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1、-. z-摘要营业税改征增值税下面简称“营改增是继我国生产型增值税向消费型增值税改革的又一重大突破与开展,是新时期我国财税体制深化改革的象征。它标志着我国税收体系正在朝税种单一化、税收构造合理化以及税收体系国际化方向开展。随着增值税改革的逐步完善,“营改增后,增值税征税围将扩大到如今营业税的征税行业,最终覆盖生产和效劳的全部环节,重复征税的税制安排将成为历史。截止2021年4月1日,“营改增已经进入局部行业在全国推行的阶段,按照规划预计,2021 年“营改增有可能得到全面落实。笔者在此先行对房地产行业执行“营改增后的情况进展预测分析,首先是对相关理论和假设进展界定,在此根底上,将税务理论知识与


3、税负;房地产行业. z-AbstractReform of business ta* to value added ta* (hereinafter called business ta* to VAT) is another major breakthrough and development, after production-type VAT o to consumption-type VAT reform, it is a symbol that the new era of deepening the reform of Chinas ta* system. It is a symb

4、ol that Chinas ta* system is moving in ta* simplification, rationalization of ta* structure and ta* system of international direction. With the gradual improvement of the VAT reform, after the business ta* to VAT, VAT will be e*tended to business ta* levy industry, eventually covering all aspects of

5、 production and services, ta*ation arrangements for double ta*ation will bee a thing of the past. As of April 1, 2021, some industries business ta* to VAT has entered the stage of implementation in China, according to the plan is e*pected in 2021 , business ta* to VAT may have been fully implemented

6、. The author forecast the real estate industry has implementation the business ta* to VAT and do the prediction analysis, the first is to define the relevant theories and assumptions, on this basis, bine actual ta* theory knowledge and regulations, with China vanke co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to

7、 as the Vanke) 2021 annual report as the main data source, through simulation and assume that Vanke in transfer of real estate, after the payment of VAT is not already perform the consumption ta*, based on reasonable analysis of the data simulation, made after Vanke perform business ta* to VAT inste

8、ad of 2021 simulated the ine statement, to measure the changes about the total ta* burden and profit after Vanke perform business ta* to VAT. Through carefully analysis on the results, on the basis of the relevant departments in carrying out business ta* to VAT the rate of real estate industry and t

9、he problems need attention in the process, to provide the reference. For real estate enterprise itself, save for a rainy day, can help the transition in a new round of ta* reform steadily even faster development, grasp the advantage at the same time, also help the whole real estate industry in the d

10、irection of the healthy and rapid development, its benefit for business ta* to VAT continue to push and the further evolution to the whole fiscal and ta*ation system, it is also has great significance.Key words: Business Ta* to VAT;Ta* Burden; Real Estate Industry. z-目录第1章导论11.1 研究背景与研究意义11.1.1 研究背景

11、1研究意义11.2 文献综述21.2.1 国外文献综述21.2.2 国文献综述31.3 研究框架和研究方法51.3.1 研究框架51.3.2 研究方法6第2章研究相关的理论72.1 “营改增的涵72.1.1 增值税的相关概念72.1.2 营业税的相关概念82.1.3 所得税相关概念界定82.1.4 “营改增前两税比照92.1.5 “营改增的含义92.2 “营改增的原因102.2.1 现行增值税和营业税制度存在的主要问题102.2.2 经济构造的调整需要“营改增102.2.3 财税体制的改革需要“营改增112.2.4 “营改增可有效防止重复性征税122.2.5 “营改增可有效减少局部行业存在的避

12、税空间122.3 “营改增情况简述132.3.1 “营改增的根本原则132.3.2 “营改增的总体部署132.3.3 “营改增的税制设计142.3.4 “营改增的进程安排14第3章“营改增对房地产行业的相关影响163.1 “营改增对流转税税负的影响163.2 “营改增对所得税税负的影响163.3 “营改增对会计核算的影响173.4 “营改增对企业管理的影响183.5 “营改增对房地产产业链的影响183.5.1 房地产行业的情况183.5.2 房地产行业上下游的税负转嫁分析22第4章“营改增后的税负测算分析以*为例254.1 *的根本情况254.2 *税负分析过程264.2.1 *的涉税情况介绍

13、264.2.2 *“营改增前后适用税率比照264.2.3 税负测算模型274.2.4 税负的具体测算过程274.2.5 具体税负计算294.2.6 “营改增前后税负比照334.2.7 “营改增后的利润变动分析344.3 “营改增对房地产企业的影响分析374.3.1 可抵扣本钱的分析374.3.2 存货过多分析374.3.3 地方财政收缩问题37第5章结论及建议395.1 结论395.2 “营改增后针对房地产企业的假设干建议395.2.1 针对房地产企业本钱可抵扣工程的建议395.2.2 针对房地产企业收入工程优化的建议405.2.3 “营改增在房地产行业推进过程的建议40参考文献42致44声明

14、45个人简历46. z-第1章导论1.1 研究背景与研究意义研究背景根据国务院的政策,从2021年1月开场,“营改增率先于拉开序幕,具体是针对交通运输及局部现代效劳业,最先开展本轮的税制改革。随着及其他几个省市的“营改增的推行,相关的理论和实际经历已经成熟,由点及面,国务院决定,将“营改增改革推广至全国,自2021年8月1日开场,对全国围的各省市,全面执行已经试点过的交通运输及局部现代效劳业,以防止税收政策的洼地效应,同时,可以保证增值税抵扣链条的完整性。2021年12月,国务院又下达文件指示,决定自2021年1月1日开场,将铁路运输和邮政业纳入“营改增围,且直接在全国围开展试点工作。在“营改增这一政策将于2021 年逐步完成的大背景下,我国的房地产行业也终将迎来增值税的具体实施,作为国民经济的支柱产业,其税务环境面临着重大的变化。“营改增是我国税制改革中的又一重大事件,它是针对货物劳务在税收方面的改革,有助于消除重复性征收税款,本轮税改是一次构造性的减税方案,有助于我国税收制度的进一步推进与优化。本轮税制改革,将对我国经济开展方式由粗放型转变为节约型,由“大而全及“小而全向专业化方向开展有重大的推动作用,促使我国经济构造在倒逼中更进一步的优化开展。但是,目前已经试点的地区里个别行业中有局部企业反



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