At the Farm 教学设计

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《At the Farm 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《At the Farm 教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、At the Farm 教学设计教学年级四年级课题名称At the Farm教学内容本部分学生学习的核心句型是Are these carrots? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 以及What are these? Theyre tomatoes. 还有单词tomato, potato, carrot, green bean以及其复数形式。教材通过参观农场并与农场主人对话的情景让学生感知句型的语义及语用情景,再通过农场蔬菜丰收的情景表现单词的词形和意义。教学目标1. 能理解对话大意,能用准确的语音、语调朗读对话。2. 能在情景中使用句型Are these .? Y

2、es, they are. What are these? Theyre 及单词tomato, potato, carrot, green bean询问物品名称并回答。3. 能使用句型Theyre 描述蔬菜特征。4. 增加对蔬菜的喜爱水准。教学重、难点教学重点:涉及名词复数形式的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。教学难点:these的发音以及tomato和potato的复数形式变化。设计思路以农场为中心,以食物为主线,用一首与食物相关歌曲引入,通过询问学生想不想成为农夫引出本课的农场主MacDonald和他农场上的一些水果和蔬菜,跟着小熊维尼出发一起去参观,切入主题。通过参观农场里的作物,新授句型,又通

3、过找到了一些蔬菜,新授单词,并简单描述蔬菜的特征。用学生喜欢的猜谜游戏实行单词和句型的操练。最后用一个学生很熟悉的卡通人物维尼小熊种南瓜的故事拓展学习内容,并引导学生明白种植是一个等待喜悦的过程,从而拉近城市里长大的孩子们对农田、蔬菜、植物的距离。整堂课也贯穿新版教材传递的自然拼读法的教学思路实行单词的教学。板书设计At the Farm What are these? Theyre . carrots Are these ? tomatoes Yes, they are. green beans No, they arent. potatoes教学步骤和说明教学活动安排学生活动设计意图Ste

4、p1.Warming up1. Greeting.2. Lets enjoy a song.1. Greeting.2. Enjoy a song.用一首与食物相关的歌曲,唤醒学生对旧知的记忆。Step2.Presentation and Practice1. T: Do you like to be a farmer?Really? But I think its funny to be a farmer. I have a friend, Mr. MacDonald. He is a farmer. He gives me some strawberries. PPT出示句子: Try s

5、ome! Theyre good!T: Thanks! Yummy! T: Try some! Theyre good.Share with your friend and say “Try some. Theyre good.” You, please.2. T: Winnie and Robin are on MacDonalds farm. Lets go with them. Come on!PPT展示跟随Winnie认识农场里的作物,3. T: Who can ask like Winnie?PPT出示these4. Good job! Now, lets read.these we

6、 he she Chinese 齐读几遍,并板书: What are.T: Now, who can ask? Anyone else?要求学生能说出整个句子进行What are these?5. T: What are these? Are these oranges? No.(作沉思状)Oh, I see. Who wants to know? You can ask me! 耳语两个学生,然后请他们一起用No, they arent./ Yes, they are.来判断别的学生的答案.T: You can guess. Are these apples? 板书引导学生用Are thes

7、e.?来问.T: Ha-ha! Theyre potatoes.6. Words: potatoes and tomatoes T: potato Who can read? potatoes totato tomatoes用两个声调引出tomato, 并提一下英式发音.T: How many tomatoes? Look at the tomatoes. Theyre red. (yummy, juicy, healthy, sour, fresh, tasty) How many potatoes? Look at the potatoes. Theyre. (brown, yummy,

8、healthy, fresh, tasty)7. T: What are these?T: Now, listen to Winnie and Robin. Oh, theyre tomatoes. Theyre green tomatoes. Theyre not grown.carrots cat hat bag antHow many carrots? Look at the carrots. Theyre. (orange, green, yummy, healthy, fresh, tasty)green beans tree seasee iteabee eatHow many c

9、arrots? Look at the carrots. Theyre. (orange, green, yummy, healthy, fresh, tasty)8. T: At the farm, there are so many fruits and vegetables Now, Im the farmer. Please pick the fruits and vegetables up.A: What are these?B&C&D: Are these ?A: Yes, they are. /No, they arent.9. Mike, Sarah and John are

10、at old Macdonalds farm, too. 1. Practice “Try some. Theyre good!” and share the strawberries.2. Visit MacDonalds farm with Winnie and Robin.3. A student asks “What are these?”4. Try to read “What are these?”Try to ask: What are these?5. Practice: What are these? And try to ask: Are these.?6. To lear

11、n potatoes and tomatoes7. Are these.?To learn carrots and green beans.8. Group work9. Read and follow the record.用一份MacDonald送的草莓引起学生的兴趣,并把句子:Try some! Theyre good! 在此环节自然地进行输入与输出的练习。参观农场,通过参观水果片区新授句型What are these?继续参观农场,发现水果以外还有蔬菜。新授句型:Are these.?并用自然拼读法教学单词。通过创设农场采摘的情境,巩固已学的单词和句型,并加深学生对农场工作的印象和喜爱

12、程度.Step3. Extension1. T: How funny! Winnie wants to be a farmer. So he is looking for his friend, Rabbit. What will happen? Lets have a look! Before that, there is a question for you.2. T: In October, Winnie got the pumpkins. He can make the jack-o-lanterns. Now, please try to read the story.3. T: R

13、ead the story in your group. Six in a group. One is Winnie. One is Robin. No narrator.4. T: Lets act out.1. Listen to the story. And answer the question.2. Try to read the story 3. Group work4. Role play.用维尼种南瓜的故事提升学习内容,巩固学习效果,进一步拉进学生与农场之间的距离.Step 4. HomeworkT: Do you like to be a farmer? Someone says yes, someone says no. Ok. Todays homework is: 1. Read the text on P.38-39. 2. Make a picture book after class. Here are the covers. There is an extra task, Try to plant some vegetables as Winnie. Who wants to do that? Please stand up. I have some seeds for you. 有选择性地完成作业,发挥学生学习的主动性,并培养学生种植的热情.


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