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1、4.1.8在每次安装结束后及在使用中每三个月均应检查一次防坠安全器的 动作情况,即对安全器进行坠落试验,坠落试验完后必须对安全器进行复位(见 安全器复位)。Make the falli ng-test of safe device after in stallati on every time or every 3 mon ths being used; replace it after the test(see the replacement of the safe device)。4. 1.81限速器使用应注意事项(详见SAJ系列安全器使用说明书)The noteof the limite

2、ra限速器铅封不得随便拆除;Not remove freely the lead seali ng of the limiter;b限速器有异常情况(如制动距离过长或过短,零件损坏等,)应立即停止 使用,经修复或更换后方可继续使用。If the limiter is out of the way (such as the braking distant is too long or short the worn parts and so on), stop running un til repair or in stead a new one。c应严格按照坠落试验周期进行坠落试验。Make t

3、he falling-test punctually。 坠落试验步骤 The st ep of the falli ng-testa坠落试验应在升降机完全处于工作状态下进行且吊笼不允许载人;The test shall be done when the hoist is under the working sitatecage can mannedb试验必须在地面进行,吊笼下垫弹性较大的物体(如旧轮胎等)The test is made on the ground; the stretch thing is matted under the cage;c升降机内均匀装载额定重量;

4、The rated weight is loaded in the hoistd按接线图要求将坠落试验电缆接入电控箱坠落试验用端子。(见电气原理 图)。将限速器试验专用按钮盒引到吊笼外;The tie-in of one end of the button-case is connected with the tie-in of the electronic box(see the chart of the electric theory)。Take the special button-box of the speed-limit machine out of the cage;e关闭吊笼里

5、、外笼门,合上外笼电源箱内的电源开关;Close the inner-outer door of the cage ; close the power switch of the handrail power-box;f按下坠落试验操纵盒的上升按钮,驱动吊笼上升至离开升降机基础10m左 右;Press the ascending-button on the operating-case; drive the cage up about 10mdistant from the hoisters base;g按下坠落按钮,不要松手,吊笼向下坠落。当坠落速度达到限速器的额定 动作速度(约12m/s

6、)时,限速器立即动作,将吊笼制停在导轨架上;Press the falling-button and not loose; the cage falls down; when the falling speed reaches the rated limited speed (about 1.2m/s),the limiter moves at once and stops the cage on the mast frame;h正常情况下,制动距离(从听到限速器动作的声音到制停吊笼所下落的距 离)为03 1. 2m;The brak ing dista nt( from hear ing t

7、he limiter running to where the cage stops )is 0.3 1.2m n ormally;i试启动吊笼向上不应动作,因为安全器动作后,安全器内部微动开关已将 控制电路切断,如仍能动作,应重新调整微动开关;Start the cage and it will refuse to run because of the safe device is running; the switch in the device has cut off the power, if or not, adjust it;j如果吊笼底部在距地面4m左右仍未停止,应立即松开坠落按

8、钮,使吊笼 制停在导轨架上,然后点动坠落按钮,使吊笼缓缓落在基础上,查明原因。If the cage doesnt stop at 6m distant from the base during the free falling, the falling-button is loosen to keep the cage on the mast then the falling-button is pressed, and the cage falls on the mast laxly。Find out the reason。限速器复位(图28) The replaceme n

9、t of the limiter (dwg.28)41831当限速器起作用使吊笼制停在导轨架上后,试验人员从吊笼顶部 活动翻门进入吊笼;When the limiter works to keep the cage on the mast frame, the test person enters the cage from the top of the cage;41832切断主电源,按下述方法进行安全器复位:Cut off the main power,and replace the limiter as following way:a旋出螺钉(1),拿掉端盖(2),取下螺钉(3);Tak

10、e down nut 1,safety cover 2 and nut 3;b用专用工具(5)和摇杆(4)旋出螺母(7),直到销(6)的尾部和壳体 端面平齐(此时微动开关应处于接通状态)Use specified tool 5 and handle 4 to screw up nut 7 to the tail of pin 6 is level with theSC系列施工升降机使用说明书(防坠器) SC Series BuilderHoister Operating Instructions body of the limiter (turn on the switch);c安装螺钉(3)

11、和罩盖(2),取下罩盖(9),用手尽可能拧紧螺栓(8), 然后用工具将螺栓(8)拧紧30。角后松开,装好罩盖(9),注意拧动螺栓(8) 的方向与旋出螺母(7)的方向相同;In stall nut 3 and cover 2; take dow n cover 9; screw up bolts 8 tightly byhand; the n use the special tool to an gle the bolt 830 ; in stall cover 9; screw up bolt 8 and make it at the same directi on of nut 7。 o c

12、1罩盖螺钉 Cover bolt 2端盖 Cover 3螺钉Bolt 4手柄 Handle5 复位专用工具 Special replacement too6 销 Dowel 7 螺母 Nut 8 螺栓 Bolt图 28 安全器的复位Drawing28 The replacement of the safe deviced接通主电源后,必须向上开动升降机约200mm以上,以使离心甩块与磨擦锥齿脱离复位,吊笼即可正常运行。Switch on the main power, immediately start up the cage to above 200mm , when the revolvi

13、ng block and gear are out of replacement, the hoister can work。5.1.11防坠安全器The avoid in g-falli ng safe deviceSAJ型防坠安全器是C型施工升降机中的重要安全保护装置,它能限制吊笼超速运 行,有效地防止吊笼坠落事故发生。当吊笼因故障引起失速下落时,防坠安全器开始动 作并使制动力矩逐渐增加,在一定的距离内将吊笼平稳制动,从而保证了乘员的生命安 全和设备的完好无损。SAJ avoid in g-falli ng safe device is an importa nt protective d

14、evice for the hoister ; it can stop the cage exceeding running and prevent the accident。When the cage is falling out of control, the limit is switched on and it s braking moment is increasing gradually; the cage is braked at the fixed distant, so guarantee the safety of the operator and equipment。5.

15、1.11.1安全器结构(见图8)The structure of safe device (dwg.38)图38安全器结构brawing38The structure of safe device1罩盖Cover 2顶浮螺钉Bolt 3螺钉Bolt 4后盖Back cover5开关罩Switch cover6螺母Nut7防转开关压臂Clamp plate8蝶形弹簧Spring9轴套SheathlO旋转制动毂Brake hub11 甩块 Revolving blocH2 定位簧片 Place reed13甩块座 Revolving blocheatl4 轴套 Sheath15齿轴Axis5111

16、2性能参数说明举例Example for performa nee parameter型号 Type SAJ30-1 2额定制动力Rated breaking force: 30kN额定动作 速度Rated speed: 1 2m/s 标定动作速度:根据用户需要标定 Demarcating speed: according to the eonsumers说明:1、升降机的总载荷(吊笼自重定载荷)V安全器额定制动载荷;Note: Total of hoister( weight of cage+ rated load) V safe device rated breaking load2、标定动作速度可根据用户需要的运行速度确定安全器的动作速度,即标



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