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1、A Teaching of Unit2 I usually look for cookies.(Book 7) Unit2 I usually look for cookies.Period:The 2ndTeaching materials:Book 7,Unit 2,P10.P12.Target,Vocabucabary,Song Acitivities. Teacher:Caixia,Li from Xiaolan Centre Primary SchoolTeaching place:Guangkou Centre Primary School .Teaching Aims:(1) K

2、nowledge Aims:1.Students are able to listen, speak, read the words and phrases: get to,ride my bike,drive my car,sometimes,take the subway,walk,ever etc.2.Students are able to read, comprehend and use the drill:How do you get to school?I usually take the bus.Do you ever take the taxi to school?No!I

3、never take the taxi to school. Etc.(2) Ability Aims:1. Students are able to review the transport and the words they have learned before.2.Students are able to describe the different mode of transportationand say something about their mode of transportation.3. Students are able to improve their commu

4、nication abilitivies.4. Students are able to improve abilitivies of English thinking. 5. Students are able to train their team-work abilitivies.(3) Emotion Aims: 1.Students are able to love low-carbon life, and develop their good character.2.Students love creating,love life.(4) Learning strategy: 1S

5、tudents are able to learn to use the new language points to describe the different mode of transportation.2. Students are able to take part in the activities in class.3. Students are good at communication with the others.4. Students are able to widen their vision after studying.(5)Culture Aims:Stude

6、nts are able to know the different transport in different times(Including modern times;and the Green Channel in Zhongshan; Especially the different school buses in other countries and so on.Teaching Key Points:1. Students are able to use the new words and the sentences to talk about their mode of tr

7、ansportation.2. Students are able to say something about their mode of transportation.Teaching Difficult Points:Students are able to describe their mode of transportation.Teaching Aids: Word cards, computer, PPT, learning materials.Approaches: Situational teaching method, task-based activities, coll

8、aborative learning approach, cooperation study methods.Teaching Period: The 2nd periodVII.Teaching produce:Step 1: Warm up1.Free talk.2.Tell Ss theyll have a competition between boys and girls.3.Were going to talk about “transport”.Step2: Listen and guess.1.Talk about the transport.(From Tang Danast

9、y to modern times.)2.Listen to the sounds. And guess: What is it?3.Show out some pictures and words.Let Ss read them out.4.Watch and read out the phrases as fast as they can.Step3:Lead into the new language point.1. Guess :How do I get to Gangkou?2. Gogo also follow me to get to Gangkou. Hes curious

10、 about the transport. He asks me some questions.3. Show some school buses in the other countries.4. Practice “sometimesalwaysusuallynever.”5. Show the dialogus and practice.Step4: Play “ Music Chair”and learn a new song.1. Play a game “Music Chair”. After playing “Music Chair”. Let Ss ask their frie

11、nds freely:How do you get to school?2. Learn and creat new songs.Step5: Talk about”the dream places.”1. We can go to many places with the convinent transport.2. Play a game and practice in pairs. Step6:Lead into teaching and practicing:Do you ever?Yes,Ido.No,I neverStep7:Get on the”Happy Train”.1. P

12、lay the game -to get on the”Happy Train”.2. Learn another part of the song.Step6: Free time and show time.1. Show my passage first.2. Let Ss introduce themselves.Step7: Summary and Homework1. Summary (1)what Ss have learned today? (2)And who is the winner?2.Assign the homework(1)Interview-Ask your f

13、riends or your family :How do you ?/Do you ever ?(2)Sing the new song to your family. And try to create a new song.课后反思:本节课的教学设计我主要围绕着两个方向来构思:1、训练学生的思维能力和口语表达能力;2、用一条清晰的主线把( Vocabulary, Target & Song activity)整体呈现出来。在借班上课和不熟悉学生的学习情况下,我顺利地完成预期的教学目标。课后我对自己的教学设计和学生的学习效果进行反思,主要的亮点有:一、课前见面十分钟,我就用自己的亲和力把学

14、生深深吸引住,拉近了彼此之间的距离。在课堂上所设计的教学活动,给孩子们创设了一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,真正地把学生调动起来,把课堂活跃起来。几十分钟的接触,我和港口中心小学六(1)班的孩子们成为了好朋友。因此,我觉得有教学激情,有阳光心情的老师能收获教学的喜悦。二、设计的主线有吸引力-穿越时光隧道回到唐朝,简述从古代到现代的交通工具,创设Gogo 来到这里对交通工具很好奇,到处问别人问题的情境,用对话形式巧妙地引出新的语言知识点。孩子们觉得很新颖、很刺激,加上我善于用肢体语言调动学生的热情,他们很自然地投入创设的语言环境中,大胆运用新的语言知识表达。三、训练学生学习句型,采用了层层递进的方法,学

15、生学得轻松,掌握得扎实,先由乘坐交通工具的词组入手,再到加入频度副词“usuallysometimesalways去操练,训练完”How do you get to school?I. 后过渡到歌曲的学习和改歌曲,和游戏 “Dream places”引出其它地点的操练。所设计的教学活动有梯度,能吸引学生积极参加,真正训练了孩子们的思维能力。四、创设情境,激发学生学习热情。新语言知识用(Do you ever take a to ?/Yes,I do./No!I never take.to)Gogo 与大家的对话引出,采用“Get on the Happy Train”的游戏带动孩子们去训练Do you ever take a to ?/Yes,I do./No!I never take.to的表达和交际。学生学习热情高涨,积极主动参与每一个活动,基本上能突破难点,达到预期的教学效果。五、在课本的基础上,我做到了挖掘和拓展课外知识,渗透文化教学,如唐朝的交通工具;第一辆火车和飞机的发明;中山的绿道;轻轨和地铁的区别;国内外的校车;低碳的出行方式等等,把有语言的东西整合和活用,对学生进行层层递进的口语训练。语言的输入也不断地呈梯度上升,由句子的口头表达,递进到篇章表达。从而提高学生的文化意识,和挖掘



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