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1、1。去年我爸爸许诺:如果我在考试中取得好成绩,她就带我去度假。Last year Father promised to take me on a holiday if I did well in the exam .2. 大家都认为杰克是个非常聪明的孩子,因为他考试总是很好。Jack is considered very smart, for he has always done very well in the exams.3。我们上周谈的那笔生意怎么样?How about the business that we talked about last week ?4。 他一向遵守诺言,是个值

2、得信赖的人。Heis a man worthy of trust ,for he always keeps his word. 5。 尽管生病,她还是来参加毕业典礼了。In spite of / Despite her illness, she still came to the graduation ceremony.6. 他很想知道自己考试及格了没有。He is dying to know whether he has passed the exam.7.我迫不及待地想读他那本新小说。I cannot wait to read his new novel. 8. 第一次穿上滑雪板的感觉很不

3、舒服。Wearing skis for the first time makes you feel very strange. 9.进剑桥大学学习一直是他多年的梦想。Studying at Cambridge University has been his dream for many years. 10. 说实话,第一堂课并不成功。To be honest , the first lesson was not a great success. 11. 这位意志坚强的母亲通过耐心的努力终于帮助她的聋哑儿子学会开口说话。The strong-willed mother managed to he

4、lp her deaf son tho speak after much patience. 12。当聚会结束,客人全部离开后,他又感到了孤独。When the party was all over and the guests had left ,he felt lonely again. 13. 希望全班同学都参加志愿者工作。Everyone in the class is expected to participate in volunteer work.14. 在全能比赛中,运动员必须参加各类项目的一系列比赛。In combined events, athletes are requi

5、red to compete in a series of comprtitions from each category. 15. 已定于下周末举行一系列的辩论。A series of debates was scheduled for the next weekend. 16. 假如你在城里住上几周,你对这儿的生活情况会更加清楚。If you stay in town for a few weeks, you will have a much clearer picture of life here.17。 人类追求卓越的渴望-跑得更快、跳得更高、推得更远-正是奥运会的精神所在。The d

6、esire of humanity - to run faster, to soar higher and to push farther-is what the Olympics all about .18。他的梦想是事业成功。His dream is to succeed in his career. 20。自从我在哪里学习以来,我的英语水平大大提高了。My command of English has improved greatly since I started. 21。 他良好的英语运用能力使他获得那个工作。His good command of English enables h

7、im to get the job.22。 我认为培训中心给了我使用英语的强大信心。I think the tutorial centre has given me a lot of confidence in using English.23。 不幸的是,那次事件后,他对自己失去了信心。Unluckily, he lost confidence after the event. 24。 我们信任坐在我们面前的这位老师。We believe in the teacher in front of us.25。 在我看来,与其把钱浪费在一个以盈利为目的的培训中心还不如多花点时间在学校的功课上。In

8、 my opinion, its better to spend more time on school work than to waste money at a money-making tutorial center.26。 依我看,在公园散步比在家看电视要好。In my opinion, its better to walk in the park than to stay at home.27。 后来我向所有的朋友征求意见,经他们推荐,我报名参加了另外一个中心的课程。Then I asked all my friends for their advice. As a result o

9、f their recommendations, I enrolled on a course at another center.28。 由于大雾,她未能准时出席如此重要的会议。She falied to attend such an important meeting as the result of the heavy fog. 29。 最重要的是你愿不愿意学,能不能吃苦。The most important thing is whether you are willing to learn and work hard. 30。无论我什么时候面临困难,她总是乐意帮助。 He is wil

10、ling to help me no matter when I am in trouble. 31。我们中很多人都没有时间运动。Most of us have no time for sports. 32。 你可以依照自己的进度,在你方便的时间和地点学习。You can study at your own pace, at a time and place convenient for you. 33。 我乐意在你任何方便的日子与你聊聊。I am willing to chat with you at any time convenient for you.45。 她把一生都花在帮助穷人身上

11、,被授予诺贝尔奖。She spent all her life in helping the poor and was awarded the Nobel Prize. 46。你认为在衣服上花的钱越多,质量就越好吗?Do you think that the more you spend, the better the quality will be . 47。许多人认为减轻压力的最好方法是体育锻炼。Many people think the best way to reduce pressure is to take exercise. 48。 真的很感激你能采纳我的建议。I really

12、appreciate your adopting my suggestion. 49。 很有可能她会放弃这个计划。Its likely that she will give up the plan.50。 不要做违法的事情,否则你要受惩罚的。Dont do illegal things, or you will be punished. 51。 每次看到这张照片,就让我想起我们一起度过的日子。Every time I see the photo, it will remind me of the time that we spent together.52。 你没有通过考试,这让我们很惊讶。Y

13、ou didnt pass the exam, which surprised us greatly. 53。 不要忘了我们一起读大学的日子。Dont forget the time when we studied in the university.54。 并非所有的广告都可以用来促进产品的销售。Not all the advertisements can be used to promote the sale of the products. 55。 严格地说,她不胜任这份工作。Strictly speaking, she is not qualified for the job.56。

14、尽管考试很难,她还是设法通过了。Although the exam was difficult, she managed to pass it.57。 你不应该单独滑雪以免跌倒受伤。You should not ski alone in case you may fall and get injured. 58。她已经决定做兼职以便赚足够的钱出国进修。She has decided to work part-time to earn enough money to study abroad. 59.我认为应该将所学的东西和实践结合起来。I think we should combine wha

15、t we have learned with practice.60。 要求所有的学生独立完成作业。All the students are required to finish their homework by themselves.61。她为演讲比赛做好了充分的准备,她自信她能成功。She has prepared well for the competition and she has confidence that she will succeed.62。 这是我第三次看电影了,这部电影值得一看。This is the third time that I have seen the film and it is worth seeing. 63。环境对孩子的成长有很大的影响。Environment has great effect on childrens growth.64。 许多出租车司机向政府抱怨油价太高。Many taxi drivers complained to the government about the high price of the oil. 65。 许多疾病与吸烟紧密相连。Many diseases are linked to smoking. 66。 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友



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