四年级英语上册教案外研版Module 6Unit 2

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1、外研版四年级英语上册教案Module 6 Unit 2 He didnt come back.一、教学目标与要求 1.知识与能力目标 知识目标: (1).能够听说认读angry, only, took away,He took Ma Liang away.(2).能够听说读写say (said)He didnt come back.能力目标: 引导学生用一般过去时的肯定形式和否定形式,为大家讲一些英文的小故事。 2. 情感态度目标 通过课文的学习,让学生体会到善有善报、恶有恶报,给学生建立乐于助人的情感价值观。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:能够听说读写say (said) He didnt co

2、me back.难点:运用一般过去式为大家英文小故事。三、课前准备 VCD、单词卡片、课件 四、教学过程 Step1 Warm up Free talk:T: Do you want to have a magic paintbrush?S: Yes!T: If youre Ma Liang, you have a paintbrush, what will you do with the magic paintbrush? S:设计的主要目的是为了激发学生的想象力,让全体学生积极地积极思考,运用所学的句型表达自己的想法,激发学生乐于助人的情感,同时又是对上节课的复习回顾,为下面继续学习神笔马

3、良的故事作好铺垫。 Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Listen to the tape.What happened then? Lets listen to the tape.学生回答课文问题,学习单词和句型 (1) AngryT: The bad man took the magic paintbrush. He paint gold, but it made a snake. Look at the picture, is he feel happy? 出示angry的图片S: No. He was not happy.T: Yes, he was

4、angry.做出生气的样子。读angry,学生模仿老师做的动作读单词。 看表情对比happy 和angryT: Look at my face, say the words as quickly as you can.S: 根据老师的表情,快速说单词。 (2) OnlyT: Why did the bad man feel angry?S: The magic paintbrush didnt help him.T: Did the magic paintbrush help MaLiang?S: Yes, it did.T: The magic paintbrush only helped

5、MaLing.突出only的发音出示单词卡片并领读,让学生体会意思。 (3) took awayT: And then, what did the bad man do ?S: He took MaLiang away.T: 出示卡片,took away,并领读,做动作演示,让学生体会意思。 板书句子:He took MaLiang away. 指导学生读读句子。 (4). saidGame: I say a word or sentence you must say: “You said, ”.T: 老师小声说I say “angry”.S: You said “angry”.T: 老师小声

6、说 I say “only”.S: You said “only”.T: 老师大声说 I say “took away”.S: You said “took away”.T: 老师大声说I say “He took MaLiang away.”S: You said “He took MaLiang away”.游戏结束时,老师出示两张卡片 say said, 通过刚才的游戏,既复习了新学的单词和句型,还对比这两个单词,再用卡片加以巩固,学生容易掌握。 (4) He didnt come back.T: The bad man got the ship, he went to the sea

7、in his ship. Did he come back?老师出示坏人在大海里翻船的图片,帮助学生理解。 S: No. He didnt come back.老师板书句子。He didnt come back.2. Listen and repeat.(1) Now, Listen and repeat the whole story.(2) Read it to your partner.3. Look at the pictures and talk about the story with your partner.课件出示几幅图,给学生一定的提示,让学生根据提示复述这个故事。 其目的

8、是为了培养学生概括、复述课文的能力,同时也注意引导学生看图说话,为以后的讲故事作铺垫。4. listen and complete the passage.The bad man was_. The magic paintbrush _help him. It_ helped MaLing. He _MaLiang _. “I want a ship,”_the bad man. “You paint it!” So MaLiang _ the ship. Then the ship was real. The bad man _ to the sea in his ship. But he

9、didnt _ _.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Page 24 point and say.Point the picture to your partner, and say the picture.这一部分为了练习学生对故事情节的掌握,在此基础上拓展,考查学生灵活的运用所学过去式讲述故事。 2、故事比赛 学生分成四人一组,小组成员利用图片讲述一个故事.每组推荐一名同学在全班表演.教师和同学一起评出谁讲得最棒! 活动目的:训练学生口语表达能力 Step4 Chant 1. listen and repeat.学生在老师的带领下一齐说chant调

10、节课堂气氛,同时让学生理解其中的含义。 2. Read to your partner.同位两个合作,有节奏地说一说。 Step5 Summary 学生根据板书来总结这节课的主要内容,并在老师的引导下用chant的方式巩固重点知识。angry angry The bad man was angry.only only It only helped MaLiang.took away took away He took MaLiang away.He went to the sea. He went to the sea.He didnt come back again. Step6 Homework 1.和同学合作演一演神笔马良的故事 2.为爸爸妈妈讲一个英文小故事 Step7 Blackboard design Module 6 Unit 2 angry only took away saidHe didnt come back.


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