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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流新概念英语教案第二册L28.精品文档.Lesson 28 No parking一、教学重点1、复习书信写作二、教学步骤1、引入话题(详见右框)。22、听一遍音频,掌握大意。5 Does Jasper White believe in ancient myths? Whats he just bought? Where is it?3、生词解读,纠正发音。104、提出问题:Since when has he had trouble with cars and their owners?看一遍视频,解答问题。35、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)

2、。20引入话题:Today we will listen to a story about a man who believes in ancient myths.【第二节课】1、做137页的两道选择理解题。52、朗读课文。103、复习句型(详见下文)。104、做135、136页关于句型的练习。155、绕口令。10 【第三节课】1、讲解135、136页的难点。102、听写单词,记忆法指点。103、听英文歌曲。8 4、看图背课文比赛。205、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。16、布置作业:摘要写作,137页的选择题,背课文和单词。1三、精讲课文1. rare1) adj.稀有的,罕见的,不

3、寻常的(rarer, rarest)not often happening or seen, unusualeg. He is a rare person.他是个少见的人。a rare book珍本a rare plant珍稀植物a rare butterfly一只罕见的蝴蝶a rare visitor稀客a rare edition珍藏本It is rare + for (sb) + to do sth某人很少做某事eg. It is rare for him to be absent.他很少缺席。2) adj.(气体等)稀薄的,稀疏的thinthe rare air of the moun

4、tains山里的稀薄空气3)adj.半熟的,煮得嫩的Id like my steak rare, please.我要的牛排要三、四分熟。half-done半熟 well-done全熟rarity rerti: n. c珍品,奇事u稀有rareness n. u (空气等)稀薄,稀有rarely adv.不常(否定含义)not often, seldomI rarely eat in restaurants. I often cook myself.我很少到饭店里吃。我一般都是自己做。2. ancient adj.古代的,古老的old adj.老的,旧的,先前的an old lady一个老太太a

5、n old church一个古老的教堂an old friend老朋友my old job我以前的工作senior si:nj adj.较年长的,资深的junior du:nj adj.年少的, 较年幼的;资历较浅的, 地位较低的senior citizen老人,退休的人the senior partner大股东aged adj.(正式)年老的,体衰的(人)an aged gentleman一位老人ancient adj.(仅物)远古的,古代的an ancient civilization古代文明an ancient history古代历史antique nti:k adj.(仅物)古旧的,珍

6、贵的antique furniture古董家具an antique coin古钱币3. myth n.神话尤指与某一民族早期历史或信仰有关,或解释自然现象的故事。the Greek myths希腊神话the Roman myths罗马神话legend lednd n.传奇,传说Legend in the Fall 秋天的传说story n.故事 / talenovel小说folk-tale fukteil 民间传说fable n.寓言Aesops i:sp Fables伊索寓言mystery mistri n.神秘的事物,谜,秘密the mysteries of nature神秘感an air

7、 of mystery神秘的气氛mythical mkl adj.神话的,神话式的,虚构的mythical heroes神话中的英雄4. trouble1) n.麻烦have trouble with sb / sth 与有摩擦eg. Yesterday I had some trouble with a traffic policeman.昨天我和一个交警有点摩擦。eg. Jasper White had trouble with cars and their owners. 贾斯伯怀特和一些车以及车主有点摩擦。eg. Thank you for your trouble.谢谢你费神。eg.

8、 No trouble at all.哪儿的话,不麻烦。2) n.困难,苦恼,苦恼的原因,麻烦的人eg. Whats the trouble?怎么了?family troubles家庭纠纷political troubles政治纠纷eg. Her heart was full of troubles.她非常苦恼。have trouble in doing sth做某事有困难,有麻烦have some trouble in doing sth做某事有一定的难度have great trouble in doing sth做某事有很大的难度have a little trouble in doin

9、g sth做某事有一点困难(原讲课内容为:have little trouble in doing sth 有误,现已改正)have no trouble in doing sth做某事没有困难have difficulty in doing stheg. With my help, you wont have trouble in driving.有我帮忙,你开车不会有困难的。ask for trouble自讨苦吃look for troublebe in trouble有麻烦make trouble惹麻烦The trouble is 糟糕的是,问题在于3) v.使某人苦恼,麻烦,烦劳eg.

10、 That student sometimes troubles the teacher with hard questions.那个学生有时会用一些很难的问题麻烦老师。eg. She was troubled by the news of her mothers illness.她对妈妈生病的事感到很苦恼。eg. Sorry to trouble you.不好意思,打扰你了。trouble about为某人担心trouble overeg. Dont trouble about that.别为那件事担心。trouble to do sth特意做某事eg. Dont trouble to se

11、e me off at the station.你不用特意去车站送我了。troubled adj.混乱的eg. Fish in troubled water趁火打劫,浑水摸鱼绕口令:Dont trouble troubles until trouble troubles you. 直到麻烦来惹你之前,不要去惹麻烦。5. effect ifekt1) n.效果,效应,影响have effect on sb / sth对某人/某事产生影响eg. Did the medicine have any effect on patients?这药对病人有效果吗?eg. The teachers words

12、 had a great effect on him.老师的话对他产生巨大的影响。2)n.结果cause原因cause and effect因果eg. His stomachache is an effect of overeating.他胃疼是吃多了的结果。stomachache stmk,ek 胃痛;腹痛personal effects私人财产,随身携带的物品put sth into effect使某物产生效果bring sth into effectin effect实际上eg. The vice-president is, in effect, the leader of the co

13、mpany.实际上,副总裁是公司的领导。affect fekt v.对影响,发生作用affect sb影响某人affect sth影响某事eg. Their opinion will not affect my decision.他们的观点不会影响我的决定。eg. The No Parking sign didnt affect those drivers.禁止停车的标志并没有影响到那些司机。eg. The possible gossip of the others couldnt affect her.别人的流言蜚语不会影响到她。eg. Smoking affects health.吸烟影响

14、健康。affect v.假装affect sickness假装生病affect indifference假装不关心eg. She affects not to hear me.她假装没听到我。四、句型复习现在完成时1.现在完成时have/has+过去分词,表示过去某时的动作对现在存在影响。仔细阅读下列句子,注意与现在完成时连用的表示时间的词或词组:I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.我刚收到我弟弟蒂姆的来信。just刚刚I have not seen Tim since last January.自从去年一月我就没再见过蒂姆。since+某一时间点I have not seen Tim for three years.我已经三年没有见过蒂姆了。for+一段时间Up till now he has won five prizes.到现在为止他已经赢得五项大奖了。up till now到现在为止I have been toNew Yorkthree times so far.迄今为止我已经去过纽约三



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