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1、快乐英语教学过程:Step1 warm-up1. Share the song: What would you like?2. RevisionSay as qiuckly as you can:rice, soup, beef, fish, noodles, vegetables.Read together.Then read in pairs,read in groups,read one by one.Free talk:-What do you like?-I like_【设计意图:让学生在抢答中复习单词以及可数名词的复数形式。在自由对话中运用,做到词不离句。从What do you

2、like?过渡到What would you like?】Step2.Presentation T:Listen and answer:What wouldMike like for dinner?What wouldMikes motherlike for dinner?Listen again and Check the answer.Mike would like some rice and soup for dinner.Mikes mother would like some fish and vegetables for dinner.【设计意图:初听录音,整体感知,带着问题有目的

3、的去听,培养生捕捉信息的能力。】Teacher point to the beef,ask:-Id like some beef.What would you like?Students:-Id like some ,please.(1) Free talk:-What would you like?-Id like some(2).Ask and answer in pairs.【设计意图:对话What would you like? Id like some突破本节课的重点难点。】T:Read the dialogue and tick or cross.( )Mike would lik

4、e some rice and soup for dinner.( )Mikes mother would like some fish and vegetables for dinner.( )Mikes father would like some beef and noodles for dinner.【设计意图:判断的正确与否,从侧面反映了学生的阅读理解能力。】Chant:Whats for dinner? Whats for dinner?What would you like for dinner ?Rice and soup , rice and soup.Id like som

5、e rice and soup.【设计意图:自编chant,在有韵律的歌谣中巩固本课的重点难点。】Step3 Practice1.Listen ,point and repeat.2.Open your books,turn to Page 59,listen,point and read aloudly.【设计意图:从听、指、读考查学生对本节课重点难点的掌握。】3Act out the dialogue:Role-play,teacher check two pairs.Step 4.ProductionNameRiceNoodlesBeefSoupMeatFishChickenVegetableMikeMake A survey:P59Group workMike: What would you like for dinner?Chen Jie: Id like some Homework:Read and try to recite the dialogue.


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