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1、一、知识目标 【重要短语】travel by spaceship乘宇宙飞船旅彳丁 i n the future 将来i n order to 为了on the rad i o 通过收苜机 take part i n 参加 grow up成长、长大prefer -to 喜欢.胜过. What s worse更为糟糕的是 be worth it有好处,值得一干 at a d i stance of 相隔 send sb a message给某人发送信息 【重点句型】great! What is it about? fun! I can t wait.th i nk man can Ii ve i

2、n space one day?Think so. I hope I can live there one day.二、要点讲评1. I don t th i nk a I iens can be found i n space.我认为外星人不可能出现在太空里。(1)当think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后的宾语从句含有not的否定词时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。如:I don t think it will rain tomorrow.我认为明天不会下雨。如果主句的主语是第二、三人称,否定式一般不转移。如:He supposes

3、 they won t win the game,他猜想他们赢不了 比赛。can +be +过去分词,是情态动词构成的被动语态。如:This can t be done in a short time.这不是短期内能完成的。2. It has been two days s inee we landed on Mars.自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。it用作主语谈论时间,常与 since连用。如: It is (或 has been ) three years s i nee we I eft schoo I.自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。3. What s worse r our wat

4、er supplies were very low,更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。What s worse更糟糕的是。类似结构还有:What s more更有甚者;更为重要的是。4. It s a quarter as big as the earth.它是地球的四分之一大。倍数表示法:倍数+as+形容词/副词+as如:This box is three times as heavy as that one.这只箱子是那只箱子的二倍重。5. Mars goes around the sun at a d i stance of about 228 million k ilometers

5、.恒星在相隔大约 228000000千米的地方绕着太阳转动。(1)at a d i stance of相隔(2) at a d i stance 在远处。女口: The moon goes around the earth at a d i stance of 380000km.月球在距地球38万千米的地方绕地球旋转。The Police f o I I owed himat a distance .警察远远地跟着他。6 .情态动词的被动语态:是由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。如:(1) Al iens can not be seen on the earth,在地球上不可能见到

6、外星人。(2) Other pIanets may be visited soon in the future,将来其他的星球也会有人登陆。(3) Scientific research should be done careful ly.应该认真地进行科学研究。These trees must be watered in time,这些树应该及时浇水。7 .书面表达善于衔接。一篇好作文不仅是词汇、句子的简单罗列,语句间如缺乏必要的连接过渡和照应,作文就会结构简单,句式单调,缺少灵气,而看似不显眼的衔接过渡可大大增强作文的连贯性,逻辑性 和可读性。常见的语篇衔接成分见下表:逻辑关系语篇衔接成分

7、时间关系fi rst (ly)F second(ly) r then,final Iyrsudden Iy, immed i ate Iyt after,until, the moment, while空间关系in front of, across, above, nearby, at the back of, next to, on one side on the other side对称关系on one hand on the other hand, for one th i ngfor another转折关系but, however, yet, while, though, otherw

8、i ser rather than, no matter what r on the other hand因果关系because of, thanks to, because, since, as, for this/that reason, as a result, so, therefore.条件关系as long as, if, unless, if necessary增补关系besides, i n addition, not on Iy but a I so, as well, what s more.举例for examp Ie/i nstance, such asr like,

9、name Iyr i n other wordsthere is no doubt that, I m not sure that, as far as I know, Its评价certa i n that, as we know,总结in a word, next to, in short, in genera IF in a I IF to sum up, Genera I Iy speakingr therefore、典型例解()a month sinee I came to Bei j ing. I miss my students very much.passedpastpasse

10、dpast分析:c时间段作主语时相当于第三人称单数,所以用 不能使has passed;而past是介词 用,故选C。()i s sa i d that an old man I i ves on the i s I and.;a I one; I one I y; I one I y; a I one分析:D主要考查词的用法的区别。alone意为“单独的”,没有感情色彩,在句中只能作表语;而lonely意为“孤独的”,有感情色彩,在句中既可作表语又可作定语修 饰名词。故选Do0make our city more beautiful, rubbish into the r i ver. *

11、t be thrown t be thrown t thrownot throw分析:B本题考查含有情态动词被动语态的否定式。needn,t不必;mustn,t禁止。故B项是正确答案。()baby shou I d at home.taken caretaken care of care ofcare分析:B考查情态动词的被动语态,排除C、D选项,这里介词。f不能省 略,of的逻辑上的宾语是the baby ,故选Bo()son i s too fat. so I have to h i s food and dr i nk.分析 :B save v.挽救,节省;I imit v.限定,限制;

12、encourage v.鼓励;affectV.影响。根据题意,选Bo0 Potter and Sorcerer s Stone is quite a good book. Its worth, read 分析:D be worth表示“值得”,后接名词或动名词。()car be put here. PI ease put it over there.11not分析:A本题考查情态动词的被动语态。根据题意:“你的车不能停在这里。”故选A。()are doing exper iments in order the Mars soon.exp I oreexp I oreexp I or i ng分

13、析:A in order to为了,表示目的,后接动词不定式。0 a man-made pIanet i n space.begoing to have been分析:A本题考查There be的将来时态,其结构是There wi I I be。()the he Ip of the Internet. news can every country of the worId.;arr ive; reach; go; get分析:B本题考查介词短语和动词。介词短语with the help of ”在帮助下”。reach在此表示“延伸到,到达”是及物动词,后直接跟名词或代词。四、评价作业I .词汇

14、(一)根据句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. That quite a good idea. I wi I I join you. ( sound )2. They were at the little girls beautifuI song. ( amaze )3. Im about how to answer th i s quest i on. It 1 s a littledifficult, (think )4. There is a at 9:55 in the morning on November 14th .(fly )5. CouId you teI I me we

15、are going to see ? ( who )(二)选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近的选项。06. I haven t heard from my sister since Iast year.A. met with B. heard about C. got news from D. received a letter from ()7. The nurse looked after the sick people very well.A. cared of B. took care C took care of D. took good care of08. The fr idge in the middle i s nice. I think so. But it costs too much,A. is too expensive B. is very popular C. is too heavy D. is quite cheap09. The shop is closed at this time of day.A. found B. not open C. sho



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