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1、2010年深圳市南山区小学六年级毕业考试英语试题 Time:60 Name:_ Marks:_一、基础知识大比拼(一) 词汇(Vocabulary). 按要求变换下列单词。(10分)1. swim (现在分词)_ 2. one (复数)_3. say (第三人称单数)_ 4. see(过去时)_5. its (同音词) _ 6. slowly(反义词)_7. wear(同音词) _ 8. right(同音词)_9. Thursday(上一天)_ 10. I would(缩写)_II. 根据所给的词的正确形式填空。(5分)1. This is my _ (two) day in Shanghai

2、.2. He _ (has) lunch now.3. December is the _ (12) month of a year.4. I usually get up at 6:30 and then brush my _(tooth).5. They are _(woman)_(teacher).III选同义句或同义词。(5分)1. Thank you .( ) A. Youre welcome. B. Thanks. C. Thats OK.2. This is a full bag .( ). A,The one is full. B. This is a full one. C.

3、 The box is full.3. Good morning , boys and girls .( ) A. Good morbing,class. B. Good morbing, boys C. Good morbing, girls4. Is this pen broken ? No, its OK.( ) A. right B、nice C. all right5. Is everyone here today ?( )A. Everyone is here today . B. We are all here today . C. Are we all here today ?

4、(二) 交际用语(Daily English)I. 从II 栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。(5分) I II( )1. Whats wrong? A. Good idea.( )2. Are you tired? B. Sometimes.( )3. Do you have a cold? C. Im not feeling very well.( )4. You should go to see the doctor. D. Yes, a little.( )5. How often do you have a cough? E. No, I dont.II. 补全对话(5分)AThats a

5、 surprise. B.what are your favourite hobbies?C.Great. See you later. D.I am really good at them.E.Do you want to come over after school?Ken:Jeff,_Jeff:I like playing basketball,volleyball,badminton and football.Ken:Wow!You really like sports._Jeff:Is it?Oh well,_Ken:_ We can play.Jeff:Sure.Ken:_(三)

6、语法练习 (10分)I. 单项选择-从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. Do you need _ energy to dance? A. lot of B. lots of C. many D. a lot 2. -_ do you listen to news? -Twice a day. A. How many days B. How many times C. How often D. How much 3. My sister Janet hates carrots, so she _ eat them. A. usually B. always C. every da

7、y D. seldom 4. -I want to buy _. -Here you are. A. half kilos of beef B. a kilo of meats C. two kilos of chickens D. two kilos of rice 5. -Are you feeling _ today? -Yes, thank you. A. good B. health C. better D. bad 6. Would you like _ to eat? A. anything nice B. something nice C. nice anything D. n

8、ice something 7. His bag is _ of all. A. heavy B. heaviest C. the heaviest D. heavier 8. -Is that your bag? -Yes. _. A. Its mine B. Its me C. Its my D. Its you 9. My grandfather enjoys _ newspapers _ breakfast. A. watching; on B. seeing; in C. reading; at D. to read; at 10. Thank you for _ my bike.

9、A. to mend B. mending C. mends D. will mend II. 改错(下列各句中均有一处错误,请用”_”找出,并改正)。(10分) 1.Lucy is tallest than Lily .2. I watch TV when my mum came last night.3. Jack often play computer games on Sundays.4. This is not my book.It is her.5. There are many sheeps in the farm.III. 句型转换。 (10分)1. Close the doo

10、r , please. (改为否定句) _2. The boys are playing games .(划线部分提问) _3. She likes English very much. (改为否定句) _4. My sister often goes to school by bus. (划线部分提问) _5. I have a new pencil-box .(改为一般疑问句) _二 更上一层楼 (一)阅读理解(reading comprehension) (10分)I. A. The Double Ninth Festival It falls on the ninth of the n

11、inth lunar month. People used to climb mountains on that day. So it is also called a festival of climbing mountains. Now it has become the Elders Day. B. The Notting Hill Carnival Between 1956 and 1962 the British government asked people from the Caribbean to come to England. They worked in the hosp

12、itals and on trains and buses in London. Now every August in London there is a big carnival with music in the streets of Notting Hill. C. Christmas Day On December 25th, Christmas Day, people give presents, send cards and eat a special dinner at home. The children are usually very excited because they get presents from Father Christmas (Santa Claus). In their houses, people have a special tree with lights. D. Diwali Between 1962 and 1968, many people from India


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