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1、考研英语如何复习方案考研英语如何复习方案第一. 语言才能 (句子的分析p 和理解才能)由于考研只考阅读和写作,所以这里的语言才能,主要是单词和句子的才能,这个方面所花的时间会比拟长一些:首先,单词的才能单词记忆肯定是需要记忆方法的,通过记忆方法能快速的记住单词的字典含义;但记住单词的字典含义只是第一步,更重要的是注意在语境中调整和赋予这个单词更准确和通顺的语境含义,以帮助我们更贴切的理解文章。比方:1. rested with 字典含义:取决于.(很多同学甚至是不知道这个短语的字典含义的)Copyright rested with the journal publisher.,and rese

2、archers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.在这个句子中根据语境:期刊的出版者;2.entail 字典含义是:使蒙受,使产生;必须,使承当;Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on techniq

3、ue as on oute.这句中的entails= involves.(这句把并列连词省略了补全是:Deliberate practice entails more than and it involves)3. substantial 字典含义:大量的;结实的,结实的;重大的Geically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height.从基因的角度来讲,防止长的“太”高是有好处的。就把substantial理解为一个程度词即可。4. adding to 字典含义是:增加,添加Adding to a womans

4、 increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress.这句话的构造是:Adding to A is( are) B =B is (are) adding to AA = a womans increased dose of stress chemicalsB= her opportunities for stress在理解的时候,最好就理解为:除了A 还有B;这样更能理解深层含义。5.flap 字典的含义是:上下或左右挪动、摆动;轻拍;振翅而飞;争论<口焦虑;公众的批评,群众愤怒

5、;在这个句子中:The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him.关于饶舌音乐的.(焦虑)争论并没有让他的日子变得轻松一点。根据文章后文内容是可以灵敏理解的。 当然在翻译题目中一般出现这样的短语就是硬伤了。6. allow for sth :字典含义:在计算,估计,考虑时包括某人Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated se

6、rvice.Allow for =bring about 带来新的超级系统的支持者认为,这些合并将带来费用的大幅降低和更协调的效劳。从以上的例子中,我们确实可以看出字典是不可能涵盖单词的所有语境含义的,在理解单词在句中含义的时候一定要根据语境调整。而这种赋意的过程其实就是所谓的语感。只能通过相对大量的阅读才能形成的才能,这种才能我们从去年9月就开场引导同学们培养了。同时,正是这种语境含义的出现使得两个在字典含以上不太可能相等的单词成为了一组可互相交换的单词:比方:1. Thinking ability = critical thinking = creative=innovation2. po

7、pular culture= mon culture3. cultural power= assimilating power4. prevent (同意交换)=hinder= refrain= deter(同意交换)5.apprehension = worry6. visualize=imagine=conceive7. mechanical = unchanged8. Modify=change9. spontaneity= informal10. mind= people11. faith=confidence=assertiveness12. accumulation= expansi

8、on13.suit = enable (同意交换)= entail14. dismiss 斥责= rebuke=criticize15.tap 开发 tap themarket = explore the market = expand the market16. not nearly = far from而这些正是考点之所在,得分点之所在。考点会重复,可以通过平时积累考点,也就是从真题中把这些同意交换总结出来背诵,随着你模糊识意才能的进步,即使在考场上遇到了不认识的交换也能推断的出来。以上的讲解在我的必考词汇打破全书中有详细的讲解,假如你如今单词还有问题那就建议你只看我这本书了,只要记住15

9、75个单词就够了!假如你记不住,你可以关注_:liuyinanlaoshi ;最近一男教师推出了1575的精讲班。假如时间允许值得你参加!其次,句子构造的分析p 才能从长难句的课程到我的每天一句,大家就能知道分析p 清楚句子构造有多么重要,今天句子已经更新到136句了,光阴飞逝,白驹过隙啊!假如今天在回过头来看句子分析p 的才能那重点就应该是切分句子的才能,倒不一定要准确的说出句子中每个局部的详细语法成分的名字,但是必须得学会切分句子,调整语序;详细讲就是你可以不知道定语从句和同位语从句的区别; 状语和宾语补足语的区别;但是你至少可以把这个局部完好的切分出来,再放到合理的位置上。第二. 命题思

10、路有了单词和句子只是解决了从英文往中文转化的过程,但是还是没有完成对于信息的处理。这就是为什么很多同学读文章的时候总觉得文章读完了脑子里还是却还觉得是空空的。在考研中怎样才能叫真的所谓读懂了文章呢?第一,能确定段落中句子间的关系和段落主题第二,能区分论点和论据第三,能确定文章的主题而在我们熟悉的四六级考试中对于这些才能的要求是不高的,更多的还是要求只要能大概读懂单个的句子,题目根本就能作对。这里可以来看一道被誉为是考研史上最难的一道题,只有不到10%的同学当年作对了这道题。That the seas are being over fished hasbeen known for years.

11、What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm haveshown is just how fast things are changing. They have looked at half a centuryof data from fisheries around the world. Their methods do not attempt toestimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fishspecies in partic

12、ular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomassover time. According to their latest paper published in Nature, the biomass of large predators (animals that kill and eatother animals) in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years ofthe start of exploitation. In some long-f

13、ished areas, it has halved again sincethen.32. We can infer from Dr. Myersand Dr. Worms paper that _.A the stock of large predators in some oldfisheries has reduced by 90%B there are only half as many fisheries as there were 15 years agoC the catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original

14、 amountD the number of larger predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old同学们可以先做一下,我上课会给出解析哦:)暑期英语阅读的复习方案就以2023年到2023的真题为主要复习材料,真题至少过三遍:第一遍专注原文,将不认识的单词和词组摘录下来,重点关注动词和形容词;句子构造每句一定要分析p 清楚,不清楚的就来问我,我一定尽力答复大家!同时做题的时候记下自己困惑的地方,听教师讲课。第二遍听课的时候一起练习,我会和大家一起过句子,理思路!第三遍重点在于修正自己的思路,同时积累同意交换的表达,强化对于正确选项的理解!翻译局部94年到_年的真题一定要动手用汉语把翻译写出来。这里给大家推荐我的历年真题解析第 页 共 页



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