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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Section_Using_Language.高频单词点击1respond (vi.)回答;响应;做出反应response (n.)反应;回答2staff (n.)职员;员工3suspect (vt.)怀疑suspicion (n.)怀疑suspicious (adj.)多疑的;可疑的suspiciously (adv.)疑神疑鬼地4scold (vt.)责骂;斥责5drunken (adj.)醉的;常醉的drink (v.)喝;喝酒drinking (n.)喝酒drunk (n.)醉汉6scratch (n.)抓;挠;刮7demand (vt.&n.)要求;需要

2、demanding (adj.)过分要求的;苛求的8baggage (n.)行李.重点短语必记1complain about .抱怨2by ones side 在某人身边3be disguised as 化装成4due to 应该的;预计的;由于5get rid of 摆脱掉.常用句型必备1Get_my_horses_ready and collect my baggage. 2I_suggest_you_teach_them how to behave properly.功能意念项目1Whats up?2Whats going on?3My thanks.4I dont believe it

3、.5Im sorry to tell you this, but .6Thats a lie.1respond(1)vt.回应;应答;对回答The doctor responded that he couldnt tell the name of her disease.医生回答说他无法说出她疾病的名字。(2)vi.反应;对回应(以动作)(与to连用)He failed to respond to the medicine.他服了这药未见起色。The boy responded to the care with a thankful smile.那男孩对那关心报以感激的微笑。response

4、n反应;回响;答复in response to 对的反应;回应make response to 对做出反应;回应Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救济饥荒的呼吁而慷慨解囊。She made no response to my letter.她没有回复我的信。即境活用1完成句子(1)His illness didnt_respond_to/made_no_response_to (对没有反应) treatment by drugs.(2)I asked him a question but

5、he didnt_respond/made_no_response (未作回答)(3)New approach should be adopted in_response_to (对的反应) the crisis.2staff nC职员;员工;全体职员be on the staff 在工作人员中The staff of our school are off today.我校的全体工作人员今天休假。He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper.他是这家报社的编辑部人员。温馨提示:staff为集合名词,作主语时,若看作整体,谓语动词用单数;若看作个体,

6、谓语动词用复数。集合名词集锦class班team 队audience 观众jury 陪审团cast 演员班底group 组family 家庭committee 委员会government 政府organization 组织即境活用2用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Our class is (be) so good that all the class are (be) happy to live in it.(2)The family are (be) watching TV together now.(3)The entire staff has (have) done an outstandi

7、ng job in the past year, because the staff have (have) been helpful.3suspect(1)vt.怀疑;猜想suspectn.怀疑suspectthat从句 怀疑suspect sb.of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事suspect .to be 怀疑是We suspect the truth of his story.我们怀疑他故事的真实性。He was suspected of having stolen the money.他被怀疑偷了这笔钱。We suspected that he was lost,ev

8、en before we were told.在别人告诉我们这件事之前,我们怀疑他有可能失踪了。What she said sounded convincing, but I suspect it to be a lie.她的话听起来像那么回事,但我怀疑那是谎话。(2)n.C嫌疑犯;犯罪嫌疑人He is the prime suspect in the case.他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。即境活用3完成句子(1)艾米丽感到很难过,因为她被怀疑说谎。Emily felt very sad because she was_suspected_of telling lies.(2)他被怀疑是个间谍。

9、He was_suspected_to_be a spy.4scratch vt.& nsing.(常与out, off, through连用)抓;刮;挠;划;搔He tried to scratch the paint off the wall.他试图从墙上刮下油漆。He scratched the insect bite on his leg (with his nails)他(用指甲)搔他腿上虫咬的地方。without a scratch安然无恙;完好无损(start) from scratch从零做起;白手起家;从头做起He started his business from scra

10、tch.他白手起家。即境活用4完成句子(1)他给朋友草草写了封短信。He scratched_a_few_lines to a friend.(2)那男孩从废墟中被救了出来,毫发未伤。The boy was saved out of the ruins without_a_scratch.5demand(1)vt.& vi.要求;需要The judge demanded silence in the courtroom.法官要求法庭上要安静。demand sth. of/from sb.向/对某人要求某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事demandthat . (should)

11、do sth. 要求He demanded to be told everything.他要求知道一切。The workers demanded that the boss (should) make an apology to them.工人们要求老板向他们道歉。(2)n.要求;需求;需要in demand有需要的on demand 一经要求This cheque is payable on demand.这是见票即付的支票。English teachers were in great demand at one time.曾一度急需英语老师。即境活用5介词填空/用所给词的适当形式填空(1)

12、These days air conditioners are in great demand, so the boss demands that everyone (should)_work (work) extra hours.(2)He demanded to_be_given (give) a rise, or he would quit his job.due to 因为;由于The game was postponed due to rain.比赛被推迟是由于这场雨。(1)be due to sb./sth.应给的;对应得的The parents care is due to th

13、eir children.父母应给予小孩照顾。归因于,归功于Her worldwide fame is due to his support.她名扬全球应归功于他的支持。(2)be due to do sth.预定/预期做某事They are due to set off this evening.他们预定今晚动身。即境活用6 翻译句子(1)他的成功归功于他的努力。His_success_was_due_to_his_hard_work.(2)飞机定于8:30起飞。The_plane_is_due_to_take_off_at_8:30.1Get_my_horses_ready and col

14、lect my baggage.备马,收拾行李。Ill go and get my hair cut.我要去理发。Youll never get him to understand.你永远不会让他明白。Its too cold and I cant get the car starting.天太冷了,我不能把车发动起来。Dont get your computer dirty.不要弄脏你的电脑。即境活用7单句改错(1)Do you think youll get the work finish on time?finishfinished(2)Can you get the clock go again?gogoing(3)Did the boss get John deal with the case?dealto_deal(4)I cant get this drawer opened.openedopen2I_suggest_you_teach_them how to behave properly. 我建议你教教他们怎样守规矩。(1)suggest后面所接的宾语从句中常常使用虚拟语气,即:从句中的谓语动词常常为shou


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