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1、2024 年年甘甘肃肃省省平平凉凉市市中中考考英英语语试试卷卷一一.听听力力理解理解(分分 4 小小节节,共,共 1 小小题题)第)第一一节节:听:听句句子,子,选选择择与与所所听内听内容容相相符符的的图图片片。每每个个句句子子读读两两遍遍。1(5 分)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)二二、听听句句子,子,选选择择恰恰当的当的应应答答语语。每每个个句子句子读读两两遍遍。2(1 分)A.Nice to meet you,Mary.B.See you.C.Yes,please.3(1 分)A.Six.B.Green.C.English.4(1 分)A.At school.B.Not at all.C

2、.Certainly,Ill get it right away.5(1 分)A.Take it easy.B.Thank you.C.Sorry to hear that.6(1 分)A.Tuesday.B.June,18th.C.9:05.三三、听听对对话话及及问问题题,选择选择能能回答回答所所提提问问题题的的最最佳佳答答案。案。每每段段对对话读话读两两遍。遍。7(1 分)What does Mike usually have for breakfast?A.Bread and milk.B.Noodles and eggs.C.Pancakes and juice.8(1 分)Who t

3、akes care of the plants in the classroom?A.The cleaner.B.The teacher.C.The students.9(1 分)How far is it from Lees school to the city museum?A.5 kilometers.B.15 kilometers.C.50 kilometers.10(1 分)Where does this conversation probably take place?A.Near the zoo.B.In a restaurant.C.At school.11(1 分)Why d

4、oes Sally do her homework right after school?A.Because she needs to play the piano in the evening.B.Because she wants to go to bed early and sleep well.C.Because she wants to play video games in the evening.四四、听听短短文,文,根根据据其其内容内容选选择择能能回回答答下下列列问问题题的的最最佳答佳答案案。短短文文读读两两遍。遍。12(5 分)(1)Whats the passage mai

5、nly about?A.Bettys family.B.Bettys school.C.Bettys neighborhood.(2)Whos Sam?A.Bettys classmate.B.Bettys brother.C.Bettys teacher.(3)Which is Bettys favorite place in the city?A.The library.B.The bookstore.C.The park.(4)Where is Betty and Sams school?A.Far from Centre Street.B.On Ray Street.C.Across

6、from Bettys house.(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A.Bettys school is very small.B.Betty usually walks to school.C.The bookstore is next to Bettys house.五五.语语法法与情景与情景对对话话(共共 20 小小题题;每小;每小题题 1 分分,满满分分 20 分分)阅读阅读下下列列各各题题,从从 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项 中中选选择择一一个最个最佳佳答答案案。13(1 分)I bought a new computer last p

7、uter is made in China.()AABAnCTheD/14(1 分)Linda is afraid of the dark.She even leaves theon while sleeping.()AscreenBradioCfanDlight15(1 分)Mark just phoned to say hed left his coat behind.Do you know if this is?()AmineBhersChis16(1 分)The bird in Pictureis between the boxes.(Dits)ABCD17(1 分)June is t

8、hemonth of a year.()AfifthBsixthCseventhDeighth18(1 分)Many students lose marks simply_they do not read the questions carefully.(AunlessBsoCbeforeDbecause19(1 分)have you been learning English?)For 7 years.()AHow oldBHow longCHow oftenDHow big20(1 分)Tom the dog at the moment.()Ais walkingChas walkedBw

9、alksDwalked21(1 分)but surely were making progress.Every small step forward brings us closer to our dream.()AHappilyBCarefullyCSlowlyDLively 22(1 分)My grandpa decided to smoking for his health.()Agive awayBgive outCgive backDgive up23(1 分)Excuse me,do you know?Sure.Theres a supermarket down the stree

10、t.(Awhere I can buy some vegetables)B.how to get to the post officeC.when the band starts playingD.why hes late for school again24(1 分)The road is veryafter the heavy rain.Drivers are warned to drive carefully to avoid accidents.()AemptyBdangerousCbeautifulDdirty 25(1 分)Yoube very tired after finish

11、ing all of those hard jobs.Yes.Ill take a deep rest and make myself comfortable.()Amay Bmay notCmustDcant 26(1 分)was the zipper invented?In 1893.()AWhenBHowCWhyDWhere27(1 分)Oh,no!Your brother left his umbrella at home.Thereheavy rain this afternoon.Dont worry,Mom.Ill bring it to him.()AwasBhas beenC

12、areDwill be 28(1 分)After being out in the rain,Toms feeling.)Hed better go to see a doctor.(A.on top of the worldB.under the weatherC.like a million dollarsD.like a kid again29(1 分)Linda prefers musicians whodifferent kinds of music.()AplayCwas playingBplaysDis playing30(1 分)What does Jane want Lucy

13、 to do?()AGo to the school with her.BExplain the homework.CWatch a movie together.DLend her a book.31(1 分)Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.They are not old enough.(AI dont think so.BIm afraid so.CI couldnt agree more.DI hope so.)32(1 分)Which of the following tells that you sho

14、uld keep quiet?()ABCD六六.完完形形填填空空(满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从短短文文后后各各题题所所给给的的四四个个选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入空入空白白处处的的最最佳佳 答答案案。33(15 分)Friday 10 October Its a sunny and pleasant day.I was tidying my room this morning and found an old(1)in anotebook.As I was looking at it ,the(2)memory of that day came back to me.

15、It was my mothers(3)birthday ten years ago,and I decided to surprise her with homemade scrambled eggs.I woke up really early and walked to the(4)quietly.I had never cooked anything before,so I tried to copy how(5)did it.But somehow they ended up burnt.I was about to throw everything away when my mot

16、her (6).I showed her the eggs and(7)explained what happened.To my surprise,she tasted them and said they werent bad!I guess (8)is indeed a magical ingredient.(9),we took this wonderful photo,laughing and ate them all.This weekend is her 45th birthday.Ill make her scrambled eggs(10).This time,they wont be burnt!(1)A.leaf(2)A.lovelyB.photoB.terribleC.letterC.heartbreakingD.keyD.friendly(3)A.55thB.45thC.35thD.25th(4)A.living roomB.bathroomC.bedroomD.kitchen(5)A.heB.sheC.theyD.we(6)A.came inB.called


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