【精品】高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit16 Finding jobs(备课资料)

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1、Reference for Teaching.异域风情Job interviewMandy was woken up hearing the birds singing and the traffic outside her house.She looked at the clock9:00 a.m.!She had an interview for a new job at 10:00 a.m.She leapt out of bed,pulled on the clothes she had chosen for the interview and ran downstairs.There

2、 was no time for breakfast and little time for more preparation.She had spent the previous evening with a friend who had prepared her for many questions.She had felt quite confident that she could make a good impression,but this morning she was in a panic.She arrived at the main reception desk of AL

3、CO Consultants at 9:45 a.m.She took a deep breath and walked up to the desk.“Mandy Baldwin for an interview at 10 oclock with the Corporate Accounts Department.”Soon it was her turn for the interview.“Tell us about yourself.”“Why do you want to work for our company?”“What do you know about this comp

4、any?”“What are your strong and weak points?”“What do you look for in a job?”“Why are you leaving your current job?”The questions came very fast,one after another.Had her interviewers used the same books to prepare the questions as her friend had the previous evening?She turned the difficult question

5、s into an advantage.“My weak points are that I become very involved in my work and committed to a companys goals.I think it is more healthy to maintain a balance between work and play.”“Do you have any questions for us?”Mandy had pre-prepared several questions.“Why is this position open?”“How often

6、has it been filled in the past 5 years?”“What are the most pressing problems and how long will I have to solve them?”At 4:00 p.m. Mandys cell phone rang.“We would like to offer you the job of Account Executive.When would you be able to start?”A day that had started off so badly suddenly turned out s

7、o well!There is no way to predict the outcome of an interview,but being prepared is the best advice there is!.知识归纳1.delight的用法delight既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,主要用法如下:(1)使高兴(多用过去分词作表语)跟不定式We were all delighted to receive your letter.收到你的信我们都很高兴。We were delighted to have him here with us again.他又和我们在一起,我们感到很

8、高兴。跟介词短语He was delighted with your article of Lu Xun.他为你写的关于鲁迅的那篇文章感到高兴。We were delighted at the news.听到这消息我们很高兴。跟从句We are delighted that the production plan has been fulfilled ahead of time.生产计划提前完成,我们感到很高兴。They were delighted that the date of the conference had been fixed.会议的日期定了,他们很高兴。不跟特别结构But i

9、n secret they were delighted.但他们内心是感到高兴的。May I join you?我也来好吗?Delighted,Mr White.欢迎你来,怀特先生。注意:间或用于主动结构Their splendid performances delighted the capitals audiences.他们的精彩表演使首都观众非常高兴。(2)用于delight in喜欢(做某事),从中得到乐趣。She delighted in her work.她很喜欢她的工作。They delight not only in Chinese music but also in that

10、 of foreign music.他们不仅喜欢中国音乐,还喜欢外国音乐。delight 还可用作名词,其意义如下:快乐,高兴,为不可数名词。take delight in以为乐to ones delight使某人高兴的是with delight高兴地,乐意地To our delight,the newly designed machine works very well.使我们高兴的是,新设计的机器运转良好。乐事,乐处,为可数名词Singing is one of her delights.唱歌是她的爱好之一。2.hold的短语归纳和常见用法归纳(1)hold作及物动词用,是高考重点动词之一

11、,其常见用法如下:握着,拿着He held my hand and tried to comfort me.他握住我的手,设法安慰我。She held the child in her arms day and night.她日夜把孩子抱在怀里。Hold the line,please.(电话)请别挂。容纳,装着The plane held about forty people.这架飞机大约能坐四十人。The stadium holds five thousand people.这个体育场能坐五千人。举行They held many get-togethers with their forei

12、gn friends.他们和外国朋友举行了多次联欢会。A meeting was held yesterday.昨天开了一个会。(2)hold的短语:hold back作及物动词用,有“阻止,忍住、隐瞒”等意思。No difficulty can hold us back.没有任何困难能阻止我们前进。She couldnt hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud.她再也忍不住了,大声哭泣起来。Dont hold anything back,you must tell me everything.什么都不要隐瞒,你要把一切都告诉我。hold o

13、n作不及物动词用,有“坚持下去,别挂电话”的意思。Hold on,everything will be all right.坚持下去,一切会好的。Hold on a moment/a minute,please.别挂电话,请等一会儿。hold out作不及物动词用,有“坚持,维持”之意;还可用作及物动词,有“伸出,提出”之意。Are you tired?Can you hold out any longer?你累吗?还能坚持一会儿吗?They were ready to hold out a friendly hand.他们准备伸出友谊之手。hold up作及物动词用,有“耽搁,使停滞”的意思

14、。The storm held us up.暴雨把我们耽搁了。The traffic was held up by an accident.出了事故使交通阻塞了。hold off作不及物动词用,有“推迟,暂时不来”之意。The storm held off.They went on with their work.暴雨暂时没下,他们继续干活。hold ones breath屏住气hold ones tongue住嘴,不说话Hold your tongue.We wont listen to your nonsense.住嘴!我们不听你胡说八道。.词语辨析1.duty,obligation,re

15、sponsibility这组词的共同意思是“责任、义务”。在指具体的职务或任务时,responsibility和duty常可互换。Both officers and men have discharged their duties/responsibility well.军官和士兵都很好地尽了他们的责任。其区别是:duty,obligation和responsibility指的“责任、义务”,都是基于法律、道德要求的。responsibility还指按照社会习惯或本人良心的要求;obligation指除受法律或社会习惯等约束之外,还受诺言、誓言、契约、合同等约束。Every person has a duty to his country.每个人对自己的国家均有责任。A good citizen has certain obligation to society.一个好公民对社会有某些义务。The



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