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1、冬虫夏草冬虫夏草是我国的一种名贵中药材,与人参、鹿茸一起列为中国三大补药。它是麦角菌科真菌冬虫夏草Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.寄生在幼虫蛾科昆虫幼虫上的子座及幼虫尸体的复合体。冬虫夏草含有虫草酸约 7%,碳水化合物 28.9%,脂肪约 8.4%,蛋白质约 25%,脂肪 中82.2%为不饱和脂肪酸,此外,尚含有维生素 B12、麦角脂醇、六碳糖醇、生物碱等。冬虫夏草养生十大功效1. 调节免疫系统功能:增加免疫系统细胞、组织数量,促进抗体产生,增加吞噬、杀伤细胞数量2. 直接抗肿瘤作用:明确的抑制、杀伤肿瘤细胞的作用。冬虫夏草中含有虫草素,是其发挥抗肿瘤作用的主要

2、成分。3. 提高细胞能量、抗疲劳:提高人体能量工厂 -线粒体的能量,提高机体耐寒能力,减轻疲劳。4. 调节心脏功能:提高心脏耐缺氧能力,降低心脏对氧的消耗,抗心律失常。5. 调节肝脏功能:减轻有毒物质对肝脏的损伤,对抗肝纤维化的发生。此外,通过调节免疫功能,增强抗病毒能力,对病毒性肝炎发挥有利作 用。6. 调节呼吸系统功能:具有扩张支气管、平喘、祛痰、防止肺气肿的作用。7. 调节肾脏功能:减轻慢性病的肾脏病变,改善肾功能,减轻毒性物质对肾脏的损害。8. 调节造血功能:增强骨髓生成血小板、红细胞和白细胞的能力。9. 调节血脂:降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯,提高对人体有利的高密度脂蛋白,减轻动脉粥

3、样硬化。10. 其他 :直接抗病毒、调节中枢神经系统功能、调节性功能等作用。冬虫夏草使用方法 服用冬虫夏草补虚,要因人因病而异,或单药服用,或配合他药同用。可以煎水、炖汤、做成药膳服食,也可泡酒、泡茶等。例如有腰痛虚弱、 梦遗滑精、阳痿早泄、耳鸣健忘及神思恍惚诸症,可单用冬虫夏草每次 2 克,研末,空腹送服,每日早晚各一次;也可用冬虫夏草 5 克,配杜 仲、川断等,煎汤饮服。属病后体虚,或平素体虚容易感冒、畏寒自汗者,可常用虫草与鸡、鸭、牛、猪、羊肉等炖服。如用冬虫夏草510枚,老公鸭一只,去除肚杂,加少许黄酒,煮烂食用,可增强体质。或每天用虫草 4 枚,煎汤后空腹服用。虫草对中枢神经系统能起

4、镇静、抗 惊厥、降温作用;对心血管系统有降压、降低心肌耗氧量,改善心肌缺血,抗心律失 常作用;对呼吸系统能扩张支气管、祛痰平喘,另外对慢 性肾炎、肾功能衰竭都有显著疗效。虫草因有阴阳双补,起萎固精,益阴补肺之功而价格昂贵,又因其仅产于高海拔空山野地,产地产量极其 有限而更显名贵。目前国内仅产于西藏、青海等省区,以青海和西藏虫草为上乘。冬虫夏草营养和药用价值很高,全年均可服用,冬季服用效果更佳。Cordyceps sinensisCordyceps sinensis is one kind of precious Chinese herbal medicine in our country, a

5、nd which together with ginseng, antler velvet as the three major tonics. It is the Cordyceps fungus Claviceps Section Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. Parasitic insects in the larvae of moth larvae on Branch Block and the larvae of a subset of the complex body. Cordyceps sinensis contains Cordyceps

6、acid about 7%, carbohydrates 28.9%, fat 8.4%, protein 25%, unsaturated fatty acids a8r2e.2% in fat, in addition, it still contain Vitamin B12, ergosta alcohol resin, six-carbon sugar alcohols , Alkaloids and so on.Ten health effects of Cordyceps sinensis1. To adjust immune system function: increase

7、immune system cells, tissue size, to promote Bone Marrow Proliferation, to increase the number of macrophages and Killer cells.2. Direct anti-tumor effects: to inhibit and kill neoplasm cell specifically. Cordyceps sinensis contains cordycepin which is the main component exert anti-tumor effects.3.

8、To improve cellular en ergy, an ti-fatigue: to improve huma n en ergy factory- mitoch on drial en ergya nd cold resisti ng ability, to ease muscular fatigue.4. To adjust heart function: to improve the anti-hypoxia activity of heart, to reduce oxygen consumption of heart, the anti-arrhythmia function

9、.5. To adjust liver function:to reduce the liver injury and anti-hepatic fibrosis which caused by toxicants.In addition, by regulating the immune function, enhance the anti-virus capabilities, to play a beneficial role in viral hepatitis.6. To adjust function of respiratory syste:mWith the expansion

10、 of bronchia,lantiasthmatic ,expectorant , the prevention of pulmonary emphysema actions.7. To adjust renal function:to alleviate renal lesion of chronic diseases, to improve renal function, to reduce the renal toxicity8. To adjusthematopoietic function:to enhance the bone marrow formation ability o

11、f blood plateletred blood cells, white blood cells.9. To regulate blood lipid action:to lower serum cholesterin and triglycerides,to raise benifithigh-density lipoprotein for human body,to reduce atherosclerosis10. Others: direct antivirus effects, to adjustcentral nervous system disorders, to regulate sexual function and so on.Cordyceps usage and dosage: steeped it in boiling water or wine ,to make medicinediet, to make power by some machines , to stew soup with Chickens, ducks, beef, pork, lamb,3-9 gram every time.Cordyceps can be taken throughout the year, but better in winter .



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