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1、 中小学1对1课外辅导专家精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 10gz1yy001718_学员编号:lym5 年 级:初 二 课时数:3学员姓名:朱锦健 辅导科目: 英 语 学科教师:唐凌云学科组长/带头人签名及日期罗莲莲2010-05-07学员家长签名及日期课 题英语口语训练,八年级下册unit4知识点复习授课时间:2010-05-09备课时间: 2010-05-07教学目标1英语口语训练2帮助学生复习unit4的重点单词及短语3though 和although的区别及用法重点、难点重点词汇,短语和交际用语的牢固掌握及运用考点及考试要求1. 英语口语表达2. unit4重点词汇及短语3. th

2、ough 和although的区别及用法教学内容 Step1 Homework 1Check the students homework and solve his problems.2Have a dictation of the words in Unit3 3Ask the student to recite the passage in Unit3Step2 Revision the main points of Unit 4一、重点单词 n. 想法;主意 conj. 虽然;尽管 v. 允许;准许 n.(尤指学校)教育 adj. 相反的;迥然不同的 n.有点儿;一点儿 adj. 腼腆;

3、害羞 v.理解;认识到 adv.仅仅;只不过 adj. 自在的;自如的 n.(非正式的)交谈;谈话 n. 超级市场 v.(出乎意料地)发现;发觉 n. 假期 adj.习惯于;适应 adj. 平的;平坦的 adj.极小的,微小的二、重点短语1 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 2 a bit + adj. 有点儿 a bit +n. 3. get /be used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 4. keep in touch with (sb.) (与某人)保持联系 5. places of interest 名胜古迹 6. be ready to d

4、o (sth.) 乐于做(某事) 7. be different to 与不同 8. receive和 accept 是同义词 accept表示“ ”, 指 。 receive表示“收到;接到”指“接”“收”这一动作或事实, 。 9. although 和though 是连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”,不能与but, however连用,但可以和yet, still连用. Practice: 单项选择 1 They went to the countryside the lives of poor people there. A learned about B to learn abou

5、t C learned of D to learn of 2 I was affected by what I saw. A deep B highly C high D deeply3 they are brothers, they dont look like each other at all.A Because B Though C When D As 4 Though it rained heavily, were still playing football on the playground.A they B so they C but they D and they 5 Thi

6、s TV set is too dear, it gives you a better picture.A or B if C though D and 6 He has for two years. Two years a long time. A left home: are B left home; is C been away from home; is D been away from home: are 7 He said he would come, he didnt . A but B either C though D although 8 Child he is ,he c

7、an speak two foreign languages. A like B though C although D for 9 Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, there is much that we an learn from him today.A Though; but B But; thoughC Although; but D Although; /首字母填空1 T he is rich, he isnt happy.2 To i our English, we are required to read one English

8、 book one month.3 Her mother didnt a her to go out alone night.4 After the e reform(改革), the pupils have more time to relax.5 A he is over ninety, he can take care of himself.6 Nowadays more and more people have r the importance of protecting our environment.7 After living in India for half a year,

9、Eric has got u to the language, customs and life there.完成句子1 在北京旅游的时候,我们参观了许多名胜古迹。 While travelling in Beijing, we visited a lot of .2 无论他到哪里,他都乐意帮助别人。 he goes, he always to help others.3 他们经常与外国学生练习说英语。 They often speaking English with the students.4 他问我怎样和同学们保持联系。 He asked me how I with my classma

10、tes.5他虽然是个孩子,但他懂得很多。 He knows a , he is a child.6 虽然医护人员很累,但他们不肯停下来休息。 the doctors and the nurses were very ,they didnt have a rest.7虽然大雨倾泻不止,但战士们却没有停止训练。 the heavy rain kept pouring down, the soldiers didnt training. 8 她昨天收到一份礼物,但她没有接受。 Yesterday she a present, but she didnt it.9 你离开家多久了? How long have you home?10 我深深为他的言行所感动。 I was moved by he said and .三、 though 和although的区别及用法相同点:1.用作连词 引导让步状语从句表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式: 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。


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