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1、Unit 10Id like some noodles教学课题第四课时Section B (3a-3c)& Self Check教学目标【知识目标】Important words:order,specials,different,vegetable,drink,fruitImportant phrase:would likeImportant sentences:1.Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes?2.We have fish for lunch.【能力目标】能够用英语写一则饭店的广告。【情感目标】客观、公正地进行广告宣传,培养学生实事求

2、是的作风。教学重难点如何写广告。教学过程Step 1Leading1.Teacher shows some pictures of foods.(见课件)2.Ask students to make similar conversations in pairs.A:Would you like some dumplings?B:Yes.I like dumplings with meat.Step 2Reading1.Read the short passage in 3a and fill in the blanks in the ad.(见课件)2.Ask several students

3、 to read the passage.3.Check the answers:specials,kinds,strawberry,bowl,orderStep 3Writing1.Imagine you have a restaurant.Write the foods and their prices.2.Write an ad for your restaurant with the following sentence structures.(见课件)Would you like.?We have.for.is very good/delicious.Step 4Self Check

4、1.Put the words you learned in different groups in Self Check 1.(见课件)2.Check the answers.3.Complete the sentences in Self Check 2 with the correct forms of the there be structure.(见课件)4.Check the answers:there is,there are,there isnt5.Ask students to give a summary about there be structure.6.Write a

5、 conversation with the help of the clues in Self Check 3.(见课件)Waiter:Can I help you?Customer:Yes.We would like some dumplings.What kinds of dumplings do you have?W:We have pork dumplings,onion and mutton dumplings,beef dumplings and all kinds of vegetable dumplings.C:We would like some beef dumpling

6、s and two bowls of tomato and egg soup.W:What size bowl of soup would you like?教学过程C:Medium.W:OK.Here are your dumplings and soup.C:Thank you.W:You are welcome.Step 5HomeworkWrite an ad for a restaurant.板书设计Section B (3a-3c)& Self Check重点短语would like重点句型1.Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes?

7、2.We have fish for lunch.课堂练习.单项选择1.I want to make dumplings.Would you like to the meat for me?Sure. A.cut upB.cut downC.make a wishD.blow out2.Jim doesnt like beef,potatoes cabbages.A.ofB.withC.orD./3. some potatoes in the box and some meat in the bowl.A.There is;there areB.There is;there isC.There

8、 are;there isD.There are;there are4.?Id like some tomatoes and potatoes.A.What do you buyB.Do you like tomatoesC.Can I help youD.Would you like some potatoes5.Im hungry.I would like a large bowl of dumplings.A.eatingB.eatC.to eatD.eatsKeys:15ACCCC.根据汉语意思完成句子1.我不喜欢绿茶,也不喜欢咖啡。I like green tea coffee.2.如果我们尽最大努力,我们的梦想就会实现。If we try our best,our dream will .3.他很想要一小碗羊肉饺子。 a small bowl of mutton dumplings.4.在生日那天人们通常许个愿,并吹灭蜡烛。People usually a wish and out the candles on the birthday.Keys:1.neither;e true3.Hed like4.make;blow教学反思1


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