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1、婚礼当天流程表(详细版)(完整版)资料(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)婚 礼 当 天 流 程 表结婚日期: 年 月 日(星期 ) 酒店名称: 新郎姓名 家庭住址: : 新娘姓名 家庭住址: :婚宴地址: :婚礼总管: : 婚礼总监: :时间?此字符串中含有的除字母,数字,空格以外其他字符数目为,numother流程计算机 N 5 1 存放计算机成绩主要内容相关人员所需物品及注意事项D. 视图虽然具备了一般数据表的特征,但它本身并不是表其他【答案】C新A. 末记录 B. 首记录 娘【答案】C8、目前无线局域网采用的拓扑结构主要有_点对点式_、_多点式_、_中继式_。准备新娘梳洗、用

2、早餐A. CREATE SQL VIEW B. MODIFY VIEW伴娘C. 一个表与另一个表之间有一定的关系前一天做到早睡不要喝太多水头发洗干净。当天梳洗好不要搽任何化妆品。if n=0 新娘化妆新娘化妆化妆师,摄影师如要戴鲜花要提前准备好新郎新郎 婚车到位提前让婚车清洗干净司机香烟,红包新郎准备去花店拿新娘捧花、婚车装饰、摄像师、伴郎、司机新娘捧花、婚车装饰、迎接新娘 通知新娘作好准备迎接新娘司机、摄像师、伴郎新娘捧花安排路线到新娘家新娘家放鞭炮迎接新郎新娘家里请一名支客(阿姨、姑姑、舅妈),帮忙招呼家里的亲朋好友。放鞭炮人员放鞭炮时,新郎要特别注意安全,离鞭炮远一点献捧花新郎单腿下跪向

3、新娘献捧花,摄像师、摄影师抓拍镜头摄像师、摄影师捧花拜见新娘父母新人给新娘父母敬茶,父母回赠新人红包新娘父母茶水、红包前往新房和新娘父母道别,前往新郎家新房迎新娘婚车抵达时燃放鞭炮和嘉宾花鞭炮嘉宾花进门,拜公婆新娘进门拜见公婆,新郎父母回赠红包红包新房拍摄、积极配合摄像师和摄影师摄像师摄影师出发前往酒店到达酒店后,时间充裕新人可稍作休息,并可安排婚礼仪式摄影师化妆师酒店候场、签到新人在宴会厅门口迎宾,客人签到签到本婚礼开始司仪宣布婚礼开始司仪备注:1,喜糖送达酒店时间: 喜糖负责人和 :2,酒水饮料送达酒店时间: 酒水饮料负责人和 :3,酒水饮料到达酒店后安排酒店服务员摆放与餐桌。4,安排收礼

4、金人员两名,一名记账,一名收钱。准备账本两本。5,安排发放喜糖人员24名,根据桌数定。在婚礼礼成后发喜糖给在座宾客。6,仪式完成后伴娘陪新娘换敬酒服,并装好换下来的衣服。伴郎准备敬酒的假酒饮料和酒杯。7,宴席完后新人在门口送宾客。8,安排24人回收酒水饮料,没有唱过的可以退给酒水饮料批发部。接亲路线:PART I DICTATIONMale and Female Roles in MarriageIn the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. / The woman stayed at home

5、 to care for the children and her husband. / In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. / Some people are happy with it. But others think differently. /There are two major differences in male and female roles now. / One is that both men and women have man

6、y more choices. / They may choose to marry or stay single. / They may choose to work or to stay at home. / A second difference is that, within marriage many decisions are shared. / If a couple has children, the man may take care of them /some of the time, all of the time or not at all. / The woman m

7、ay want to stay at home / or she may want to go to work. / Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage.听写指导:由题目可以判定,文章围绕男性和女性在婚姻中的角色展开,第一段介绍了传统婚姻中两性的角色,而第二段对当今社会中两性在婚姻中的角色进行了具体的论述。因此,第一段用到了过去时,而第二段则完全使用现在时。需要考生根据语义判定时态。PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONSConversati

8、on one1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip? 答案:BA. The return trip is too expensive.B. There is no technology to get people back.C. People dont want to return.D. The return trip is too risky.2. According to the man, what is more important for those recruits? 答案:DA. Intelligence.B. Health.C. Ski

9、lls.D. Calmness.3. What is the last part of the conversation about? 答案: AA. The kind of people suitable for the trip.B. Interests and hobbies of the speakers.C. Recruitment of people for the trip.D. Preparation for the trip to Mars.Conversation Two4. What is showrooming? 答案: DA. Going to the high st

10、reet.B. Visiting everyday shops.C. Buying things like electrical goods.D. Visiting shops and buying online.5. According to the conversation, the man had bought all the following things online EXCEPT 答案:A .A. shoesB. CDsC. cameraD. Food6. According to the conversation, the percentage of people who sh

11、owroomed while Christmas shopping was 答案:D . .A. 3%B. 33%C. 42%D. 24%7. One reason for people to showroom is that they 答案:C . .A. want to know more about pricingB. can return the product laterC. want to see the real thing firstD. can bargain for a lower shop priceConversation Three8. What is the con

12、versation mainly about? BA. How to avoid clashes of exams.B. How to schedule exams.C. How to use the faculty lounge.D. How to choose the courses.9. What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams? 答案:AA. To choose a date on the draft schedule.B. To find the information on the bulle

13、tin board.C. To draw up the final schedule.D. To arrange an invigilator.10. According to the conversation, the Dean will 答案: D .A. sign the sheet in the faculty loungeB. take care of the bulletin boardC. consult the studentsD. finalize the exam scheduleSECTION B PASSAGESPassage One11. Which of the following cities has the oldest Chinatown in North America? 答案:BA. New York.B. San Francisco.C. Boston.D. San Diego.12. The Chinatown in San Francisco attracts tourists a year. 答案:CA.


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