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1、课 题(课型)Review unit2 after school 教 学 目 标或考 点 分 析:复习unit 2重点短语及句型教学重难点:unit 2重点短语及句型教学方法:知识梳理、例题讲解、归纳总结、巩固训练个性化辅导内容:Unit2 After shcool一、单词day日,天:1.Sunday星期日 2. Monday 星期一 3. Tuesday 星期二4. Wednesday星期三5. Thursday 星期四 6. Friday星期五 7.Saturday 星期六8. go 去 9. match比赛 10. today 今天 11. when 什么时候 12. every 每个

2、13. week 星期,周 14. sorry 对不起 14. have 有 15. has 有(三单)二、词组1. after school 放学以后 2. What a pity! 真遗憾!3. All right. 好的。 4. get up at five五点起床5. every day 每天 6. go and play table tennis 去玩乒乓球7. a football match 一场足球比赛 8. come and play basketball 来玩篮球9. a swimming lesson 一节游泳课 10. dont have any lessons 没有任

3、何课11. on Saturday 在星期六 12. Good morning. 早上好。13. make a week 成为一周 14. what day 星期几15.days of the week 一周的日子 16. on Tuesday afternoon在星期二下午三、重点句型1. Lets go and play table tennis. 咱们去打乒乓球吧!2. What day is it today? 今天星期几? Its Wednesday. 是星期三。3. I have a football match today. 我今天有一场足球赛。4. I have an Art

4、lesson on Friday. 星期五我有一节美术课。 5. What about Su Yang? 苏阳呢? What about Saturday? 星期六呢?6. She has a swimming lesson too. 她也有一节游泳课。7. We dont have any lessons on Saturday. 我们星期六没有任何课。8. What lessons do you have on Thursday morning? 星期四早上你有什么课? I have Chinese and Maths. 我有语文课和数学课。9. When do you get up ev

5、ery day? 你每天几天起床? At six. 在六点。10. I get up at five. 我五点起床。11. Wheres my cap and wheres my bag? 我的帽子在哪还有我的包在哪儿?12. That makes a week. 那就成为了一周。13. I play basketball on Tuesday and Thursday. 我在星期二和星期四打篮球。四、语音a / Dad cat cap bag hamburger sandwich snack练习:一. 按要求写单词(5分)1. afternoon(反义词) 2. two(同音词)3. whe

6、n is(缩写形式) 4.lets(完整形式)5. is(复数) 6. I would(缩写形式)二. 英汉互译(10分)7. 在星期一 2. 今天上午8. 放学后 4. 起床9. 每天 6. what a pity!10. a new timetable 8. a swimming lesson9. what day 10. time for English三. 情境匹配(10分) I II( )1. When do you go to bed? A. Thank you.( )2. Nice to see you. B. I like Music.( )3. What day is it

7、today? C. At ten.( )4. Lets go and play basketball. D. Yes, I do.( )5. What lessons do you have today? E. Nice to see you,too.( )6. Do you like Chinese? F. OK, lets go.( )7. Where are the books? G. Its Sunday.( )8. What subjects do you like? H. We have Maths,Art and Science.( )9. Heres a cake for yo

8、u. I. Theyre on the chair.( )10. I like Music. J. Me,too.四. 单项选择题(10分)( )1. is the first day of a week. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday( )2. We have seven at school. A. subject B. subjects C. lessons( )3. -What do you like? -I like Science and PE. A. subjects B. lessons C. lesson( )4. What lessons d

9、o you have Friday? A. on B. at C. in( )5. We dont have lessons today. A. some B. a C. any( )6. -Its time for PE. -Lets go and . A. play the football B. play the table tennis. C. play the basketball.( )7. -How are they? -Theyre twenty yuan. A./ B. old C. much( )8. -What is it? -Its . A. day;five B. t

10、ime; Sunday C. day; Friday( )9. -When do you go to school? - A. Its seven. B. On seven C. At seven( )10. -Where the milk? -In the glass. A. is B. are C. Am五.看图,根据图意补全对话(10分) 1. -What day is it ? -Its . -What do you have this morning? -We have Chinese and .2. -When do you up? -At . -When you go to bed? -At .3. -What lessons do you have Saturday? -We have any lessons today.六.改错(10分)( )1. What lessons do you like? A B C ( )2. I have a swiming lesson today. A B C ( )3. What lessons do you have in Monday? A B C ( )4. Whens do you go to school? A B C


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