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1、关于网购的看法My,Vw,n,Soppi,ine英语作文 篇一:关于网购的看法My Vie on Shopping Onlin关于网购的看法My Viw onppn OlnWi h develpmet o emer, hoppng onine becom a new way of hopping whh i gttin mre and more ppular.Mny ctizen re liklyto sop thrugh internet nowadays. 随着电子商务的开展,网购成新的一种购物方式,而且也越来越流行。如今许多的市民都倾向于网购。 Generlyspkng, soping

2、olie ofes lot of advantgs with is nnience the mosprine. Thereare any commdites n t iee heeou ca earchaeer y at. Besids, u jt ick thmouse can youe all infraion y want, so that you donthaveto go tothe shop psonally I adtio, th commodities n h Intentis all ceaer than th stores whh cnave much mney.一般来说,

3、网购提供了特别多的优势,其中方便是最突出的。网络上有特别多的商品,在上面你能够搜索任何你想要的。除此之外,你只需点击一下鼠标就能够得到你想要的所有信息,如此你就不用亲身跑到商店去。再者,网上的商品通常都比商店里面的廉价,如此就能够省下一大笔钱。 However, everytgas o sis.Yu ca n see he rdor hc their ulitie aomef thesellr nthe Inerne is no o onst. And, for tose wo enoy shoping round diferentstores,sping oine rha wllmake e

4、.然而,任何事情都有两面性。你看不到商品也无法检查它们的质量,而且有一些网上的卖家是特别不老实的。关于那些喜爱在不同商店购物的人,网购可能会让他们感到无聊。 Inyopinion, hoppiglne hsore dantagestha diadvantes, and ihte improvemen eommerc, there b e pl o shop on the Intenet 我觉得网购的优点多于缺点,而且随着电子商务的进步将会有更多的人在网上购物。篇二:关于网购的英语作文双十一将要到了,不知今年淘宝是否能创下新的成交记录。 事实上,网购有优点也有缺点,下面我就结合本身的购物经历来谈

5、一谈。首先来谈一谈购物的优点。第一,在网上能够买到平时不容易买到的东西。例如,我们做万用表实验时用到的电池,我在我们几个超市都征询过了,没有买到,而我在网上特别容易就买到了,而且价格也挺合理的,比本人去市中心买方便多了。第二,可供选择的范围特别大,价格选择余地大。淘宝上各种东西都有,用样的东西各种价格都有。接下来,谈谈网购的缺点。第一,退换比拟苦恼。例如,当我们买衣服时,尺码容易出现误差,互换费时长,衣服寄回去还得本人付邮费,第二,可能买到假的物品,质量无法保证,买到的东西特别可能用不了多久就坏了,寄回去维修也比拟苦恼。 最后,我来谈谈我的个人看法。买衣服最好去实体店,买,电器最好上去买而不是

6、淘宝,而买小物品或者买四周不易买到的物品能够上淘宝,在淘宝买东西也不能贪图廉价,不然质量无法保证。 Tw-eleven wil be to come, I do notknow wheth ths y To turnoer hi a ne rcord. I fac, onlin shping ha adatges and disdvatgs, theIombine y epercet al aboushopping. First,lets talk about e advanages of opin. Firt, u anbuy olne sualy notea to buy hins.Fo

7、exaple,do mutimterexperimn weusea baty, severalspermaets in urschol Ihave askd, and di ot buy, but I am on theInternet it is eay to u, and te pice is er reasonale, tan I go owtw easy to buy me. eod, te so frchice,pricegreat oie aoao has a arietyofhins,with th kinof tithat havevarity of rice Nxt, abo

8、uthe diadvatages f onlineppng. Firt,rend t mchtoule. For examl, hen e buyclots,izeis pn eror, chang nd tie-conuming long, clothes retun tohae theiow tag.econ,you may buyfake goods,qualiy ca not be ganed,bu stuf probly wll not b longnthe ba, retur too c trubl t reair Fnll, I came t tal aout mpersnl v

9、ies et o t he tor o y lohe, by a cell phone o to he offcial wesitet buyltricl apiae bt u rathe tan tTabao buy,nd buy sml itemor buy item reailyalbe aroud hecan on Taobao, Taboo by thg can not be freeloader, or quality ca ote ganteed.篇三:onlin oping 关于网上购物的英语the rap developmentof teIntet an th ncrsig

10、nes ofgoods, online hopig of itsconvenienis the be choicinour fst-paced lie Weeaproach onlinshoping, or firtble is wer i cudguaranee ourbenef n netting,proucs boughby s are a away rm th ecriptn o selers.They re soeies of poor ality However,tis nt theors matter.e as t way toavoiding sch issus thawe s

11、hould ee clanrad commns write yoher ustmes. Itis not rtonal that uy is i haste,epnt t leiure. In another sttn, or indviual noaon is psedin th nrnet. Theexposion my si our peacefl ifeintoames. cheater will ta adaneofou informatin to en an acout and make anoverraf. Mney will not besetou but a bill will, thus we wille hghdebt. N doub, ter ar som les of online hoping.But if we e enoug caeful,we woud enjoythe shoppig olin.


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