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1、话剧剧本灰姑娘角色分配饰 王子,旁白饰 继母饰 灰姑娘饰 姐姐,仙女饰 大臣,士兵灰姑娘( Cinderella )旁白:Long, long ago, there lived a cute girl. Her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had a daughter. Both ofthem were very bad in their nature. What s worse, her father died unfortunately one day, leaving her along t

2、o face her stepmother and stepsister. They treated her badly. She had to work around the clock. She had to sleep in the kitchen. She had to wear dirtyclothes. All of them called her“ grey girl” . Look, here comes hstepmother and her stepsister.灰姑娘家后妈: How cold the water is! This is not good for my t

3、ender hands.Cinderella, Cinderella where the hell are you?灰姑娘: Oh, yes, mom. I am coming. ( 急匆匆跑过来,手里拿着扫把)what s the matter?后妈: The water is so cold. How could you except me, your faint mother, to wash the clothes, you cruel-hearted girl. Wash them beforenoon, or I ll灰姑娘: But mom, I have to clean th

4、e house and prepare the lunch and后妈(瞪眼):en?灰姑娘(怯怯地看了她一眼,低语) :Ok, mom. Ill do it.后姐(在缝衣服):Oh, god. This is such a terrible work. How could I put the thread through the needle with so thin an eye on it and howboring it is to sew in such a bright day!(放下针线叫起来) wheredame the ugly girl is, Cinderella灰姑娘(

5、跑进来):Whats wrong, sister?后姐: Whats wrong? You lazy girl, how dare you let me hurt my eyes to put the thread through the needle when you can do it? Make up this dress for me before this evening. I will wear it tonight. Do make sure you finish it before I come back, or I will tell my mom that you offe

6、nd me and you will see the consequences. Now, I will go out to enjoy myself.灰姑娘: Yes, dear sister. I will do it.(一段时间后,后姐回来 ,手里拿着一张传单 ,未进门就喊 )后姐:Mom, mom, look! There are some leaflets. I got them on the streets. The king is going to hold a dance party for the prince to look for a wife and everyone

7、could take part in!后妈(从后妈手中接过传单) :Oh, thats wonderful! Dear, you are the most beautiful girl in our country. He will probably choose you.Come on, make up yourself. We haven t enough(瞪time灰姑.娘) Cinderella, what are you doing? Come here, help your sister, she will be a princess soon.灰姑娘: Ok, I will. B

8、ut can I go to the party as well tonight? I want to(后妈和后姐正忙作一团,听到,停下来,瞥着灰姑娘)后妈: You? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Donknow who you are? You wanna be a princess? Oh, when pig flies.t you后姐 :Do you have beautiful dress and pretty shoes? Do you have jewelry and flowers? My poor dirty

9、sister, how dare you even give a thought of going to the dance!后妈: Stay home and do the housework patiently. I will cheek when we are back.后姐: Mom is right. Home is the place where you should stay.(灰姑娘不语,默默地帮姐姐收拾)(后姐和后妈走后。灰姑娘坐在那儿, 小声哭泣着,想起了爸爸妈妈 )灰姑娘唱(歌剧魅影angel of music 调):Mom and Dad where have youb

10、een hiding?Really you were soothingSomehow I know you re always with meNow I need your helpingCinderella, you must have been dreamingStories like that cant come trueCinderella, you are thinking in riddlesAnd its not like you(仙女出现 )仙女: Poor Cinderella. Let me help you. You willbecome the mostattracti

11、ve girl in the party. Cheer up.(仙女领着灰姑娘出门)Party大 臣 : Good evening, ladies and gentleman, welcome to theprince-dancing ball. This night our worshipful Prince Edwardwill select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his wife(.王子走出来,向所有来宾鞠躬)大臣向王子问道: Highness, how are these girls? Is there anyone you

12、like?王子(皱眉):MmmI don t like, they are宫殿外(仙女带灰姑娘来到宫殿外,此时的灰姑娘模样已大变, 自己都不敢相信。)仙女: Now, Cinderella, go to the party and dance with the prince . Butremember you must leave before 12 oclock.Remember, 12o clock! Orall the magic on you will disappear.灰姑娘: I will remember. Thank you, my kind fairy.宫殿内(灰姑娘从门口

13、进来,众人惊叹,王子转身看到了她,先是一怔,后两眼放光,自语: Shes like a fairy. Shes like an Angel. Shes themost beautiful girl I ve. (even走上前met,鞠躬 )王子:Pretty lady, may I be honored to dance with you?灰姑娘 : Id love to.(握住王子的手,开始跳舞)(Music and dance)旁白 :Beautiful Cinderella and handsome Prince Edward are dancing.They fall in love.(12 点的钟声猛然敲响了 )灰姑娘 : Oh, its time to go back. I must go now. I am sorry that I cannotdance with you any more, sir! (挣脱,往外跑)王子 : Wait, miss, please wait! (追上去)灰姑娘: (急忙地跑,掉了一只鞋 )Good bye, sir!王子 : (拿


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