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1、 分类号: TH6 学校代号:10150UDC: 密级: 学 号:G2005015工程硕士学位论文轴承清洗传输线的设计与研制Design and Research of bearings cleaning transmission line学生姓名:校内导师及职称:企业导师及职称:工程领域:机械工程研究方向:机械优化设计申请学位:工程硕士论文答辩日期:2010年6月4日学位授予单位:大连交通大学摘要摘 要现在,随着铁路运输业务的不断发展,货车运输显得尤为重要。而货车在长期运输过程中,其轮对轴承很容易积聚大量污垢而磨损,严重地影响了货车运行的平稳性,甚至会造成停运,给人们的生产生活带来诸多不便。


3、承传输线设备,其任务是将拆下的轴承通过地下坑道传送到轴承清洗车间。该传输生产线控制系统采用PLC自动控制,确保各动作实现自动化。拆下的轴承组件采用托盘盛装,其地面输送设备采用滚筒斜槽传输机械,地下坑道运输设备采用轨道小车传输机械,在地面和地下之间的垂直洞口采用提升机实现升降。为保证提升机和地下轨道小车不发生干涉,提升机采用叉子叉装托盘完成。整个传输线设备适应性强,故障率低,维修方便,其安全系统满足国家生产安全标准。生产实践表明,该传输生产线上的设备性能完全可以代替进口同类产品,具有良好的性能价格比, 自开发以来,获得用户广泛好评。关键词:轴承清洗;传输线;自动化;轨道小车IAbstractAt

4、 present, With the continuous development of railway transport services, truck transportation is especially important. The truck during transport in the long run, its wheel bearings are easy to accumulate a lot of dirt and to wear, It has seriously affected the smooth running of vehicles, and even c

5、ause outages and inconvenience to production and living . To ensure the normal transport operations,It need cleaning wheel bearings regularly.However, in fact, the cleaning conditions vary in the factory. We found that disassembing workshop and cleaning workshop are separate by studying.there is onl

6、y an underground tunnel between them , according to the manufacturer, we must use this underground tunnel, and design a transmission line and transport bearing components by it.At present , a lot of general transportation equipment are developed abroad, they are demanded more and more in the market,

7、 but they are not fit for transporting truck bearings, and the price is expensive. Now the transportation equipments made in China are cheap,but they are mainly used for ground transportation, the transportation equipments used for underground tunnels are not many, and the transportation equipments

8、have their own advantages and disadvantages in the transportation capacity, efficiency, adaptability and automation etc.To this end, we based on other transport equipment ,and combined of the actual situation of Siping depot, and designed and manufactured a dedicated transmission line equipment whic

9、h transport bearing components, the task is removed the bearing from the bearings disassembing workshop to cleaning workshop through the underground tunnel. To ensure the action to realize automation,the transmission line is controled by PLC. The bearing is loaded by the tray dress, the tray dress i

10、s transported by the roller chute on ground, the tray dress is transported by the rail car underground tunnels, the tray dress is transported by the elevator in the vertical between the ground and underground. To ensure the elevator is no interference with the rail car, the elevator load the tray dr

11、ess by its pallet fork. The transmission line is adaptable, and its failure rate is low, its maintenance is easy, its security system can meet the national safety standards. Production practice shows that the performance of the transmission line equipment can replace the similar products by imports,

12、 it has good performance and low cost, which have gotten high evaluetion by user since the development.Key Words:Bearing cleaning;Transmission line;Automation;Rail carV目录目 录摘 要IAbstractII绪 论1第一章 概述31.1 轴承清洗传输生产线设计任务简介31.2 国内外输送机械的发展概况41.2.1铸造起重机51.2.2脱锭起重机61.2.3夹钳起重机61.2.4锻造起重机71.2.5输送钢板起重机71.3 国内外输

13、送机械的发展现状81.4 国内外输送机械制造业的发展趋势91.5 本课题的提出及意义101.6 本文主要研究内容10本章小结11第二章 传输线的整体方案设计122.1输送工艺122.1.1输送的定义122.1.2 影响输送的因素122.1.3固体物料输送的理论基础122.1.4 固体物料输送的基本原理122.2 各种输送方法的比较与选用132.2.1 带式输送机输送132.2.2 链式输送机输送142.2.3滚筒输送机输送162.2.4提升机输送172.2.5搬运机械手输送182.2.6轨道小车输送192.3传输线的总体结构212.3.1根据厂家要求确定输送机的类型212.3.2传输线的总体布

14、局222.4传输线的传动系统23本章小结24第三章 传输线的主要设备及部件设计253.1传输线的主要设备253.1.1斜面滚筒输送装置253.1.2升降机构263.1.3轨道小车及导轨343.2 输送机的传动系统353.2.1传动系统设计分析353.2.2传动系统示意图363.2.3传动系统设计计算373.3底架结构393.4摆线减速器403.4.1摆线减速器的结构原理403.4.2摆线减速器结构型号表示法403.4.3摆线减速器的使用条件413.5托盘结构423.5.1常见的托盘结构形状423.5.2本机托盘设计433.6 平衡轮设计44本章小结45第四章 输送线的安装、调试与疑难问题的解决

15、464.1 输送线的控制系统464.1.1可编程控制器用于传输过程控制464.1.2 PLC的基本工作原理464.1.3传输过程控制系统设计流程474.1.4控制系统的硬件配置484.1.5系统的软件实现484.2输送线的安装514.2.1槽钢导轨的安装514.2.2其他机构的安装544.3输送线的调试554.4疑难问题的解决564.5工厂实际应用情况57本章小结57第五章 输送机改进585.1 升降机构的处理585.2 停车制动的改进585.2.1提升机停车制动的改进585.2.2输送轨道小车制动的改进60本章小结61结 论62参考文献63攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文65致 谢66引言3绪论绪 论在铁路运输行业中,滚动轴承广泛地应用于各种机车车辆上,各种内燃机车、电力机车和新型的客、货机



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