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1、2024年甘肃省临夏州中考英语试卷I.单词辨音 1(1分)找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。()A homeB brokeC loveDsmoke2(1分)找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。()A bankBwashCblackDsad3(1分)找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。()A heatBmeanCdealDbread4(1分)找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。()A generalBgreetCgrapeDgarden5(1分)找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。()AthirtyBthankCtruthD

2、thereII.语法与情景对话 阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。6(1分)Linda often plays_piano after school.()A aBanCtheD/7(1分)Of all the_,I love spring best because it is a symbol of life.()A seasonsB subjectsCcolorsDhobbies8(1分)Lisa,would you like to come to my birthday party next Saturday?Id love to,but Im not_.Im bu

3、sy preparing for the test.()A availableB enjoyableC believableDcomfortable9(1分)We all agree that Qomolangma is _mountain in the world()AhighBhigherChighestDthe highest10(1分)We are supposed to_the lights when we leave the room.()A turn downB turn upCturn offD turn on11(1分)Which picture shows the dog

4、is behind the house?()A B C D 12(1分)Many trees_every year to protect the environment.()A plantB are plantedCwere plantedD have planted13(1分)Mr Green_China for five years.()A has been toB has gone toC has been inD has come to14(1分)Do you know_Dunhuang?Because the scenery there is so fascinating and t

5、he culture is so rich.()Awhat they think ofB how to get toC why many people travel toDwhere we can learn about15(1分) _wonderful experience our family had in the Mogao Caves!Im glad you had a good time.()AWhatBHowCHow aDWhat a16(1分)The health website provides a lot of useful advice_teenagers.()A with

6、BforCtoDon17(1分)Tom didnt go to bed_his mother came back last night.()A untilBifCbecauseDunless18(1分) _do you visit your grandparents?Once a week.We should care about the old.()A How longBHow oftenCHow soonDHow many19(1分)The town is getting more and more beautiful with many flowers on_sides of the s

7、treets.()A allB eitherC neitherDboth20(1分)We should take action against school bullying(欺凌)._School bullying must be stopped.()A I hope not.B I dont think so.CI agree with you.DIm afraid I cant21(1分)Science and technology are developing _in our country.()A directlyB quicklyC seriouslyDsilently22(1分)

8、We cant turn right when we see the sign_.()A B C D 23(1分)Its necessary for us to learn to_time and make good use of every minute.()A spendBvalueCrecordDwaste24(1分)A true friend is a person_can help you when you are in trouble.()AwhoBwhomCwhoseDwhich25(1分)Which of the following is true according to t

9、he picture?()A They are reading books.B They are doing some cleaning.C They are playing games.D They are doing their homework.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。26(15分) Selena was a girl student.Her mothers birthday was coming.She wanted to buy her a(1) which would be useful but not expensive.A

10、week(2) her mothers birthday,she went shopping after lunch.She found a store that was selling all kinds of umbrellas.So she decided to buy a(3) one.Her mother had lost hers the month before.She thought, Mom could carry that when she is wearing(4) of any color. Finally she spent her pocket money buyi

11、ng a lovely black umbrella.That evening,on her way home in the train,she felt a little(5) because she had such a small lunch.Then she went to the buffet car for a sandwich and coffee.However,Selena found the umbrella was missing when she(6) .So she told the passengers she had to get off at the next

12、station.After the(7) other passengers heard the story,they asked her for her mothers address.They told her that they could(8) the umbrella to her if somebody had taken it by mistake.The next week,Selena(9) her mother.It said, Thanks for your lovely gift,but why did you send me three(10) black umbrel

13、las?(1)A.toyB.giftC.watchD.dress(2)A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.during(3)A.smallB.bigC.blackD.strange(4)A.shoesB.clothesC.glassesD.handbags(5)A.tiredB.thirstyC.hungryD.sleepy(6)A.came upB.came downC.came outD.came back(7)A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five(8)A.sendB.sellC.carryD.turn(9)A.shared withB.looked atC.hea

14、rd fromD.argued with(10)A.commonB.cheapC.expensiveD.similarIV.阅读理解 27(10分)阅读语篇,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。正(T)误(F)(1)The survey above is about eating habits. (2)The average sleep score is 6.75 points. (3)Those born before 1970s have the earliest average bedtime. (4)According to the table,22% of the people have trouble sleeping. (5)We could read this material in a health magazine. 28(10分) In Northwest Chin


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