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1、2024 年年贵贵州州省省中中考考英英语语试试卷卷(其其他他市市、州州卷)卷)一、一、听力听力 (共(共五五节节,30 个个小小题题;每;每小小题题 1 分,分,满满分分 6 分)第分)第一一节节 听听对对话话,选选择择与与对对话话内内容容相相符符的的图图 片片。(读读一一遍遍)1(1 分)A.B.C.2(1 分)A.B.C.3(1 分)A.B.C.4(1 分)A.B.C.5(1 分)A.B.C.6(1 分)A.B.C.第第二二节节 听听句句子子,选择选择与与句句子子匹配匹配的的最佳最佳应应答答。(读读一一遍遍)7(1 分)A.Pop music.B.I like singing.C.Soun

2、ds nice.8(1 分)A.Its blue.B.Its 25 yuan.C.Its Lilys.9(1 分)A.Im fine.B.Yes,please.C.Youre welcome.10(1 分)A.I ride my bike.B.Its about 3 kilometers.C.It takes me 10 minutes.11(1 分)A.I was busy.B.It was sunny.C.I went climbing.12(1 分)A.See you.B.Never mind.C.Good idea.第第三三节节 听听对对话话,选择选择最最佳佳选选项项完完成成句子句子。

3、(读读两两遍遍)13(1 分)Anna learnsA.French B.Chinese C.English by taking online courses.14(1 分)Lucy would like to drink a cup of.A.tea B.water C.juice15(1 分)The conversation probably takes place in.A.a bookstoreB.a hospitalC.a restaurant16(1 分)Judy advises Frank tofor his fathers birthday.A.buy a penB.make

4、a cardC.write a poem17(1 分)Alice and Paul are talking about.A.family rulesB.traffic rulesC.school rules18(1 分)Maria willbefore having lunch.A.close the windowB.clean the classroomC.turn off the light第第四四节节 听听对对话话,根据根据对对话话内内容及容及问问题题,选选择择最最佳佳选选项项。(读读两两遍遍)19(2 分)(1)What does Mary want to be in the futu

5、re?A.A pilot.B.A doctor.C.A teacher.(2)What does Jack think of teaching?A.Its easy.B.Its important.C.Its interesting.20(2 分)(1)When did Nancy arrive at Mikes party?A.At 6:30 p.m.B.At 7:00 p.m.C.At 7:30 p.m.(2)What did Nancy wear for the party?A.Jeans.B.A dress.C.A Tshirt.21(2 分)(1)What problem does

6、David have in learning English?A.He has poor pronunciation.B.He is a slow English reader.C.He cannot follow his teacher.(2)How many pieces of advice does Ms.Smith give to David?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.第第五五节节 听听短短文文,完成完成表表中中所所缺信缺信息息,每,每空空仅仅填填一一词词。(读读三三遍遍)22(6 分)WhoWhatMothercooks meals and does some(1)

7、Fathercleans the(2)and does some house fixing(3)does the dishesJimtakes out the rubbishThe whole familyhave a cleanup day every (4)weeksmake the house(5)and brightBenefitsIt helps (6)our life skills.It makes the family get closer and understand each other better.二二、完完形形(共(共两两节节,满满分分 5 分分)第第一一节节 (共共

8、5 个个小小题题;满满分分 5 分)分)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从框框内内 6 个个选选项项中中选选出出可可以以填入填入空空白白处处的最的最佳佳选项选项。选选项项中有中有一一项项为为多余多余选选项项。23(5 分)A.butB.anC.atD.firstE.inF.usedFrom Tenez!to tennisTennis first appeared in England and France in the 16th century.It was called royal tennis and only kings and queens played it.It was(1)indoo

9、r sport and players started the game by sayingTenez!and thats how it got its name.Modern tennis appeared(2)the 1860s.It was first calledLaw n Tennisand players only played on grass.The(3)tennis match was at Wimbledon,London in 1877.Nowadays,players play on other kinds of courtsIn the past,players di

10、dnt use plastic rackets.They(4)wooden rackets and they were quite heavy.Men wore pants and shirts and women wore long dresses.The first person to wear shorts at Wimbledon was Bunny Austin in 1933.In the past,players also wore shoes,(5)players wear sneakers(胶 底 运动鞋)nowadays.Today,tennis is an Olympic

11、 sport.It is also part of the Paralympics and athletes play in wheelchairs.第第二二节节 (共共 10 个个小小题题;每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下面短下面短文文,从每,从每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出可出可以以填填入入空白空白处处的最的最佳佳选选项项。24(15 分)Phoebe Snetsinger had just returned from a trip to Alaska when her doctors told her that she had ca

12、ncer.She had less than a year to live.Phoebe was 50.As soon as she heard the (1),shedecided to spend the rest of her life doing what she loved mostwatching birds.She immediately went off to some of the worlds most amazing natural places.Her(2)were very hard.But Phoebe surprised her doctors and her f

13、amily as she carried on travelling.A year came and went,and she was still(3).She was doing something that she loved and that helped her to be healthy for another ten (4).The cancer came back,but even then Phoebe Snetsinger decided not to (5).At the age of 61,when she had see n 7,530 species(物种)(观察者)

14、.In Missouri,Phoebe (6)a group of people who were interested in birds and plants around the Mississippi River.She became very worried about(7)and its bad influence on the environment.We have to protect nature,she said.If we dont,people wont be able to enjoy(8)these beautiful birds in the future.Sadl

15、y,when Phoebe was 68,she died in a car accident.Four years later(9)her memoirs(回 忆录),Birding on Borrowed Time.Many people have enjoyed reading this(10)book.It isnt just a story about a bird spotters travels,but a touching human record of how her hobby helped her to live much longer than expected.(1)

16、A.storyB.newsC.play(2)A.tripsB.tasksC.exams(3)A.aliveB.confidentC.famous(4)A.daysB.monthsC.years(5)A.stopB.shareC.prepare(6)A.changedB.joinedC.described(7)A.safetyB.pollutionC.health(8)A.watchingB.drawingC.helping(9)A.copiedB.discussedC.published(10)A.thickB.expensiveC.moving三三、阅阅读读 (共共三三节节,满满分分 30 分分)第第一一节节 (共共 12 个个小小题题;每每小小题题 2.5 分分,满满分分 30 分分)阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项。25(10 分)(1)Students can choose to join inon the Sports Day.A.B.C.(2)What do we know about the wo



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