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1、做从句题的方法与技巧 从句往往是很多学生的难点,碰到从句的题时,很多学生就头疼。其实很多时候不是学生不会做这类题,而是他们没有掌握做此类题的方法。那怎样才能快速地做这样一类题呢?我个人认为,有以下几点: 1. 要能快速而准确地断句。当学生们碰到一个难长句的时候,很多学生一下子就懵了,不知道从哪着手。其实第一步就是要找出句子的主干,明白句子的中心意思。这样才能把主句和从句分开。比如:Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in th

2、e memoir (回忆录) of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education.我们来分析句子的结构:这是一个复合句。首先找出句子的主干:Anyone will be interested in the memoir。Anyone是主语,谓语是will be interested in,memoir是宾语。Anyone后面是一个由who引导的定语从句,用来限定Anyone所指的范围。在这个从句中,又包含两个由and连接并分别由what和how 引导的宾语从句,表示cares about的内容。

3、2. 判断从句所属类型。我们已经把主句和从句分开了,现在要做的就是判断一下从句到底是什么从句。英语中存在三类从句:定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句。判断的方法在于:看从句在整个句子中充当什么成分。充当定语就是定语从句,充当状语就是状语从句,充当主语就是主语从句。在这一步骤中又存在一些方法。一般来说,只要使用在名词或代词后面的从句都是定语从句;放在介词和动词后面的都是宾语从句;句中有it做形式主语或形式宾语的话,那么后面的从句就是主语或宾语从句;放在系动词和一些相当于系动词的词(remain, get, turn)后面的都是表语从句;放在一些抽象名词后面的且在从句中不充当成分的都是同位语从句。比如

4、:It is by no means clear _the president can do to end the strike.句子的主干就是it is by no means,显然在这个句中it充当的是形式主语,后面的_the president can do就是一个主语从句,这是从句中缺少主语,我们就填的是what.A lot of language learning, _ has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children d

5、uring the period.句子的主干就是language learning is happening in the first year of life. _ has been discovered用来修饰整个主句的内容,又放在主句的中间,所以这是一个非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句的内容。我们都知道在定语从句中内代替整个句子内容的有两个引导词:which和as,只有as在引导非限制性定语从句时能放在句中,所以这个地方填的就是as。_he is, he will be thinking of you.显然这句话的主干就是:he will be thinking of you. _ he i

6、s在整个句子当中充当的就是状语,所以这部分就是状语从句。在这个状语从句中缺乏的就是表语,想到众多的引导词以后,我们最终选择了wherever。因为wherever的意思是“无论在哪”,刚好符合题意,所以是最合适的一个。Is this desk_ he bought for me yesterday?Is this the desk _ he bought for me yesterday?碰到一般疑问句了,怎么办呢?我们第一步就是要把它变成陈述句。所以第一句话的主干就是this desk is,第二句话的主干就是this is the desk。很显然,第一句话后面的从句he bought f

7、or me就是一个表语从句,而第二句话后面的从句he bought for me就是一个定语从句。在第一句话中,表语从句中缺乏宾语,所以填的就是what。在第二句话中,定语从句中缺的也是宾语,我们填的是which/that或不填。所以做题时一定要细致,向这两个题的区别就在于一个定冠词the. 3.判断从句中缺什么成分,然后根据各种从句的规则选择引导词。值得注意的有:(1)在定语从句中,除了as之外的引导词,其他词都没有实在意义。还有就是定语从句中的引导词不包括what, how和-ever型的词,在状语从句中的引导词不包括that。在名词性从句和状语从句中,除了要判断出从句中所缺成分之外,还要

8、把引导词的意思带进句中,这样才能最终选择出答案。(2)关于that在各从句中的作用。我们都知道that在定语从句中指人或物,在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语。而that在名词性从句中则不充当任何成分,也没有实在意义。(3)关于no matter+疑问词和-ever型的疑问词的适用范围。no matter+疑问词只能引导状语从句,而和-ever型的疑问词既可引导名词性从句,又可引导状语从句。(4)在定语从句中,如果引导词后面紧跟了一个名词,那么引导词一定填的是whose,此时的whose可以和of which/whom +名词或者是the+名词+of which/whom互换。 (5)在定语从句中缺

9、的成分只有主宾表或状语。如果在判断完句子都不缺主要成分的情况下,那肯定就是缺状语。要注意一些特殊的先行词在句中充当状语时,用的是引导词where。比如:position, occasion, condition, stage等。请分析下面的句子:Sorry Im late, but you cannot imagine _ trouble I took to find your house.Why didnt you chat with that friendly foreigner just now? - Id like to have, but the trouble was _ he s

10、aid was difficult for me to understand.Shell never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. “Id like to give my thanks to those _ help my son will be able to survive his terrible disease.” Said the mother on TV.Some people are worried about the year 2012 _ the

11、y think the earth will end in disaster,Keys: what; that what; when; with whose; when.下面请大家分析一下的难长句,找出句子的主干以及分析句中的其他成分。1. This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers

12、with high yields. 结构分析:句子的主干是This will be particularly true。since引导原因状语从句。此从句中又套嵌一个由关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰the high-energy American fashion。在定语从句中,that做主语,makes做谓语,it做形式宾语,不定式短语to combine few farmers with high yields则是真正的宾语(不定式短语内部to combine是主干,few farmers是宾语,with high yields是状语),possible做宾语补足语。this指代前句中

13、提到的这种困境。energy pinch译为“能源的匮乏”;infashion译为“用方法、方式”。译文:这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏,高能量消耗这种美国耕种方式将很难在农业中继续下去,而这种耕种方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。2. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter,we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a“valid”or“fair”comparison.

14、结构分析:句子的主干是we must be sure。since引导原因状语从句the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter。主句中又有that引导的宾语从句that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a“valid”or“fair”comparison。此宾语从句中又套嵌一个由介词with+which引导的定语从句with which we are comparing our subjects修饰先行词the scale。scale在此处意为“

15、尺度、衡量标准”。译文:既然对智力的评估相比较而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对象进行比较时,我们所用的尺度能够提供“有效的”或“公平的”比较。3. In general,the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can be not well defined.结构分析:句子的框架是the tests work mos

16、t effectively whenand least effectively when。and连接两个并列分句,每个并列分句中皆有一个when引导的时间状语从句分别说明work most effectively和and(work)least effectively。第二个时间状语从句中还有一个主语从句whatpredicted。the tests是主句的主语,work为动词做谓语。qualities在此处是可数名词,不译为“质量”,而译为“特征”。defined不能直译为“被定义为”,而应译为主动语态“界定”。译文:一般来说,当所需要测定的特征能被精确界定时,测试最为有效;而当所测定或预测的东西不能被明确界定时,测试效果最差。4. For example


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