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1、 1.一个又瘦又高的男孩坐在那架漂亮的红色钢琴前。他看上去平静而自信。A thin and tall boy was sitting at the beautiful red piano.He looked calm and confident.2.他的指尖在键盘上跳动。钢琴轻柔的声音在空中飘荡。His fingertips danced on the keyboard.The soft and gentle sound of the piano flew in the air.3.我在她的眼神中找到了鼓励和信心。我站起来,走上舞台,向观众鞠躬。I found encouragement an

2、d confidence in her eyes.I got up,stepped onto the stage and bowed to the audience.4.令我高兴的是,一切似乎都异常顺利。To my delight,everything seemed unbelievably smooth.5.从人群的叹息声中,我可以清楚地感觉到失望。I could clearly feel the disappointment from the crowds deep sigh.6.“尽情享受吧!”妈妈的话在我耳边回响。我继续演奏,好像什么都没发生过。“Just enjoy it!”My m

3、oms words echoed in my ears.I continued playing as if nothing had happened.7.最后,当我唱完最后一个音符时,观众们全都站了起来,欢呼鼓掌,这完全出乎我的意料。Eventually,when I finished my last note,the crowd all stood up,cheered and clapped,which was totally out of my expectations.8.虽然我没有赢得冠军,但我知道我学到了更有价值的东西。学会欣赏音乐比比赛本身更重要。(主旨升华)Though I d

4、idnt win the championship,I knew I learned somthing more valuable.Learning to enjoy music was more inportant than the competitoon itself.Thunderous applause bursts out from the audience.Review 1.他不知道这次经历会对他的生活产生巨大的影响。Little did he know that this experience could make a great difference to his life.2

5、.布伦南的善良给安女士的生活带来了更多的阳光,她的鼓励话语也反过来激励了安女士。Brennans kind heart has brought more sunshine to Ms.Anns life,and her encouraging words have helped to inspire him in return.3.为了丰富学校生活,增强学生体质,上个月我们学校举行了为期两天的运动会。Aimed to enrich school life and build up students bodies,a sports meeting lasting two days was hel

6、d by our school last month.4.活动按计划于周六早上8点开始,持续了3个小时。As scheduled,the activity started/kicked off at 8 oclock on Saturday morning and it lasted for 3 hours.5.来自高一和高二的所有师生欢天喜地地聚集在操场周围。All the students and teachers,coming from senior one and senior two,gathered around the playground with great joy.6.他们

7、尽一切努力表现得更好,这显示了伟大的体育精神,为我们树立了很好的榜样。They made every effort to perform better,which showed great sportsmanship and set good examples for us.7.这次活动受到了高度评价,因为它不仅为学生们提供了一个展示自己的机会,而且还提高了他们的健康意识。我们都希望能再次举办这样的活动。The activity was highly spoken of,because not only did it provide a chance for students to show

8、themselves,but also raised their awareness of health.We all hope that this kind of activities will be held again.8.那天晚上,约翰不时地在床上翻来覆去。他难以入睡,不知道该做什么。That night,John turned over in bed from time to time.He had difficulty in sleeping,uncertain about what he should do.9.当他想到这位年轻女士失去了手机会多么伤心时,他充满了内疚和羞愧。Wh

9、en he thought how sad the young lady would be at the loss of her phone,he was full of guilt and shame.10.这位女士兴奋地回答说:“是的,”并一再表示感谢。The lady replied“Yes”excitedly,expressing her gratitude repeatedly.11.约翰把电话还给那位年轻女士,看到她开心地笑着,他意识到诚实确实是最好的策略。Handing back the phone to the young lady and seeing her smile h

10、appily,John realized that honesty was indeed the best policy.12.除了增强我的身体,它也可以增强我的意志力。Apart from strengthening my body,playing basketball can boost my willpower as well.13.(环境描写)时值深秋,窗外大部分树木的叶子都落光了。It was in late autumn,and most trees outside the window had lost all their leaves.第二节:That night,John t

11、urned over in bed from time to time.He had difficulty in sleeping,uncertain about what he should do.Of course,he liked the phone.However,he was feeling sorry for the owner.When he thought how sad the young lady would be at the loss of her phone,he was full of guilt and shame.After a long and restles

12、s(坐立不安)night,he was determined to return the phone to the owner.The next morning,he told Emily firmly,“l am going to phone the owner.”Emily was very happy to hear that.They phoned the owner immediately.A lady answered the phone.John explained,“Hello,Im John.I shared the table with you in the restaur

13、ant yesterday and I have your phone.Can you come and get it?”The lady replied“Yes”excitedly,expressing her gratitude repeatedly.One hour later,they met at the same restaurant.Handing back the phone to the young lady and seeing her smile happily,John realized that honesty was indeed the best policy.1

14、.最重要的是没有人受伤或死亡。Whats most important is that no people were injured or killed.2.但它导致交通中断了几个小时,并使一些地区的水和电力供应中断,影响了人们的日常生活。But it caused the traffic to stop for a few hours,and made the water and electricity supply in some areas cut off,which had affected peoples daily life.3.当他们毫无希望地继续走着的时候,传来了一个甜美的声音

15、。While they walked on without hope,there came a sweet voice.4.卡尔先生高兴得跳了起来,拥抱了勇敢的孩子们。Mr.Carr jumped for joy and hugged the brave kids.5.他紧张地在房间里踱来踱去。He was pacing nervously up and down in the room.6.我的心砰砰直跳。My heart was pounding widly.7.他满怀焦虑地伸手去拿手机,却发现手机没电了。Full of anxiety,he reached for his cellpho

16、ne,only to find it out of power.8.当我登台表演时,我紧张得说不出话来。When I took the stage,nervousness dried up my words.9.想到这,我们都非常恐惧和担忧。Thinking of this,we all sank into a deep sea of fear and worry.10.比赛前,我很紧张。我的心几乎快要跳出来了。Before the competition,nervousness took control of/flooded over me.My heart almost leaped from my body.11.演讲前我感到心里发慌/忐忑不安。I felt like having butterflies in my stomach before the speech.12.当我走进她的办公室时,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.读后续写情绪描写之高兴、兴奋一、高级词汇1.joy



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