2013北京市九年级中考一模英语试卷 单项选择及完成句子

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1、顺义区2013中考一模试卷四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)。22.-Is that coat yours? -No, its not _. Its Marys.A. mineB. yoursC. hersD. his23.-Do you know the World Book Day? -Yes. It falls _ April 23 every year.A. inB. onC. atD. of24.-Guess what? Our team won the school basketball match.-Congratulations! You _ be very proud.A.

2、 canB. mayC. mustD. would25. Youll get hungry during class _ you dont have breakfast.A. ifB. afterC. whenD. since26. The Science Museum interests me a lot. I enjoy _ there.A. to stayB. stayingC. stayedD. stay27. Yesterday I _ a new dictionary. It cost me 50 yuan.A. buyB. was buyingC. has boughtD. bo

3、ught28. May Day is coming soon, Li Lei with his father _ to Shanghai.A. goesB. will goC. wentD. has gone 29. Bill is a warm and polite boy. Everyone in his class _ him very much.A. likedB. will likeC. likesD. has liked30. This text will be much _ for the students if we divide it into two parts.A. ea

4、syB. easierC. easiestD. the easiest31.-What were you doing yesterday afternoon? -I _ Lucy and playing in the park.A. is meetingB. metC. meetD. was meeting32.-The news _ very important. Tell me more about it, please! -OK.A. isB. beC. amD. are33.-Teachers often say that mistakes should _ in time. -I t

5、hink so. Its really good advice.A. correctB. be correcting C. have correctedD. be corrected34. The students in our school often ask Philip _.A how old is heB. how he is old C. how old he isD. how is he old九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。69. 今天天气不错,咱们出去散散步怎么样?Its sunny today. going out for a walk?70. 中

6、国式过马路到了该禁止的时候了 the Chinese style of crossing the road.71. 体育加试就要到了,你最好每天都坚持锻炼。P.E examination is coming. doing sports every day.72. 你能告诉李明尽快来图书馆吗? to the library as soon as possible?73. 目前H7N9禽流感日益严重,对我们来说养成良好的卫生习惯很重要。H7N9 Bird Flu in China , so a good healthy habit.大兴区2013年第一次模拟测试试卷22. The girl wit

7、h long brown hair is from the USA. _ name is Louis. A. His B Her. C.Your D. Its23.23. Many students in my class were born _ 1989. A. at B. on C. in D. to 24. There were many paintings on show and he liked_ of them. A. all B. any C. both D. few 25. Its a nice day. What about _ our dog after supper? A

8、. to walk B. walked C. walk D. walking26.Where were you last Sunday?I _ in the Bird Nest enjoying a football match. A. am B. will be C. was D. have been 27. Mr. Smith, must I hand in my paper by the end of this week?No, you _.It can be next week. A. shouldnt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt 28.Peter w

9、orks hard on Chinese this term, but Alice works even _. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest 29.Hello! This is Tom Hanks. May I speak to your boss?Im sorry. He _ a meeting now. Can I take a message? A. has B. had C. is having D. will have 30. Take a speedy cab, _ youll have to walk. A. or B.

10、so C. but D. for31.Wow! That man is really handsome. _ is he?Hes 76 inches. A. How old B. How long C. How tall D. How much 32. I _ Melissa my friend since she moved to France. A. didnt hear from B. dont hear from C. wont hear from D. havent heard from33. Today, mobile phones are so popular that they

11、_ everywhere and almost anytime. A. use B. are used C. used D. were used 34.Could you tell me _ the first prize for singing, John?Last year. A. when you got B. when did you get C. when will you get D. when you will get九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。69. 天气转暖了。该把冬天的衣服收起来了。Its getting warm. _to put away the winter clothes.70. 为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情呢? _ let the children do what they like?71. 虽然病了,可是李老师还在继续上课。 Mr. Li was sick, but he _.72. 我既不喜欢踢足球也不喜欢打篮球,但我非常喜欢去游泳。 I like _, but I like swimming very much.73. 在整个冬季由于天冷他停止了锻炼,以至于他的体重增加了3公斤。


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