新目标七年级英语下册教学设计:Unit 4 I want to be an actor

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《新目标七年级英语下册教学设计:Unit 4 I want to be an actor》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标七年级英语下册教学设计:Unit 4 I want to be an actor(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 I want to be an actor一. 单元教学目标在本单元学生要学会议论自己与他人的职业,要谈论自己与他人将来想从事的职业并陈述原因,能够阅读招聘广告,并写一份招聘广告。二. 教材分析课题 TitleUnit 4 I want to be an actor主题TopicTalk about someones occupation and ones own occupation功能FunctionsTalk about the occupation目标语言Target LanguageWhat do you do? What does he do? What do you

2、 want to be?词汇Vocabularyn. doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, sales assistant, student adj. dangerous, fun, exciting, boring, interesting任务TasksSay something about their occupation. Learn to read and write the want ad.1. 本单元的讨论题目是: 自己与他人的职业, 自己与他人将来要从事的职业及原因。2. 本单元的重点是:句型结构

3、: What do you do? What does he want to be? Where does she work?3. 本单元的难点是: A.职业及工作地点的词汇的掌握。B.表达工作特征的形容词的掌握。C.学会写招聘广告。三. 课时划分本单元分3课时完成,每课时的内容可以整合,主要由任务组成,由浅入深,梯形递进,先完成小的任务,最后完成大的任务。任务的教学结构如下:第一课时:主要的教学目标是掌握职业及工作单位的名称,由问题导入,使学生很快进入本单元的学习状态,并通过几个任务的完成来掌握目标语言,词汇及句型。第二课时:教学目标是在初步掌握重点句型的基础上,进行小组练习,运用所学的单词

4、组成不同的对话。在听力练习中,针对短文回答问题。第三课时教学目标是综合运用语言练习和习作,并结合实际进行语言实践,通过阅读招聘广告猜出需求何类职业的人,并进行仿写练习。Period 1Teaching aims1. Vocabulary: sales assistant, doctor, nurse, patient, police officer, bank, clerk hospital, money, count2. Sentences patterns:What do you do? Im a teacher.What does he do? Hes a bank clerk.What

5、 do you want to be? I want to be an actor.3. The students just understand the words: dangerous, thief, be afraid ofKey points: The new wordsDifficult points:Target languages: What do you do? What does he do? What do you want to be? What does he want to be?Teaching tools: Recorder and some colored ch

6、alkTeaching methods: Listening, reading ,practicing and actingTeaching type: A new lessonTeaching stepsStep One Warming activityAsk and answer quickly in order to train their reactions. Choose one student as a teacher, he can let who he likes answer the questions.1. What size pizza would you like, l

7、arge, medium or small?2. What animals does he like? Why?3. How many days are there in a week? What day is the third day of the week?4. What would you like on the pizza?5. Do you like penguins? Why?6. He sleeps and relaxes twenty hours every day. Is he lazy?7. Pandas are from Australia, right or wron

8、g? Where are they from?8. He is a boy. He is very smart. He is a little fat. He is in Team One. He is before Jack. Who is he?Then ask one of the Ss to say something about his deskmate.Step Two PresentationT: Im a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer Im a student. Then a

9、sk the Ss one by one.T: What do you do?S1: Im a student.(Point to another boy)T: What does he do?S1: He is a student.Pairs work. Ask and answer in pairs.Step Three PracticeReview his, her, your, Jims sister and so on. Ask and answer in pairs.A: What do you do?B: Im a student.A: Where do you study?B:

10、 I study at No.2 Middle School.Then change the subject into her father ,his sister Ask and answer in pairs.Step Four Play a gameGuess what he or she does. This part just improves the Ss comprehension.1. He works in a bank. He sees a lot of money every day. But its not his. He counts it for other peo

11、ple. What does he do?2. She works in a hospital. She helps doctors and patients. Some people call her “angel in white.” What does she do?3. Go over a police officer, a reporter, a waiter like this.Step Five PracticeLet the Ss listen to the song “Ill be you in the future”. Then ask them “What do you

12、want to be? Why?” (This part let the Ss discuss together, using the given words: a doctor, a nurse, a bank clerk, a police officer, a teacher, a waiter, exciting, fun, interesting, dangerous. Then ask and answer in groups.) Then ask some pairs to act.Step Six Consolidation1. Listening: Section 1b2.

13、Choose the best group to write their dialogue on the blackboard. Lead the Ss to recite it.Step Seven Have a quizThis step needs the Ss cooperation with each other. They write their dialogues in groups.Sum-up Learn to talk about someones own occupationHomework 1. Recite and write the words.2. Make a

14、dialogue by themselves.教学反思: 深入开展任务型教学,可以有效挖掘学生的潜力,这是最深刻的感受。任务型教学要从简单机械操练为起始任务,逐步递进,达到完成情景对话或接近真实生活的目的。Blackboard DesignUnit 4 I want to be an actora doctor/nurse in a hospital exciting/busya waiter in a restaurant busya bank clerk in a bank boringa police officer in the police station exciting/dang

15、erousUnit 4 I want to be an actor1. Analysis of Unit 4 (单元要点分析)(1) What does he/she do?What do you do?(2) What does he /she want to be?What so you want to be?2. 难点(1) What does he/she do?= What is he /she = What does he /she work?(2) What does he/she want to be? be 这里是指职业,不能用do.(3) like talking to people, like to do 和like doing的区别:前者强调动作,后者强调状态。Like to swim 喜欢去游泳,like swimming喜欢游泳。(4) We run an international school我们管理一所国际学校.(5) We have a job for you as二、教学目标


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