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1、基于核算法的故障智能诊断理论及方法研究摘 要设备故障诊断与监测技术是一门正在不断发展和完善的新技术,它具有保障安全生产,防止突发事故,节约维修费用等特点,在现代化大生产中发挥着重要的作用。然而正是因为生产设备结构日趋复杂及内部关系日益密切,造成了设备运行状态监测和故障诊断的难度不断增大,迫使人们需要不断探索新的理论或方法来解决实际中所遇到的问题。自20世纪60年代以来,以Vapnik为代表的研究人员致力于统计学习理论的研究,并在此基础上创建出一类新的机器学习算法:支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)。正是核函数在SVM的成功应用,基于核函数的学习方法(简称核算法)


3、距离的后验概率计算方法;在定义基于风险的诊断可信度的基础上,将 SVM 与贝叶斯决策理论相结合,提出一种基于最小风险的 SVM 方法;并且将该方法应用于电液伺服阀故障诊断实例,证实了该方法的可行性。针对单值 SVM 只训练单类别样本的特点,证明了径向基核函数的参数 s 0和s 时两个定理;探索了两种支持向量(边界支持向量或非边界支持向量)与目标识别率的关系,提出一种改进的“留一法”模型参数选择方法,该方法在确保分类器泛化性能的前提下,大大减少模型参数选择的时间,可针对性地确定目标识别率或非目标识别率。面对时变系统的故障诊断,提出了一种基于滚动时间窗的单值 SVM 学习算法,为将单值 SVM 实

4、用化作出了努力。提出了将单值 SVM 推广到多故障诊断的两种方法,并将之应用到基准数据库和液压泵多故障识别中,不仅解决了目前存在的 SVM 多值分类方法存在的不属于任何一类以及同时属于多类的情况,同时提高了算法的训练与决策速度。针对支持向量回归机(Support Vector Regression,SVR)模型参数选择难的问题,探究了 SVR 各参数对其性能的影响,提出了一种基于遗传算法的 SVR 参数自动优化的方法;并且通过建立 SVR 预测模型,用于实现早期故障诊断以及强混沌背景下微弱信号的检测。仿真验证,该方法比径向基神经网络更具有稳健性和泛化性。最后,详细讨论了核矩阵维度缩减问题,给出

5、了残差估计的界定理;在综合考虑选取列的独立性和残差范数大小两者关系的基础上,提出了解决核矩阵维度缩减的启发性算法贪心算法。并在此基础上,在再生核 Hilbert 空间又提出一种稀疏性回归算法。关键词:故障诊断;机器学习;支持向量机;核算法;多类故障;早期故障诊断;核矩阵Subject : Study on Theory and Methods of Intelligent Fault DiagnosisBased on Kernel AlgorithmSpecialty : Safety Technology and EngineeringName : Du Jing-yi (signatur

6、e)Instructor : Hou Yuan-bin (signature)AbstractThe new technique of fault diagnosis and monitoring of equipments is developing andperfecting continuously. It plays an important role in the modern duplicate productions withthe characteristics that safeguards the safety production and prevents from th

7、e accidents andsaves the maintenance costs. However, the more complex structures of the facilities and itscloser inner connection increase the difficulties in diagnosing fault and monitoring therunning state of the equipments. The new theories and methods have to be investigated inorder to solve the

8、 problems encountered in reality. Since 1960s, researchers represented byVapnik have devoted themselves to the study on statistic learning theory. They established anew type of learning algorithm, support vector machine (SVM), based on the statistic learningtheory. It is the successful application o

9、f kernel function to SVM that the study on learningalgorithm based on kernel functions or kernel algorithm for simplification has attracted greatinterest. Applying the kernel algorithm to fault diagnosis will solve the non-linear, impreciseand uncertain problems. This provides a completely new and f

10、easible approach in the domain.Many problems are worth deeply studying and discussing about the practice of the approachfor the technique of intelligent fault diagnosis, based on kernel algorithm, is a brand new fieldin the world.This paper provides the theoretical foundations for the applications o

11、f kernel algorithmto fault diagnoses though the deep and systematical study on the application of kernelalgorithm to intelligent fault diagnosis, the processing of the uncertain information in thediagnosis, the real-time realization of fault diagnoses, the choice of kernel function andparameter opti

12、mization, multiple classes of fault diagnoses, and incipient fault diagnosis, andthe sample data compaction. Thus, it promotes the development of fault diagnoses technique.The main tasks and the innovations works are as the follows.A posterior probability algorithm is presented based on the geometri

13、c distance to solvethe problem that the miscarriage of justice in two classes causes the different loss in the faultdiagnosis, Furthermore, a SVM method on the base of the minimum risk is proposed bycombining the SVM with the Bayesian decision theory after the definition of the degree ofdiagnosis co

14、nfidence. Finally, the method is validated by applying it to the practical faultdiagnosis of electro-hydraulic servo valve.Two theorems about the radial basis function on the parameter condition of s 0ors are presented and proved aiming at the characteristics that the one-class of samples istrained

15、by the one-class SVM. This paper explores the relation between the two types ofsupport vectors (boundary support vectors and non-boundary support vectors) and therecognition rate of object; proposes an improved method of the model parameter choice of“leave one out”; which dramatically decreases the

16、time of model parameter choice in theprecondition of generalizing performance of classifier, so that the recognition rates of theobjects and the non-objects are determined on purpose; presents a new one-class SVMlearning algorithm based on timerolling window for the fault diagnosis of dynamic system,which will contribu



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