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1、2023年度空气污染危害英文作文五篇(精选文档)空气污染的危害英文作文1ThecartoonpresentstheEarthwithapersonifiedhumanfacethatseemsquiteunhappy.Aexamination下面是我为大家整理的2023年度空气污染危害英文作文五篇(精选文档),供大家参考。空气污染的危害英文作文1The cartoon presents the Earth with a personified human face that seems quite unhappy. A examination of the picture immediatel

2、y reveals that the source of its mood is the air pollution resulting from a huge number of automobiles spread around its surface.The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, the majority of p

3、eople merely indulge in the celebration of the convenience brought by cars, while forgetting or sim* neglecting their harmful impact on the atmosphere. Admittedly, there are various factors contributing to the current worldwide air pollution, but it is undeniable that the exhaust from automobiles is

4、 categorized as one of the major elements. I would like to make the following proposals to solve this problem: firstly, we should ap* the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. It should also be guaranteed that the clean energy be inexpe

5、nsive so that it can be widely accepted. Besides, there should be attempts to develop possible transportation means, so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. In short, it is humans responsibility to resume clean air for Earth.地球正面临着一个卡通化身人类的脸显得非常不高兴。仔细观察这幅图就会发现其情绪的来源是大量的汽车所带来的空气污染扩散


7、题之一。人们因为使用机器而污染了空气。机器排放废气和烟雾,严重的大气污染可能会引发疾病甚至死亡。我们希望禁止污染,但这是一个难以解决的问题。大多数污染是由工厂人们所需要的东西造成的。汽车和飞机引起污染,工厂也造成空气污染。但是它们也为人们提供工作及产品。每天,成千上万的汽车和飞机加排放数吨污染的空气,它危害人的健康,它也会毁坏供给我们食物和植物。没人喜欢大气污染。科学家和工程师在全力以赴改进汽车和工厂,让它们产生少一点的污染。人们可以携起手来要求商人更关心这个问题。Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in the world to

8、day. People make the air dirty with machines. Machines produce gases and smoke. Badly polluted air can cause sickness and even death. We want to stop pollution, but we think it is a difficult problem to solve.Most of our pollution is caused by things that people need. Automobiles and airplanes cause

9、 pollution. Factories cause air pollution, too. But they also provide jobs and products for people. Every day thousands of automobiles and factories can add tons of pollution air. It is dangerous to peoples health. It can damage the plants that provide us with food.Nobody likes air pollution. Scient

10、ists and engineers try their best to develop automobiles and factories that produce less pollution. People can work together to persuade businessmen to be more concerned about the problem.空气污染的危害英文作文3Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stati

11、ons cause a lot of damage. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. But this chemical rain gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the countrys trees had been damaged by the year 1986. Time and time a

12、gain there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident.In 1984 there was a serious a

13、ccident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight. 空气污染来自工厂、电站和汽车。电站发出的烟雾中所含的化学物质造成很大的破坏。这些化学物质可以随风飘走几百英里,然后才随雨水降落地面。但是这种“化学雨”逐渐摧毁森林里的

14、树木,杀死湖泊中的鱼。在德国,到1986年止,全国已经有过半数的树木被摧残。 空气被污染的严重事故不时地在发生。1986年俄罗斯一座核电站发生过一起严重事故。一团带有辐射的尘埃穿越了整个欧洲。据说,在俄罗斯有125 000人由于这次事故引起的疾病而死亡。1984年印度一家工厂发生了一起严重事故,一团有危险的气体笼罩着博帕尔市,当晚就有2500多人死亡,有成千上万人受伤,受伤者中有许多人双目失明。空气污染的危害英文作文4Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is

15、 needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations.现代社会空气污染的一个主要的原因是,现代工业园区的工厂需要大量的能源。Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.汽车、火车、飞机和公共

16、汽车都需要能量,几乎所有的能量通过燃烧燃料产生,燃烧产生的废汽造成空气污染。Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities.科学家们正在寻找阻止空气污染的方法,尤其是在大工业区和人口稠密的城市的。They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material.,他们正在研究发电的新途径,可以减少对环境的损害.与此同时


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