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1、somebody的用法总结大全somebody的用法总结大全somebody的意思pron. 某人,有人n. 大人物,重要的人物somebody用法somebody可以用作代词somebody是不定代词,多用在肯定句中,指未知或没有明言的某人,用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词一般用he, himself或his,在非正式用语中也可用they, themselves或their。在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是somebody时,在非正式语体中附加疑问句的主语往往用they。somebody用作代词的用法例句Somewhere somebody sometimes does some

2、thing good.在某处某人有时做某些好事。Since somebody let the gardener go.某人让园丁卷铺盖了。Somebody has poked a hole in the paper screen.有人在那个纸屏风上戳了个洞。somebody用法例句1、Has somebody helped himself to some film stars diamonds?有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?2、Somebody else lent me a pump and helped me mend the puncture.别人借给我一个打气筒,又帮我补好了轮胎。3、If

3、 I reduced somebody to tears Id be mortified.假设我把谁弄哭了,我会为难的。老板说Youre somebody, 你理解成“你是某人”!那误会可就大了!昨天,粉丝留言说,她的老板对他说了这句话:From nobody to somebody!Youre really something!啥子意思咧?难道是?“从没有人到某些人,你可真是某些东西”当!然!不!是!好好的一句心灵鸡汤,被翻译成这样老板可不容许!今天一起来刷新下nobody,somebody,something,在日常口语中的意思(书本上不会告诉你的意思)NO.1somebody=优秀的人在

4、日常用语中只要意思和成功,优秀,相关的人,都可以被称为somebody来,看例句:You must be somebody in your team.你在团队中一定是个灵魂人物.Dont give up,you will be somebody one day.别放弃,终有一天你会成为出类拔萃的人.Chinese parents hope their child could be a somebody.中国父母希望孩子能出人头地(望子成龙)NO.2Nobody=平凡的人在日常用语中,但凡普通的人都可以被称为nobody(和somebody意思正好相反)来,例句:There are those

5、who want to be somebody, and those who just want to be nobody.在这个世界上,一种人想成为大人物,另一种人只想做个平凡的人Im nobody in our team.在我们团队里,我只是无名小卒。中国人总是爱说”我没什么(了不起的)&;,Im nobody可能是比较恰当的翻译了.千万不要说成Im nothing (我一无是处),过分贬低自己可不好。NO.3Youre really somethingbe really something可以表达用来表达真厉害,真了不起,真强例句:Running your own pany at 21

6、is really something.在21岁就建立了自己的公司,可真厉害呀!You should see the new movie,its quite something!你应该去看那个新电影,特别棒!这就是你在书本上没学过,但是外国人在日常生活中,经常使用 somebody,nobody和something的另外一个意思.英语语法补习:somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody 不定代词的用法somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody不定代词的用法A. some, any 和 no 的复合构造遵循 some,any 和 no

7、的使用规那么(55):Someone has taken my map. Does anyone know the way?有人把我的地图拿走了,有人认得路吗?还须注意副词 somewhere, anywhere, nowhere 的用法。B. else 一词可附在这些形式之后,也可附在 everybody 等(42)和 everywhere 之后:somebody else = some other personsomething else = some other thingeverybody else = every other personanybody else = any othe

8、r personnothing else = no other thingsomewhere else = some other placeC. 由 -body,-one 构成的复合代词可以有所有格形式:It is everybodys / everyones duty to help the disabled.D. 同 -body,-one 构成的复合代词连用时,通常使用复数代词和复数物主形容词(63D):Somebody will e soon, wont they? (not wont he?)有人马上要来,是吗?(不用 wont he?)Has everyone got their b

9、ooks? (not his books)大家都拿到书了吗?(不用 his books)Exercise 056Put in a word from the list. Use each word once:.用以下词填空,每词只用一次:anything, everyone, no one, someone, something, somewhereGeorge, we must decide where we are going for our holidays this year. Everyone else has made plans already. Now what about F

10、lorida?1. I met _ yesterday who goes there every year and loves it.2. I dont know _ about the hotels but I could find out.3. Everyone we know is going _ exciting this year.4. _ is staying at home.5. Say _, George. Dont just sit there looking gloomy.Replace the phrases in CAPITALS by anyone / anywher

11、e / no one / someone / somewhere + else:.用 anyone / anywhere / no one / someone / somewhere + else 交换大写的短语:If the conductor doesnt know, ask ANOTHER PERSON.If the conductor doesnt know, ask someone else.6. But sometimes there isnt ANOTHER PERSON on the bus.7. Last night I was the only passenger. There was NO OTHER PERSON on the bus.8. That shop is too expensive. Lets go TO ANOTHER PLACE.9. There isnt ANOTHER PLACE open on Sundays.Key:1. someone; 2. anything; 3. somewhere; 4. No one; 5. something6. anyone else; 7. no one else; 8. somewhere else; 9. anywhere else第 页 共 页



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