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1、Lesson 17: Seasons 教学设计 教材分析:本单元主要讲述李明在加拿大过冬天的过程,讲述了一年中的四季及冬天的运动、服饰和一些日常活动。本课是该单元的起始课,以探讨四季为切入点,使学生能准确的描述一年四季的名称、天气特征、所穿衣服及喜欢的运动,激发学生学习兴趣、培养学生热爱大自然的情操,从而为学习本单元做好铺垫。学情分析:六年级学生已经有了一定的逻辑思维水平和认知水平,四年级已实行过weather相关内容的学习,所以对本课时内容有了一些相关知识的储备。设计理念:本课的主要内容是一年四季的天气情况以及在四季当中所要做的事情,对于这些内容学生有着真实的感受,也便于交流。新课改的宗旨是

2、“一切为了学生”,所以我在设计本课时,充分让学生通过真实的感受来实行交流,使得他们有话要说,从而培养他们使用英语实行交际的水平,突出以人为本的素质教育思想。教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)能听说读写单词:winter,spring,summer,fall.(2)掌握用语言描述四季的特征,并用简单的句子写出来。2、水平目标:能够用语言描述四季的不同特征,谈论不同季节里的天气、服装、活动表达自己的喜好和感情,并初步尝试书写简单的语篇。3、情感目标:通过了解不同季节的特征,培养学生对大自然的热爱之情和审美观。教学重难点: 1.四会掌握相关四季的四个名词:winter, spring, summer,

3、fall;2.准确使用单词和语法对四季的不同特征实行描述。3.能将自己想表达的句子准确写出来。4.尝试写一写自己喜欢的季节。教具学具准备: 录音机、季节卡片、天气卡片、学生用书。教学设计:Step1: Warming up:T:(教师唱歌问好) Hello , Hello ,how are you? Hello ,Hello ,how are you?S: Im fine ,thanks.Im fine ,thanks学生唱歌回答.T: Lets begin our class. OK ?Step2:Presentation:1、Leadin:T: Can you tell me whats

4、the date today? Who can tell me?S: Its October sixteenth.T:Can you tell me hows the weather today? Is it hot? Is it cold? Hows the weather today? Who wants to try?S: Its cool.T: Its cool now. Boys and girls, do you know how many months are there in a year ? Do you know how many seasons are there in

5、a year? Whats the meaning of season? Lets have a look(教师点击课件出示季节图片).2、Learn the new words:教师领读seasons 数遍T:So we have how many seasons?How many seasons are there in a year?S:Four.T:So we have four seasons in a year. What are they?T:Ok, lets look at the first season(教师点击课件出示春季图片),spring .Read after me

6、,Spring ,spring ,its spring.(教师用升降调领读)Who can read this word?S:Spring.T:After spring,summer is coming(教师点击课件出示夏季图片). Summer,read after me. Ss: Summer. T: Who can read it?S: Summer. S: Summer. T: Who can spell it?S:S-u-m-m-e-r, summer. S: S-u-m-m-e-r, summer.T: Look!Whats this?(出示sun 的单词卡片)Ss: Its th

7、e sun.T: How do you feel?Ss: I feel hot. T: Hows the weather in summer?Ss: Its hot and sunny.T: Can you say a sentence with summer? S: Its hot in summer. I like summer. I like to eat ice cream in summer.(设计意图:通过图片教授summer,让学生掌握, 通过教师的描述,让学生感知夏天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出完整的句子,锻炼学生使用所学实行说句子的水平。)T:Fall com

8、es after summer. (教师点击课件出示秋季图片) Fall,read after me,please.Ss: Fall. T: Who can read it?S: Fall. S: Fall. T: Who can spell it?S: F-a-l-l, fall. S: F-a-l-l, fall. T: Look!Whats this?(出示wind 的单词卡片)Ss: Its the wind. T: How do you feel?Ss: I feel cool. T: Hows the weather in fall?Ss: Its cool.T: Yes, its

9、 cool. We can say its windy and cloudy. Read after me, please. “Its windy and cloudy.”Ss: Its windy and cloudy.T: Yes. Hows the weather in fall?Ss: Its windy and cloudy.T: Can you say something about fall? S: Its cool in fall. I like fall. I like to fly a kite in fall.(设计意图:通过图片教授fall,让学生掌握, 通过教师的描述

10、,让学生感知秋天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出完整的句子,锻炼学生使用所学实行说句子的水平。给学生提供大量的口语练习机会。)T:Lets look at the last season. (教师点击课件出示冬季图片)There is ice. Snow is white. How do you feel? Ss: I feel cold. T: Hows the weather?Who can tell me? S: Its cold and snowy. T: Yes, its cold and snowy. This is winter. Winter,follow me,p

11、lease.Ss: Winter.T: Who can read it?S: Winter. S: Winter.T: Who can spell it?S:W-i-n-t-e-r, winter. S:W-i-n-t-e-r, winter. T: Can you say a sentence with winter?S: I like winter. S: Winter is cold. S: I like the snow in winter.(设计意图:通过图片让学生掌握winter这个单词,并通过教师的描述,让学生感知冬天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出完整的句子。)T:

12、So we have four seasons in a year. What are they? They are-.S: Spring, summer, fall, winter.3、Do a chant:T:Lets say together。播放音乐Spring is green. Spring is warm. Summer is bright. Summer is hot. Fall is golden. Fall is cool.Winter is white. Winter is cold.(学生伴节奏齐读,然后小组之间实行比赛,比一比哪组读得最好,优胜者能够获得贴画)。(设计

13、意图:伴着轻松愉悦的节奏,朗朗上口的儿歌,让孩子们能够得到放松,课堂氛围也变得轻松愉快,也为后面的教学创造了条件)。4、Listen and guess and talk about the weather.T:Now this time ,lets try to listen and guess. Ok? Please listen carefully. (教师点击播放打雷声)Can you guess, What season is it?S: Its summer.T:Is he/she right ?Lets have a look. (教师点击出现夏季图片) Yes, Its sum

14、mer. And its very hot. Lets try again, listen carefully, ok? I think you can.(教师点击播放北风声)T:What season is it? I think its easy.S: Its winter.T:Yes, its winter.Is it cool?S: No,Its cold.T:Read after me, Its winter. Its cold.I think listen and guess is a little easy for you .So lets talk.Now look. (教师点

15、击出现春季图片)This is a beautifull picture,Can you tell me what season is it?S: Its spring.T:Can you tell me hows the weather in spring?S: Its warm.T:Read after me,its spring, its warm. What do you like to wear in spring?S:I like to wear sweater and jeans.T:The last one, (教师点击出现秋季图片)What season is it ?S: Its fall.T:Hows the weather in fall?S: Its cool.T:Read after me,its fall, its cool. What can you do in fall?S:I can _。(设计意图: 这个活动中,学


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