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1、梦想英语演讲稿集合4篇梦想英语演讲稿集合4篇梦想英语演讲稿1 The world changed when James Watt invented the first steam engine,when Isaac Newton discovered the universal gravitation after hit by an apple,when Karl Marx wrote The munist Manifesto,when Chairman Mao solemnly declared the establishment of the Peoples Republic of Chi

2、na on the Tiana_en Rostrum,when Martin Luther King cried out “I have a dream”. The world was changed by something called dream,which is invisible,untouchable but strong enough.I can assure that every child have written a position titled My Dream. They have already written down their longing for the

3、future. Some of them want to bee scientists;some of them hope to bee teachers or doctors. Maybe they didnt know how many difficulties they will face before their dream e true. But the dreams are like small seeds planted in their hearts;like the beacon in the sea that lead them to their destinations.

4、Dream changed us,and therefore we changed the world. It is dream that refreshes the world every day. It is also dream that makes the world improve day by day. We dare to dream. We can also achieve our dreams and change the world.I cant imagine the world without dreams. How about you?梦想英语演讲稿2 Ladies

5、and Gentlemen:Its my great honor to stand here to share my speech with you. Today the topic of my speech is:The Pursuit of Dream.Now lets think of our old days as we were students in primary schools. Have you ever remembered that the teachers often ask questions as “whats your dream?”,or “what are y

6、ou want to be in the future?” and whats your answer in that childish and fantastic age?Has anyone of you answered like this:“I want to be a painter”,or “I want to be a scientist”,or “I plan to be a police”?A few years later,we start our new journey of study in high schools and bee mature and practic

7、al in our mind. Then,have you ever changed your dreams?If so,whats it?But now,I think,most of us bee downtoearth and the dream is more practical than before. However,have you taken actions to pursue your dream?Are you working hard enough to make your dream e true?As for myself,I have dreamed to be a

8、n excellent police in high school due to there are so many thefts in my hometown while they are seldom caught. Sooner I have realized how ridiculous am I and now I turn to realistic:I just want to be a translator.How do I pursue my dream?First of all,I try my best to correct the pronunciation and re

9、ad the textbook or other English magazines such as:English weekly,English salon and the like. I try to do this day by day. Now I have improved my reading ability a lot and it also enlarged my vocabulary.Secondly,I often do some translating extension and embrace my teachers suggestion. It benefits me

10、 much.Last but not the least,I realize my dream by reading Chinese literature. Maybe you will say its what the Chinese major students should do. If you say so,you are badly wrong. For as an English major student,how can you know others well if you even dont familiar with your country?On the other ha

11、nd,it also benefits me in translation and writing.In a word,I have already working in my dream. What about you?Thats all. Thank you.梦想英语演讲稿3 参赛学校:xxxx参赛学生:xxx指导教师:xxxmydreamif, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder.翻译:我的梦想各位教师们上午好,我很快乐能参加这次比赛。我的名字叫冷凌萱,今年我12岁了。我是来自横路中心完小六年级一班。如

12、今我将开场我的演讲我的梦想。每个人都有自己的梦想,有些人想成为医生有些人想成为作家家。但是我的梦想是成为一个教师。因为我钦佩教师。教师在学校不能教我们很多东西,但是他们尽他们最大的努力去教我们怎么学习。由于他们我们学到了很多知识。并且同时我们学到了怎样去过一个幸福的生活。他们花大局部的时间在他们的学生身上。他们在我心里是最好的。我知道我的梦想实现不是那么容易。 张海迪阿姨有次说过:“每个人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假设说理想是驶向成功的船,我将要掌好船舵。所以从如今开场我将更努力的学习。我相信我的梦想总有一天将会实现。我的演讲完毕,谢谢您们的聆听。梦想英语演讲稿4 I am happy

13、to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.But one hundred years later,the negro still is not free. one hundred years later,the life of the negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains o

14、f discrimination. one hundred years later,the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. one hundred years later,the negro is still languished in the corners of american society and finds himself an exile in his own land. and so weve e here today to dramatize a shameful condition.第 页 共 页


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