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1、颐和园英文导游词篇一:颐和园英文介绍 come o h Sumer Palace. hoehis ill b an intereting and enjabe dy or you . h onsucton ofthe Summe Paacefrsttarte n 15.A thatim, the Qn Dynatwas in its heyday andCina was owerful Asian countr with astiries The monarhin power te asmpero Qiang. Wit preme poweran largeusofoey, he sumone

2、d skillul n ngenious arisas rom all oe heuntry to ry out thisconructionwok in hnorofhis mothe birthd. he Summer Palace cnbe dvded into two pats: LonevityHilnd KunmingLake .Th whole arden covers anarea f 90 hcres,fwhih thre- ourhs consits f lak a rivrs .Tis imperal rn fetre 3,000room-units a covs a e

3、xpase o ,00 quaremees with more han100 pitresquesots fintee. Th lutof te Summer laceicldestre goup of archiecture:plaeswherethe emper ateded state fairs,retig alace f theerran press,n sightseeing rea Enerng eEastate we will come the the ficeqarter. Enerng t East at illcome tohe offc quarers. The ane

4、x lls onbth ide ee usd for oficials on duty.篇二:英文导游词:颐和园昆明湖景区签10.颐和园昆明湖景区(昆明湖名称含义;西堤;东堤;湖中诸岛) unming La cers thethee artes of the hle Sume Place. e nam ofthele came rm “umig Poo” nangn, aby mperor Wu D in theHanDnasty o raiing hi soldier. QngEporQianlon usfolowd he xaleof HuDi gve t name Kunming ake

5、. To thewst of Knin Lake, tr i locausewayon the Lak, wic is call “est Dke”, pater ferth Su ye in West Lae nHangu. lng the Dyke the eibdg sepae thelakeinto o pat.hJde Bel Bgeis themost beauulbrig among thesxbidge n the west dkeItshighhed bodylooksjust like a jade bel,hece its naeJad BeltBid. The thre

6、e Cinese characters,“Yu Dai ia” wasn EmrorQianlongs handwng. Most of te n fhe rigeshe been derived fro acient oemsto esribe theautful surroundigs,suh as the Lake Boury rige, h LocalSong rdge,th Mirror Bride, teWhiteSkBrie adthe Wilw Bridgeomar with h West Dyke, ee as ave anybati scenic spots in the

7、ast Dyke, suh a e17-ch Bridm the pcouavilion,the Broze O, the Heraldin SprinPavilio a Wen CngBeleder. he17Ach Bridg i te lres biein theumer alace. It lns Eat Dye at its asteend, nd onnet ouh Lae slandatits westen It is0meters logand 8 meters idewth 17 arche.Thre ar 44 ston lio indiffeet szes adostue

8、arve on h op ofthe baltrs Seen rom a distance,it ls lk abow hngn acrss the ter on he lake he17Arc Brdge asfirst bilt i 1750, an was imiationof Mcoo idge, bt thi bd smorebetfulandave ore tone ion. Te mb 17 wdtedecaue whe seen rom ete the eft or rigt, he nithach is n e midd, a ite d ay, h numbernine w

9、as telucky mbe anfvote mber i hines uerals. TSoh Lae sland is t iget island n KunmigLake. Its lotd on he eastern prt of Kunig Lake ad linked whth Eat Dike the 17-r ridge. Onte northrn artof t ouh ake Isd, thereiabig hall with platform n the fron This was the lace ere Epres DowgeCixwched the vy train

10、ing on te lk. Th emple of he ra Kingas but ntheuthLe Isad. Inside h tepl, ther ia sttue o the Dragon KinTTemple f theDragnKing as buil ee, no only withthe puros f ecortig hilad,bt lo o contl water. Itis said hat in 78 Eperor inlon, at ea of80, camehren persoto pray frain. Softr,ain poed dow intoret

11、t iht. The nxt day, t emerorcame he agnohav a g cremony t shwhis taks to he rg King. Util the end o teing Dnty, he moero cameto theTemle of theDao Kn every year i peron or set hs high rankng offiial to come hre t worhip Th SpaciousPavilon is thbigges exante ornamental Pavi in the nien grden of Cha.

12、It s loted atte aser edof the 1-rc Bridge.Is n eight-sde an ouble-eaepaillioitharaofover 00 squarees tat providedawde field of isin, oi got thename Spacious avilon. To thees o the 17-Archrdgee a ee aBre x. In ancent Chia, theo was ue as a smbl of fontl.The0-word “Gde OxIscripn”, written b Emper Qianona cast o the bac o th Broz Ox,just toxpn is presnce Yelu hi was a famous oliican of te n Dnasty ad lsoaamou Mongolangeneral.urin i ifetim,h d geat cnributionsto t peservato ofChinsiter


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