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1、风机转子动平衡校验程序、 找平衡前:A. Before searching balance:1. 确定要找平衡转子叶轮的宽径比(B/D),确定转子的平衡校正方式(采用单 面平衡或是双面平衡。对于单面平衡,转子可以不旋转,用作图法可以进行 计算,确定加减的质量;对于双面平衡,则需要在平衡机上进行旋转,确定 加减质量及相位)。1. Determine the breadth diameter ratio (B/D) of the impeller of rotor to search balance, and the balance correcting way for rotor (includ

2、ing single-plane balance and double-plane balance. For single - plane balance, the rotor doesn t rotate, the mass of add and subtraction can be calculated by the graphing method; for double-plane balance, the rotor must be rotated on the balancing machine todetermine the mass of add and subtraction

3、and phase).2. 了解该转子的平衡精度及工作转速,如 G6.3,3000r/min 等,以便求出转子的总允许剩余不平衡量U。per2. Get the balance quality and working speed of the rotor, such as G6.3 , 3000r/min all the like, thus to calculate the total allowable residual unbalance U .per3. 了解转子的支撑方式(6种支撑方式),以便将总允许剩余不平衡量U 向per 校正面分配,得到每个平面可允许剩余不平衡量即该平面的平衡允

4、差(U 1, U 2)。per per3. Get the support mode of rotor (6 modes in total), to distribute U toward the percorrection plane, thus to obtain the allowable residual unbalance on each plane,namely the balance tolerancesof this plane (U1,U2per per).4. 估算转子质量占机器总质量的百分比,以确定是缩小或是扩大转子的平衡精 度(对轻型转子而言,转子占机器总质量的 1/1

5、0左右,可允许使用 3 倍于该 级的许用不平衡量;转子质量非常大的话,占机器总质量 1/2以上,则许用 不平衡量要减少 2/3)。4. Calculate the percentage of the rotor mass to the total mass of the machine, so as tomake sure whether the balance quality is reduced or not (If the percentage of a light rotor is around 1/10, the allowable unbalance value can be 3

6、times as more as that of this level; while the percentage of a very heavy rotor is above 1/2, the allowable unbalance value will be reduced by 2/3).5. 按照转子联轴器尺寸及平衡机联轴节尺寸加工制作专用联接盘。(注:联接 盘与转子联轴器之间的螺栓联接应按圆周均布。)安装时,应将螺杆由联接 盘侧向转子侧穿过,以避免因为螺杆过长,影响平衡校验。)5. The special connection plate can be processed based

7、 on the size of the coupler of the rotor and the coupling of the balance machine. (Note: The bolt connection between the connection plate and the coupler shall be placed evenly in circle.) When installing, pass the screws through the rotor side from the connection plate side, to avoid influence on t

8、he balance correcting due to the overlong screws.6. 根据转子类型确定支撑面和校正面,测量相关尺寸:1).转子两个支撑点 A、 B 处轴颈的直径; 2 )联接盘左侧端面到转子左支撑的距离 L; 3).转子两个支撑点之间的距离M;注意:这里有六种支撑方式6. Determine the support side and the correcting side according to the rotor type, and measure related sizes: 1). 2 support points of the rotor: the

9、diameters of A and B journals; 2) Distance L between the left side end face of the connection plate and the left support of the rotor; 3) Distance M between the 2 support points; Note: there are 6 support modes in total.MB7. 根据转子两支撑点 A、B 支撑轴径,调整平衡机两个支架上支撑轴承的高度, 选择合适的滚轮板(大轴用小轮,小轴用大轮);根据测量尺寸 L、M 调整 平衡

10、机两个支架在滑轨上的位置。7. Based on A and B journal diameters of the rotor, adjust the height of axial bearings of two supports on the balance machine, and select appropriate roller plate ( using a small wheel for the big shaft, and a big wheel for the small shaft); adjust the position of two supports on the s

11、lide track.8. 在转子上装上相应的连接法兰;擦干净滚轮上的污垢,加上润滑油;将转子 吊装到平衡机上与万向节连接,并关上万向节的安全罩。8. Install the related connecting flange on the rotor; clear up the dirt on the roller, and give lubricating oil; hoist and install the rotor on the balance machine and connect it with the cardan joint, close the safety shield

12、of the cardan joint.9. 检查机组所有锁紧部件紧固可靠后,打开平衡机控制柜电源。9. Check if the lock parts of the unit are fastened, power on the control cabinet of the balance machine.二、 进行平衡校验1. 开机进行不平衡量的测量。(注:转子旋转过程中,转子两侧不能站人, 也不能放置任何物件,如各种工具、破布等。)1. Conduct measurement of the unbalance value after starting up. (Note: during

13、the rotating process, there shall be no bystanders and no articles on the two sides of the rotor, such as tooling, rag, etc.) 转子平衡校验第一次开机前,应将控制柜上“转速调节旋钮”向左旋 转至较低转速位置。确认转子两侧没有人和障碍物后,按启动按钮开机。 When the machine is started up for correcting for the first time, please turn the “rotating speed regulation b

14、utton ” on the control cabinet to the left until the slow speed of revolution. After ensuring no person and barrier on the two sides of the rotor, start the machine up.i. 如果转子运转比较平稳,可慢慢向右旋转“转速调节旋钮”增加转 速,至设置转速(如 300 转/分)附近停止加速。等转子运行平稳 后,机组测量并自动显示出测量值。测量值相对稳定后,按HOLD i. If the rotor rotates smoothly, t

15、urn “rotating speed regulation button ” to the right slowly to increase the rotating speed, until the desired speed (such as 300 rpm) obtained. After the rotor runs smoothly, the unit starts to measure and display the measurement value. After the value turns to be stable relatively, press HOLD to ma

16、intain the value, and read it and stop the machine;ii. 如果转子振动比较剧烈,应立即停机。将“平衡速度”设置到较低 转速后进行预校验;ii. If the rotor vibrates heavily, please stop the machine immediately. After the “balance speed” is set to the lower rotating speed, conduct pre-correcting; 转子在预设的“平衡速度”校验过后,不必再调整“转速调节旋钮”。直接按启动按钮开机,待测量值相对稳定后,按HOLD键保持读出并 停机; After the preset “balance speed ” is corrected, directly start the mac



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