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1、学校 班级 姓名 考号 密封线 PEP人教版小学英语三年级下册期中考试试题三年级英语试题(人教版)(时间:60分钟) 等级: 同学们,你们好!本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分和读写部分。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察图片。快来检测一下你有哪些收获吧!Part I Listening 第一部分 听力共七大题I. Listen and tick. (听一听,在你所听到的字母或单词下面打“”。)1. R I 2. T P 3. USA UK 4. man woman ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. big pig 6. she he 7. fat thi

2、n 8. nose new( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )9. tall ball 10. teacher student( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II. Listen and number. (听一听,写出你所听到的顺序。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and drawor.(听一听,判断下面各图与你听到的内容是否相符,相符的画, 不相符的画。)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV. Listen and match. (听一听,连一连。) V. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的内容一致的图片。)

3、( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2A. B.( ) 3A. B. ( ) 4A. B. ( ) 5 A. B. VI. Listen and number.(根据你听到的顺序给下列句子标上序号。)( ) Im from the UK. ( ) Shes my mother. ( ) Hi, Amy. Welcome to Tengzhou. ( ) Thank you! ( ) Where are you from? ( ) Whos that woman?VII. Listen and tick the best answer. (听一听,在选择最佳答语前打“”。) 1. Is he yo

4、ur brother?( ) A. No, he isnt. ( ) B. Hes my father.2. Who is that girl?( ) A. Shes my sister. ( ) B. Hes my brother.3. Is she your mother?( ) A. Here you are. ( ) B. Yes, she is.4. Look at the pig!( ) A. Its has small eyes and small ears. ( ) B. Its has small eyes and big ears.Part II Reading & Wri

5、ting 第二部分 读写共四大题VIII. Read and write the letters. (将下列字母的大写或小写字母补充完整。)RIGtFdjy密封线IX. Read and judge. (看图,读句子。与图片相符的画“”,不相符的画“X”。)1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6.( ) 1. My names Mike. Im a teacher. ( ) 2.This is Zip. Hes fat.( ) 3. This is Amy. Shes a student. ( ) 4. Look! This is my grandma.( ) 5. Look! It has shor

6、t ears. ( ) 6. This is six. XRead and match. (读一读,连一连。)Its so tall.This is Amy.Shes my mother.Look! Its so small. XI. Read and choose. (读短文,选择正确的单词完成句子,在括号中填上A或B。) Hello! My name is Amy. Im 8. Im a girl. Im from UK. I have big eyes. I like apples. My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor(医生). I

7、 love my family.We are happy!( ) 1. My name is Amy. Im a _ ( A. boy, B. girl).( ) 2. Im from _ ( A. UK, B. USA).( ) 3. I have big _ ( A. ears, B. eyes).( ) 4. My mother is _ ( A. a student, B. a teacher).三年级英语(人教版)评分标准及部分参考答案听力I.(每小题1分,共10分)1. I 2. T 3. UK 4. woman 5. big 6. she 7. thin 8. new 9. tall 10. teacherII. (每小题2分,共10分)1 5 3 2 4III.(每小题2分,共10分) IV. (每小题2分,共10分)V. (每小题2分,共10分)A B B B AVI. 每小题2分,共12分) 4 2 1 6 3 5VII.(每小题2分,共8分) A A B A读写VIII.(每小题1分,共8分)略IX.(每小题1分,共6分)X.(每小题2分,共8分) XI.(每小题2分,共8分) B A B B


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