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1、A2013年词汇学复习资料1. Define the following terms (30%):1)Lexicology(词汇学)is the study of the vocabulary(词汇)or lexicon(辞典)of a given language.It deals not only with simple words,but also with complex and compound words(复合词).2)Morphology(形态学)is the study of the forms of words and their components(成分).The maj

2、or purpose of morphological(形态学的)study is to look at morphemes(词素)and their arrangements in word formation.3)Semantics(语义学)is the study of meaning.It tries to explain and describe meaning in natural language.4)Etymology(语源学)is the study of the whole history of words. 5)Lexicography(词典编纂)involves the

3、 writing and compilation(编辑)of dictionaries,especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling(编译)and editing(编辑)dictionaries.6)The word is an uninterruptible(不间断的)meaningful unit of linguistic(语言学的)structure consisting of one or more morphemes(词素). 7)English words can be

4、classified into lexical words(content words)(实词)and grammatical words (function words)(虚词). 8)The semantic(语义学的)field theory(语义场理论)takes the view that the vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items(条款),but is organized into areas or fields,the members of which are joined t

5、ogether by some common semantic component(成分),such as the concept(概念)of color or kinship(亲属/亲密关系). 9)Morpheme(词素)is the smallest meaningful unit which may constitute(构成)words or parts of words,an arbitrary(任意的)union(联合)of a sound and a meaning and a linguistic unit(语言单位)that cannot be further analyz

6、ed.10)Lexeme(词位)is an abstract(抽象的)linguistic unit with different variants变体,a unit of lexical词汇的meaning, and it takes no account of(不注意)the inflectional(曲折变化的)endings it may have or the number of words it may contain(含有).11)Morph(词态)refers to any concrete(具体的)realization of a morpheme(词素)in a given

7、 utterance(已给的表达).12)Allomorphs(词素变体)refer to morphs(词态)which are different representations of the same morpheme, the alternate(替换物)phonetic(语音学的)and/or spelling forms of the same morpheme. 13)Bound morphemes(粘着词素)are those that must be joined to other morphemes.Free morphemes(自由词素)are those that ne

8、ed not be attached to other morphemes and can occur by themselves as individual words.14)Denotation(意义/符号)is defined as the relationship that holds between the lexeme(词位/语义)and a whole class of extra-linguistic(非语言)objects,including persons,things,places,properties(性能),processes and activities.15)Th

9、e relationship of reference(引用的关系)holds between an expression and what that expression stands for on particular(特别的)occasions(场合)of its utterance(表达). 16)Sense is defined as a relationship between the words or expressions of a single language, independently of the relationship which holds between th

10、ose words or expressions and their referents(参照物).17)Stem(词干)refers to the word to which inflectional affixes(词缀)are added and which carries the basic meaning of the resulting complex word. 18)A stem consisting of a single morpheme is labeled(把.称为)as root(词根).A root can be bound(有约束的)or free.The bou

11、nd roots are generally(普遍的)derived from the Greek(希腊)and the Latin(拉丁)language.19)A base is a lexical item(词典条款)to which affixes(词素)of any kind can be added.It is a morpheme(词素)that gives a word its meaning.20)Polysemy(一词多义)refers to the situation in which a word has two or more different meanings.I

12、t is an invaluable(无价的)factor of economy and flexibility(灵活性)in language.21)Homonymy(同音/同行异义)refers to a situation in which there are two or more words with the same shape. polysemy指一个单词有多种意思(不管读音与词性)homonymy指一个单词在读音相同的情况下有不同意思(不管词性但读音要完全一样)或者不同单词但是读音相同25)Root creation(词根创词)refers to the process of

13、building a word that has no relationship whatsoever(无论什么)with any previously(预先)existing word.26)Onomatopoeic(拟声)words are originated(起源)from the specific(特殊的)sounds occurring in the real world.27)Ejaculations are words that attempt to imitate(模仿)instinctive(本能的)vocal(元音)responses to emotional situa

14、tions.28)Inflection(词行变化-ed,-ing,-s名词复数、所有关系;动词时态;形容词比较急最高级)refers to a general grammatical process which combines words and affixes to produce alternative(可供选择的)grammatical forms of words.29)Affixation(词缀法)(derivation)(派生法)is the process whereby(通过)an affix is attached to a base (root or stem). 30)

15、Compounding(合成词)refers to the method and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words.31) A change in word class without the addition(添加)of an affix is known as conversion(变换).It is also called zero-derivation(零位派生).32)Blending(混合词)refers to the process of combinin

16、g parts of two words to form a third word which contains some of the meaning of each part.33)Clipping(缩写多音节单词)is the process by which a word of usually three or more syllables(音节)is shortened without a change in meaning or function.34)Initialisms(缩写)are the results of putting together the initial letters(首字母),or occasionally(偶尔)the first two letters, of the orthographic(拼写正确的)words in a phrase and using them as words



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