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1、Marty27s Story 预习学案Unit 1 Martys StoryFirst reading: Read the text quickly and answer:1. Marty is _ person.A. a healthyB. an illC. a disabledD. a rich2. Marty has _disease.A. a mentalB. a muscleC. an eyeD. a leg3. What s Marty s dream?A. Being a famous football player and representing his country in

2、 the World Cup.B. Being a doctor.C. Being a college student.D. Being a basketball player.Second reading: Read the text carefully again and answer:1.Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty s leg?A.Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.B.Because they wanted to use it a

3、s a specimen(标本 ).C.Because they would transplant(移植 ) the new muscle.D. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.2. Which of the following is false?A. Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed.B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not fee

4、l sorry for being disabled.C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.D. Marty s disability has made him more independent.3. From the passage we can infer that_.A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him.B. Marty never loses heart.C. Marty is afraid of being made fun ofD. Mar

5、ty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger4. Which of the following is TRUE?A.The doctor could give Marty s disease a name.B. The doctor knew how to make Marty well.C. Someone in the world could cure the disease.5. We can infer that_.A. Marty will lose heat.B. Marty feels sor

6、ry for being disabled.C.Marty s life is full of challenge.D. Marty feels lonely.6. Fill in the chart on P3, Ex1 according to the text.Problems caused by his disabilityWhat Marty does in spite of his disabilityMarty27s Story 预习学案1.weak and can t run or climbtairs as quickly as 1.enjoyswritingand comp

7、uterothersprogramming2. reading:1. Read the text again and try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:2. The main idea of the whole text: Words and expressions:1. disabilityn.伤残 ;无力 ; 无能disabled adj. 伤残的the disabled( 指代一类人 )伤残人士disable vt.使丧

8、失能力 ; 使伤残disablement n.残废 ;伤残选词填空 : disability, disable, disabled, disablement1) He gets money from the Government because of his _.2) The _ are to receive more money.3) She managed to lead a normal life in spite of her _.4) Many soldiers were _ in the war.5) The insurance( 保险 ) policy covers sudden

9、 death or _.2. ambition n. 野心 ;雄心ambitiousadj. 有雄心的 ;野心勃勃的be ambitious for sth/to do sth 对 (做 )某事怀有雄心 /热切的希望 ambitiously adv.野心勃勃地Eg: A boy who is ambitious/filled with ambition usually works hard.完成句子 :1)Mothers are often highly _(怀有热切的期望) their children.2) I am _( 热切希望能成功 ) in life.3)His _( 要做首相的雄

10、心) is likely to be realized.Marty27s Story 预习学案3. beneficial adj .=having a good or useful effect有益的 ;受益的be beneficial to对 有益 ; 对有利beneficiallyadv.受益地 ; 获利地beneficiaryn.受惠者 ;受益人benefit n.益处 ;帮助vt.有益于 ; 有助于for the benefit of为了 的利益benefitfrom 从受益翻译 :1) 新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康.(beneficial)2) 他的休假已产生了有益的效果.(bene

11、ficial)3) 这本书对你没有多大益处 .(benefit)4. in other words=that is to say换句话说in a/one word简言之 ;总之翻译 :1) 他们叫他离开 -换句话说 ,他被解雇了 .2) 总之 ,我不喜欢这份工作 .3) 换句话说 ,他成了英雄 .5. adapt vt. 使适应 ;改编adapt (oneself) to 使 (自己 )适应be adapted for为改编某物be adapted from根据 改编某物adaptable adj. 能适应的 ;可改编的adaptationn.适应 ; 改编本adapter/adaptorn.

12、适应者 ; 改编者介词填空 :1) The play is adapted _ a novel.2) This book is adapted _ beginners.3) When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself _ new customs.4) Novels are often adapted _ the stage, television and radio.6. breath n.呼吸 ; 气息out of breath上气不接下气catch one s breath喘息 ;歇口气hold onebreaths 不出声

13、;屏息get one s breath (again/back)喘过气来 ; 恢复过来lose one s breath喘不过气来 ;呼吸困难take a deep breath作一次深呼吸take breath歇口气 ; 歇会儿take sb s breath away使某人大吃一惊breathe vt.呼吸breathingadj.呼吸 (着 )的breathless adj. 屏息的1.I was all_ when I got to the top of the mountain.A. held my breathB. out of breathC. taken a deep breathD. taken my breath away2.We _ while Mr Evans read the exam results.A. took a deep breathB. out of breathC. got our breath backD. held our breathMarty27s Story 预习学案7. absence n.缺席 ;不在 (某处 )absence of mind 心不在焉 ; 神不守舍absent adj .缺席的 ; 不在的vt.使缺席 ; 使离



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