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1、我想握住你的手英语作文我想握住你的手英语作文我想握住你的手当你想要分开我的时候当你想要消逝的刹那握住不放直到永远以诗的形式开头,别致新颖,富有温情。I want to hold your hand when you want to leave me, when you want to disappear, hold it forever沈从文曾对你说过:“我们相爱一生,但一生还是太短。”Shen Congwen once said to you, we love each other for a lifetime, but its still too short.而我,只想握住你的手,不想说任

2、何话,因为任何话也概括不了我对你的心。And I just want to hold your hand and dont want to say anything, because nothing can summarize my heart to you.知道为什么吗?为什么我要握住你的手不放吗?Do you know why? Why should I hold your hand?因为,文学是你!是你!是你让我看到人世间的悲欢离合,是你让我体味一个个诗一样的人生;是你让我懂得人生的真谛;也是你让我克制一个个险境,超越极限!“千呼万唤始出来”,原来是文学。前面便是铺垫。没错,就是你让清泉

3、淌过我的心底,让那烈火燃烧我的热情!Yes, you let the spring flow through my heart, let the fire burn my enthusiasm!是你让我看到了李白执剑出长安,苏东坡漂泊入海南,吴敬梓一身落魄修儒林,曹雪芹满腔哀思寄红楼;是你,让我看到基督山伯爵的仇恨,苔丝的.美丽与凄凉,娜拉的出走,安娜的卧轨,保尔的追求,海伦的奋斗;是你,让我穿越时空,让我体味人间!还是你,在一个深夜,翻出你,欣赏你,爱你,喜你,尤其爱那些诗词。Or you, in a late night, turn out you, appreciate you, lov

4、e you, like you, especially love those poems.在深夜感受“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来”的宏大和“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无”的细致;感受“马作的庐飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊”的豪迈与“杨柳岸,晓风残月”的婉约;感受“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适与“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”的浪漫。在这么一个深夜里,因为有你而充满色彩、味道;因为有你,而变得丰富精彩。In such a late night, because of you, it is full of color and taste; because of you, it bees rich

5、and wonderful.照旧是你在我灰心的时候对我说:“天生我材必有用”“人生来不是被打败的。”在我奋斗的时候对我说:“就这样,有志者事竟成。”在我成功的时候对我说:“满招损,谦受益。”充满深情地道出文学对“我”成长的影响。Its still you - when Im discouraged, I say to me, Im born to be useful and Im not born to be defeated. In my struggle, he said to me, in this way, where there is a will, there is a way.

6、When I succeed, say to me: full loss, modest benefit. (full of affection, the influence of literature on the growth of me is expressed.)是你让我充满自信,让我喊出:“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。”You make me full of self-confidence, let me shout out: look up to the sky and laugh to go out, my generation is not Penghao people.是

7、你让我保持天真之性,能与孩童一起唤出“白玉盘”,能作美丽嫦娥的梦想。Its you who keep me naive, who can create a white jade plate with children and make me a beautiful Change fantasy.是你,把我拧起,拧起我的精神,我的肉体。“拧”这个动作,怕有些粗野了吧?Its you who wring me, wring my spirit, my body. (Im afraid that the twist is a little rough, isnt it是你,让我把痛苦延展成薄如蝉翼的

8、金饰。是你,吹开了闭塞的花蕾,传来了满园的郁香。Its you, blowing open the closed flower bud, bringing the full garden of tulips.一切都因为你文学要我怎么放开你,要我怎么失去你!请你,不要闪躲,让我握住你的手!总收全文,照应题目与文首。感情得到进一步升华。Its all because of you - how literature wants me to let you go, how I want to lose you! Please, dont dodge, let me - hold your hand! (collect the full text, referring to the title and the beginning of the article. Feelings are further sublimated.)第 页 共 页


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