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1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 When was it invented?一 重要句型:Section A1. Because I was not allowed to play computer games last night.因为昨晚他们不让我玩电脑游戏。allow “允许、准许”的意思。常用于以下几种形式: (1) allow +n./prep 如: We cant allow such a thing.我们不容许这种事情发生。 (2) allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事 如: She allowed me to go fishing.她

2、允许我去钓鱼。 (3) allow +doing sth 允许做某事 如: We dont allow smoking in the reading-room.我们不允许在阅览室吸烟。 (4) be allowed to do sth 如:被允许做某事 The students are allowed to play games on the play ground after school.放学后学生们被准许在操场上做游戏。2. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them.你在那上面花的时间太多,会危害你的健康。(1)

3、(2) A. too much太多既是形容词短语,也是副词短语,所以too much它既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以用来修饰动词。 too much water 太多的水; eat too much 吃得太多; B. too many修饰可数名词的复数形式。much too 是“很,太”,修饰形容词或是副词。 He shouldnt walk too much. 他不应该走太多路。 She has too many books in her room. 她房间书太多了。 This watch is much too dear / expensive.这块表太贵了。3. Kangkang show

4、s a model to Jane. 康康给简展示了一个模型。 A. show v. 给.看, show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. 把某物给某人看; Can you show your new watch to me? = Can you show me your new watch? 你能把新手表给我看看吗? B. show sb. around 带领某人参观. Welcome to my city. Ill show you around some places of interest. 欢迎来我市,我将带你参观一些名胜古迹。 C. show n. 展览,展示

5、; on show 展出。 There is a TV play show on CCTV-1. 在中央一台有一部电视剧在播放。4. Whats it made of? 它是用什么做成的? (1) be made in 在地方制造,后接表示地点的名词。 The TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机是日本生产的。 (2) be made of 用制造的,表示原材料未经化学变化,仍可看得出原材料。 These houses are made of stones.这些房子是由石头建造的。 (3) be made from 用制造的,表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样。 Pa

6、per is made from wood.纸是木头造的。 (4) be made by 由(被)(人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词。 Was this cake made by your mother?这蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗? (5) be made into (某物)被制成 Metal can be made into all kinds of things.金属可以制成各种各样的物品。 (6) be made up of 由组成 The medical team is made up of ten doctors.这支医疗队由10位大夫组成。5. Do you know what a ro

7、cket is used for? 你知道火箭是用来做什么的吗? (1) be used for+v.ing = be used to do (被)用来做 强调用途或作用; Pen are used for writing. = Pen is used to write. 钢笔被用来写字。 (2) be used as (被)作为而用,强调被当作工具或手段来用。 English is used as a foreign language in China. 英语在中国被当做外语。 (3) be used by 被使用,by后跟人/物,强调使用者。 Recorders are often use

8、d by English teachers.英语老师经常使用录音机。 Computer is used by some people as toys. 电脑被有些人当作玩具用。6. I wish I could go into space some day. 我希望有一天我也可能飞上太空。 A. wish后面接that 从句常用虚拟语气。 本句表达康康的主观臆想,不一定能实现,想这种表达主观意愿和假想的语气叫做虚拟语气。表达现在的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去式;表示将来的愿望,从句的动词用could / would 加动词原形。 I wish that i didnt have to go to

9、work today. 我希望今天不用上班。 I wish I could have my own house. 我希望我能拥有自己的房子。 B. wish常用结构: wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事; wish to do sth. 希望做某事; wish + that 从句 希望(表示不太可能实现的愿望);1. I _the students to speak English in class. A.hope B.wish C.think D.make2. I wish that I _ abroad some day. A.can go B.will go C.co

10、uld go D.goSection B1. Do you know when it was invented? 你知道它什么时候发明的吗?2. Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life . 据说爱迪生一生有两千多项发明。(1)此句中的Its said that 其中it 作形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的句子。整个句子是带有主语从句的主从复合句。It is said that she has got married. 听说她结婚了。It is not known whether the

11、y will come today. 他们今天是否会来还不知道。类似的结构还有its report that.“据报道”,Its known that.据了解(2) more than = over 超过;(3) during ones life = in ones life 某人的一生;Lei Feng did a lot of good things during his life. 雷锋在他的一生中做了许多好事。3. Lets go this way. 我们这边走。 A. go this way = take / come this way. 走这边; B. by the way 顺便说

12、一下; in a way 在某种程度上; in no way 无论如何不;决不;on the way home 在回家的路上;on ones way to.到去的途中;in any way 无论如何; show somebody the way 为某人引路; lead the way 带路; get in the way 妨碍;4. They were just hard-wearing pants designed for workers. 这些只是为工人设计的耐磨的裤子。 (1)hard-wearing pants 耐磨的裤子; (2)designed for workers 为工人设计的

13、,过去分词短语作后置定语。5. Their materials have been changed so that it feels more comfortable. 为了让人们感觉舒适,他们的材料已经被改变了。(1) have been changed 已经被改变。 是现在完成时的被动语态,其结构是: has / have + been + 动词的过去分词;(2) so that 目的是,为了。引导目的状语从句,常与情态动词连用;he saves lots of money so that he can buy a new car. 他为了能买一部新车攒了很多钱。(3) feels mor

14、e comfortable 感觉更舒服。feel 感官动词 +形容词作表语。6. They are designed not only for workers but also for teenagers and women.not only. but also. 不但而且,连接成分,连接并列主语时谓语动词使用就近原则。Not only you but also he is my friend. 不但你而且他都是我的好朋友。Section C1. Inventions come about in many ways.发明以许多方式出现。come about意为“出现、发生”。come 加介词或

15、副词构成的动词短语。类似的还有:come from来自; come back 回来; come in 进来;come over 过来;突然感到; 顺便来访; come along 过来,进展,出现;come out 出版,出来,开花,冲晒影片;come up 走近,上来,靠近; come up with 想出; 提出; 追赶上; 设法拿出; come into being 产生; 诞生; 开始存在; come down;下来, 倒塌; come over:顺便拜访;练一练: 1. -Hi,Sam.Were going for a walk. Would you like to _?-Great!Lets go.A.come along B.come on C. come out D.come up2. The stars _as soon as it was dark.A. c


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