位太太对先生说:“我们的车子出问题了!化油器进水了。”先生说:“化油器进水?真是荒谬!”太太重复道:“我告诉你,车子的化油墨进水了!”先生说:“可是你连化油器是什么都搞不清楚啊l车子在哪儿?”太太回答:“游泳池里!”双语笑话 同样的服务The same service同样的服务A man who

13、had been married for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor.有位结婚十年的男人,正向婚姻顾问请教。When I was first married, I was very happy. ld come home from a hard day down at the shop,and my little dog would race around barking,and my wife would bring me my slippers. Now everythings changed. When I come hom

14、e, my dog brings me my slippers,and my wife barks at me.新婚时我非常幸福。在市区的商店里累了一天,回到家里,小狗围着我又跑又叫,妻子忙给我拿来拖鞋。现在一切都变了。小狗给我叼来拖鞋,妻子对我又喊又叫。”I dont know what youre complaining about ,said the counselor, Youre still getting the same service.“我不知道你有什么可抱怨的,”顾问说,“你得到的服务还是同样的嘛。”英语幽默笑话:出什么问题了英语幽默笑话:出什么问题了What was wro

15、ng ?出什么问题了?When I moved to California, I was a nervous wreck about earthquakes. MY friend Lisa, who was born and raised there, was completely blase. I remember once when we pulled up to a light, her Honda began to shake.She looked worried untill stammered,I think that we-re having anearth quake.”Thank goodrxss,Linda said.I thought something was wrong with my car.当我刚搬到加州住的时候,我对地震极为紧张。而我那位在加州土生土长的朋友丽莎却对此完全无动于衷.我记得有一次我们在等红灯的时候,她的本田车开始抖动起来。她看起来很担心,直到我结结巴巴地说:“我想我们是碰到地震了。“她立刻松了一口气说道,“谢天谢地,我还以为是我的车出问题了。”英语幽默笑话:肉食部英语幽默笑话:肉食部The meat department肉食部My office is in a building remodeled fr



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