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1、 The 16 Type Patterns 16种人格类型 Adapted from Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission. THERE ARE 16 PERSONALITY TYPES. EACH TYPE REPRESENTS A UNIQUE PREDICTABLE PATTERN OF HOW THE E

2、IGHT PROCESSES ARE USED IN EVERYDAY LIFE. 存在16种人格类型。每种“类型”都可预见出的在日常生活中对应的八种功能的运用方式。 The Roles of the Processes 不同功能的作用 In each of the sixteen types, each of the eight processes plays a different “role” in the personality. The type code lets you know what role each process plays for each type. This i

3、s called “type dynamics.” It is also referred to as the “hierarchy of functions”: Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior. The roles are explained below to help you better understand the patterns. In most of what we do we rely on two of the processesa preferred way of accessing information and a

4、 preferred way of organizing and evaluating that information. As we look more closely we can see that one process takes a leading role and the other takes a supporting role.* 所有的功能均在不同的人格类型中扮演着各自的角色。类型代码的作用就是让你知道在不同的类型中,各种功能分别扮演着何等角色。这就是所谓的“动力类型”。也就是我们所说的“功能等级”:主导功能,辅助功能,第三功能和劣势功能。这些内容在下面会有进一步的解释以助你

5、加深理解。通常情况下我们主要依靠两种功能,一种用来收集信息,另一种用来组织所获取的信息。当我们对此更深入观察时,会发现一种功能占主导地位而另一种起辅助作用。 In truth, we have access to all eight cognitive processesthe other six are often in the background, playing other kinds of roles. Each has a positive and a negative way of expressing itself. Each bears a different energy

6、cost when we use it. 事实上,我们能够使用所有这八种功能,只是另外六种常常居于幕后,起着不同的作用。每种方式都可能被积极或消极地呈现。当我们运用不同方式时,也就是在向不同的方面投入精力。 The Primary Processes 人格类型的阳面 The primary processes are those used in the first four roles. Each process tends to emerge and develop at different times in our lives. During these times we are draw

7、n to activities that use these processes. Then, learning the content and the skills that engage these processes is often nearly effortless. We find our interest is drawn to them and our interest is pulled away from things we were drawn to before. 人格类型的阳面我们首要运用的四种功能。不同的功能会在我们生命中的不同阶段出现与发展。在不同的阶段,我们会更

8、活跃地应用对应的功能,并发现可以几乎毫不费力地应用它。我们会发现自己的兴趣逐渐转移,从过去吸引我们的事物上移开。 The Leading Role (Dominant) (sometimes referred to as the 1st function) 主角(主导功能) The process that plays the leading role is the one that usually develops early in childhood. We tend to engage in this process first, trusting it to solve our pro

9、blems and help us be successful. Being the most trusted and most used, it usually has an adult, mature quality to it. While we are likely to engage in it rather automatically and effortlessly, we have much more conscious control over it. The energy cost for using it is very low. Much like in the mov

10、ies, the leading role has a heroic quality as using it can get us out of difficult situations. However, we can sometimes “turn up the volume” on this process and become overbearing and domineering. Then it takes on a negative dominating quality. 主导功能通常是我们在童年期即已发展出的功能。我们会倾向于首先运用它,指望它来解决我们的问题,帮助我们成功。这

11、是我们最值得信赖和最常使用的功能,通常是相当成熟完善的。尽管多数情况下我们是在自然而然、毫不费力地运用它,我们也可以更有意识地去掌控它。运用主导功能所需投入的精力极少。正如电影中的主角所起的作用那样,主导功能的运用能够令我们摆脱困境。然而,有时我们也会过分依赖主导功能,变得过于傲慢自大。此时它主要起消极作用。 The Supporting Role (Auxiliary) (sometimes referred to as the 2nd function) 配角(辅助功能) The supporting role is how we are helpful to others as well

12、 as supportive of ourselves. Once we have developed some facility with our leading role process, we are more likely to feel comfortable engaging in our supporting role process. In its most positive form, this can be quite like a nurturing parent. In its more negative aspect, it can be overprotective

13、 and stunting rather than helpful. When the leading role process is an extraverted one, the supporting role process is introverted. When the leading role process is an introverted one, the supporting role process is extraverted and may be quite active and visible as it provides a way of dealing with

14、 the outer world. 辅助功能帮助我们自身的作用正如我们帮助他人。一旦我们能够熟练地运用主导功能,让作为配角的辅助功能来发挥作用会让我们更感舒适。当状况良好时,恰似合适的家庭环境有利于孩子成长。若状况不佳,则可能是主角过于强大而使得配角不能很好地发展,而非起到促进作用。当主导功能外倾时,对应的辅助功能是内倾的。当主导功能内倾时,外倾的辅助功能是我们与外界打交道的方式,会是活跃而易于被觉察的。 The Relief Role (Tertiary) (sometimes referred to as the 3rd function) 替补队员(第三功能) The relief ro

15、le gives us a way to energize and recharge ourselves. It serves as a backup to the supporting role and often works in tandem with it. When we are younger, we might not engage in the process that plays this role very much unless our life circumstances require it or make it hard to use the supporting

16、role process. Usually, in young adulthood we are attracted to activities that draw upon this process. The relief role often is how we express our creativity. It is how we are playful and childlike. In its most negative expression, this is how we become childish. Then it has an unsettling quality, and we can use th



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